Three thousand students of the Treasury will be redistributed to other universities.

Recently, the Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education was deprived of its license in Almaty.
The Ministry of Education has identified some shortcomings in this university, namely the lack of teachers and professors, errors in the material and technical base. The University was presented with an opportunity to rectify the situation, but unfortunately did not take advantage of this opportunity.
There were 3,000 students at this university, 700 of them on a grant. Now, due to the current situation, all students will be reallocated to other universities. And this university was fined in the amount of 900,000 tenge.
Gulzat Kubenova, Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Education and Science, says that work at other universities will be checked. If a student is studying on a grant,then he will continue to study on a grant. If on a paid basis, it will pay the same amount for which the contract was signed. And there will also be a new set of teachers.