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The winner of the tender for the supply of textbooks is washed away with the prize.

The winner of the tender for the supply of textbooks is washed away with the prize.

In Aktobe region, one of the suppliers of textbooks won the tender for the supply of books to schools in Alga district, however, two quarters and they remain without textbooks. Students in the second, fifth and sedima classes we go to each other to do homework. First, the winner of the tender sent the textbooks in Atyrau and almost a thousand books were not clear where. After this incident, officials in Aktobe region filed a lawsuit on this provider.

'Half the class bought books, and others can't afford it. So you have to share a book with classmates. There is no other choice.' - said a student of the seventh class Saginbek Bekzat.

In the Department of education decided to punish the provider and filed a lawsuit in the economic court.

'A lawsuit filed in the economic court was considered and satisfied. 875 sets of books, lost in Atyrau were returned back,' - said the lawyer of the Department of education Aginskogo district Scholarships Tileumuratov.

Now officials intend to seek full compensation for lost textbooks, akimat to allocate more money is not going to, as their simply no.

Most parents cannot afford to provide children with textbooks and taking them out in the libraries of the city. However, these books sometimes still have to buy.

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