Director of education, Families lost position

The head of education of the city of Semey lost his job due to taking various bribes. In September 2017, a former official helped the accountant of the kindergarten to hide a large amount of not paying wages, which for the year amounted to 6 million tenge, for helping to 'work' the official Eleusizova was given 5 kg of meat and 10 thousand tenge.
After a month one of our senior accountants city school I asked the officer, with a request to quickly write off the old bus, to buy a new one. What the clerk asked for a bribe in the amount of fifteen tons of coal, which in monetary terms amounted to 150 thousand tenge. The accountant was not happy with the requests of officials and appealed to law enforcement agencies. Then there was a transfer of a bribe under the supervision of the police, and now ex-official must pay 9 625 000 tenge to the state, with confiscation of property and deprivation of office in the public service.