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Urged parents to monitor their children

Urged parents to monitor their children

The last six months have been many different accidents which killed more than 150 children.

8 Sep across Kazakhstan passed a different kind of conference. On one of them in Astana, Vice-Minister of education and science of Rustem Bihari urged parents to pay more attention to the safety of children, he says in the country over the past half-year has killed about 140 children.

'The first half of 2018 claimed the lives of 71 children, and in the lakes and rivers sank 74 people. These figures absolutely require the participation of parents and make them capital to monitor their children. To solve we need to be activated, so these indicators to improve,' he said.

According to him, now the parents and the authorities face three challenges: the safety of children, the activity of parents in a child's life and the problems of disadvantaged families.

'The conference aims to bring together teachers and parents to work together to solve problems that we are facing. It is the involvement of parents in the education of children. Of course, the Internet, the facts of violence against children, offences committed by children, require special attention. In this regard, your participation is very important,' said he, turning to the parents.

Every year about two thousand people are deprived the parental rights, stressed the Deputy Minister.

'This figure, unfortunately, is not reduced. In the Centers for adaptation of minors every year get about seven thousand children. This figure is not reduced and has a stable indicator. Of course, this is statistics, but every child needs us to be disturbed. We take the necessary steps, opened the helpline '111'. With the beginning of 2018, about 200 thousand children turned to us for help. Is the prevention of suicides, the various psychological problems encountered by adolescents', he explained.

The children's Ombudsman Saul of Aitpaeva noted that in recent increase in cases when parents refuse vaccination of children.

'There are many cases when people refuse vaccination of children. There are two sides here. The first is the lack of explanation by medical staff. Don't explain that a single syringe, which drug and how it works. You, the parents, have the right to claim it. There are countries which, like us, won the measles. Unfortunately, in one of them she resumed. It is important that we did not have this. Those children who are vaccinated, these diseases don't get sick', she said.

Parent conference 8 September throughout the country. It is planned that they will be attended by 2.5 million parents. In Astana the conference will be held on 8, 9 and 22 September. More meetings planned for October.

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