More than 1,700 grants for free education have been released in Kazakhstan's universities

According to the results of the exam session this winter 2020-2021, a lot of educational grants were released. Information about the number of vacant seats was published by the National Testing Center. You can view this very data by clicking on the link here.
The number of grants awarded is limited, and the National Testing Center has shared information about how many people can apply for grants. The total number of 1751 people, including 1617 bachelors and 134 undergraduates. The largest number of places became available in Astana IT University (118 grants), in Seifullin Kazakh University of Agricultural Engineering (123 grants), in Gumarbek Daukeev AUEiS (99 grants). Gumilyov ENU is able to provide 93 grants for free training, but Al-Farabi KazNU has only 50 places.
There are no grants for free education in such universities: Narikbayev KazGUU, Eurasian Innovation University, as well as Astana International University.
Dear students, students and graduates, study harder. Not only for your parents, but also for yourself. Educational institutions provide a basic knowledge base for each student, but you should be interested in in-depth training yourself. Different knowledge is happy to help you a lot in the future (of course not all), but most of them are for sure. At the same time, all students can do what they love, choose a profession that interests them. The most important thing is the desire, the rest will come with time.