From January 1, 2021, physical education teachers were given an allowance for additional classes

Since the first of January, teachers of physical culture have increased their salaries for additional lessons. The information was provided by Askhat Aimagambetov, who is the Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education and Science.
"On January 1, 2021, an additional payment was established for the work of physical education teachers in various educational institutions, schools and kindergartens, as well as colleges. The amount of the additional fee is about 17,697 tenge. Because of this, the number of teachers ' work has increased. In addition to regular classes, teachers are required to conduct additional classes to improve the physical performance and health of students, " Askhat Aimagambetov wrote on his Instagram account.
In addition, he said that sports sections are allowed to be held in different sports. It all depends on what students want to do most, and whether there are specialists and the necessary equipment.
"Undoubtedly, it will be a huge plus for children to go and at the same time play sports, in the appropriate circles or sections, to instill in them a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to this, we will get a sports team, with good health, " says Aimagambetov Askhat Kanatovich
Athletic and strong youth, who are also strong in spirit, is the key to the future of our country. Play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, train your memory daily in the future, everything will be easy for you.