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Almaty Institute of technology

Almaty Institute of technology

In 1957 came the first order of the Ministry of industry protocolstring goods of the USSR and Ministry of higher education gave one of the branches of the Institute of advanced leadership positions in higher education of the USSR and was renamed into Almaty branch of all-Union correspondence Institute of food industry. The Director of the branch was nazacara Ivanova E. F.

In 1966 Decree of the RSFSR Council of Ministers of the Almaty branch of all-Union correspondence Institute of food industry was transferred to the vision of the Government of the Kazakh SSR for inclusion in the Dzhambul technological Institute of light and food industry.

During these years the school was well developed, had their own buildings, dormitories, faculty members are well expanded, was released already more than 500 people and in 1996 by the government of Kazakhstan Almaty branch of Zhambyl technological Institute was reorganized in the Almaty Institute of technology., and after 7 years he got the name Almaty technological University. During these years, began the formation of one of the leading universities of Kazakhstan, but as you know, any school functions only thanks to the people who work in it. In this regard, many scholars and teachers in our educational institutions the eternal memory of how that made him popular today. Is Director of the University Vimentin Hayden, dzhumagulova Laura Imangazieva, Askarov makhu Askarovich, Sagyndykov Kenes kurmanbekovich and the last doctor of the University Kulazhanov kuralbek the Sadibaevich.

At that time there were many problems with the national economy and food industry. 1957 became the main, problem when started to prepare personnel for the industry of light and food industry. The reasons behind these problems was the emerging agricultural policy and the rapid development of the economy of the whole country. Life began in the new years, we started to solve global problems, resulting in a center was established for the training of local personnel for mill farms. The result of all the above and became the basis for training personnel to work in the mills and Sibzavod, oil plants, restaurants, confectioneries. The first set and release from a Branch approximately 400 people.

Since 1987, the Almaty branch of the Dzhambul technological Institute of light and food industry were obedinen General Technical faculty of TILP in Almaty and began to train specialists for light and textile industry for garment factory named after Yuri Gagarin, Karaganda hosiery was febrile, Almaty carpet factory and cotton mill.

This period was marked for educational institutions education of the head of the building and the new Director Muhametkalieva Hasbottom Marcinowice — who was the doctor of chemical Sciences, Professor, who works at ATB in different positions provides great help to our University. The staff of ATU remembers with gratitude all the employees who worked from 2002 to 2006, they helped the UNIVERSITY become what it is now.

The sixties and seventies in the history of ATA associated with the emergence of scientific schools, and education of its teaching staff. During these years the teaching staff amounted to a total of 27 people, including 9 associate professors. These years are remembered as years of experience in team management. By the early 70s the Branch could boast of 66 employees and new departments of 'history of the Communist party', 'political Economy', 'Chemistry', 'Physics', 'Higher mathematics and graphics', 'Foreign languages', 'General engineering discipline' and many others who contributed to the formation of different areas of research. A growing number of specialties, the number of students and number of employees of all categories.

Management of the University was to contact the manufacture. The first agreement on cooperation with the leading enterprises of the city, this tradition has survived to this day. Many of today's students undergo practical training at the factories. The years went by, there was an increase of contingent and, accordingly, needed a new training place. Were built new building in 1987 as part of the staff moved to a new high-rise building on Komsomolskaya street, 100. By the beginning of 90 years has changed the structure of the University. In 1996, the school was transformed into the Almaty Institute of technology, the rector of which was the kulazhanov Kuralbek Sadibaevich, 2015 President of the ATA. In the second half of 90-ies of the modern open faculties: Engineering, physical education, technology Jersey, higher mathematics, physics, storage and processing of grain and many others.

In these times began the active cooperation between the leading universities of different countries, signing contracts for training with the University of fashion in Italy, the universities of Hyderabad and Mysore in India. Began to exchange students, many began to study in HO from the Czech Republic and Turkey.

In fact the current composition of teachers was formed in the early 21st century. Significantly strengthened the material-technical base, which now has social and information infrastructure. In operation introduced three buildings and five dormitories, sports facilities and a power plant, the total area of buildings of more than 70 thousand sq m. the Library Fund is constantly expanding, students have access to the Internet is ensured by the automatic control system Tamos.

Now with the ATU employs three research institutes: for the food industries, on the problems of the light industry, the quality of food safety.


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