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Schools in Petropavl not enough

Schools in Petropavl not enough
New schools in the city of Petropavlovsk was not for 10 years.
Most schools in the city are working in three shifts, this writes Petropavlovsk news. The regional centre organizes schools where the number of students above the norm three times, in addition to the overcrowding of the schools, these buildings require a large overhaul and repair, because they have more than 50 years.
Secondary school No. 6 is designed for 230 people, with a capacity of 690 people, three times more than the norm. The school bears the name of Kozhabergen Zhyrau. Three shifts work at the school.
'For three years continues this work in our school are coming to education in the Kazakh language more than 650 people. Have enough teachers, however - no.' - said the Deputy Director Shamar Temirkhanovna.
According to the chief specialist of city Department of education the Professional Normalden in three shifts are in three schools of Petropavlovsk – secondary school №10 named. Krupskaya, school-Lyceum 'al-Farabi' and school # 6.
'The capacity of small schools and children in microcastle a lot. This explains the shortage of student places in schools of the city. In schools with a state language of training no microcastle. In their study of children from around the city' – said Normandin.
In the past academic year, the deficit of places in educational institutions of Petropavlovsk has 3,800 seats. To solve this problem in Petropavlovsk started the construction of two schools. One of 900 places in the district Zhas Orken, and the second for 600 seats in bereka.

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