the Zero point is commented on in the Department of education of Semey

The Board of education of the city of Families in which one graduate scored no points saying that there was a technical error in scoring. As reported by the concerned officials, the girl did not wait for help from teachers or parents, as previously expressed, the head of the education Department Natalia Fesenko, she answered the test questions.
Deputy head of the Department of education of the city of Semey said that there was a technical error. The student immediately filed an objection with the appeal and now she was given the opportunity to retake the test in August, retaining the chance to get the grant. Officials say this student on trial tests gained a lot of points - a minimum of 60 and maximum of 100. She always had good results, these balls she had to score on the actual exam. - said Gulnar Orazbekova.
We will remind that not so long ago it became known about the girl not muster a single score on a Single National test, and in that time Natalia Fesenko commented on the fact that many students were sitting and nothing is simply not done.