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Sex education is introduced in schools in Kazakhstan

Sex education is introduced in schools in Kazakhstan

According to Almagul Mukhamedkhanova, within the framework of moral and sexual education, students will tell about the attitude to the family, roles of men and women in its creation, and reproductive health.

'For example, biology studies the sexual system of the person, at the same time be given information about the need to respect each other and treat reproductive health of women know about family planning,' says

As described in the UNFPA , to begin with they will work with experts from the National Academy of education, and then training on the implementation of the program of moral-sexual education begins in pilot schools in different regions of the country. It will be workshops and trainings.

As the Executive representative of UN Fund of population Raimbek Sissemaliev, teacher training will be conducted on the program developed by the Fund.

'Training is tentatively planned to start in may, commented Raimbek Sissemaliev. But since this is the end of the school year, maybe the beginning of the process will be rescheduled for September. We will start with training the teachers so they could integrate this program into existing objects. We will train teachers, they will subsequently begin to work on implementation in schools'.

In 2017, the UNFPA study showed that in Kazakhstan, only a third of parents talking to their children about sex. It was also reported that in Kazakhstan the cases of early pregnancies.

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