In Atyrau region, duty groups will be opened in schools for students of grades 1-5

In the Atyrau region, the quarantine will be relaxed from February 1, as the region has moved to the" yellow " zone in terms of the rate of spread of the coronavirus, according to the resolution of the chief sanitary doctor of the region.
According to the document, the changes will affect the field of education. Among them:
allow teaching in the traditional format in urban and rural schools with a contingent of up to 300 students, with the number of children in classes of up to 15 people;
allow education in general education schools in duty classes from grades 1 to 5 inclusive, in international schools up to grade 7 inclusive, at the request of parents, subject to the complete set of classes of no more than 15 children;
allow individual training of students outside of school hours in groups of no more than 5 people by the decision of the administration of the educational institution;
allow combined training for 6 days of the week for graduating classes (grades 9, 11 (12) ): 70% of subjects are in normal mode, 30% - in remote mode;
allow full-time training for 1st-year students of technical and vocational education organizations (colleges) and 1st-year students of higher educational institutions.