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Harvard University

Harvard University

The oldest educational institution in the United States of America is Harvard. The University was named after the first of the rich man and philanthropist John Harvard. For many years high school is in the top spot among the world's leading educational institutions. Doors of the institution has released more than 400 thousand students, Nobel prize winners teach at this University almost since its inception. Special attention should be given to the biggest libraries in universities around the world.

Besides all this, the largest and most prestigious University in the world has a huge Fund for donations and provides a number of scholarships for all students of the world. The University takes its roots from the 'New College' which was founded in the 17th century, then it went just 9 people and there was only one teacher.

In 1641, over the College took the patronage of the philanthropist and the missionary John Harvard in the town of Charlestown. He left a legacy to the future of the University the greater part of his property and his entire library of books. A monument to this man is opposite Univesity Hall, on site of the Harvard yard. The monument is made of bronze and is probably the most known landmark in the United States. After a few centuries post-secondary educational institution has become a world-class University. He has more than 20 thousand candidates from bachelors to graduate students. Today, the University offers the opportunity to obtain the hottest a diploma in 12 Autonomous faculties and Institutes for advanced study the Radcliffe.

Back to the library. The Fund is the largest library in the world is 19 million books! Also, there are 174 thousand different, it is still produced, publications. Of about 5.4 terabytes of data is stored in digital form. Working at the library nearly a thousand employees. Halls libraries are not only the oldest but also the most popular in the world and the country.

60% of students receive monthly scholarships and other support in the amount of $ 160 million per year, which allows students to develop and to access the world's best education, participate in unique programs internships.

Academic specialization

To date, the ratio of students and teachers at Harvard – seven to one. 75.6% of the classes are held for groups of less than 20 students.

Most popular occupations of Harvard:

  • Social Sciences (General training);
  • Biology/Biological Sciences (General training);
  • History (General training);
  • Mathematics (General education);
  • Psychology (General training).

The average percentage of freshmen each year moving to the second course was 97.3%.


  • School of business, Harvard University
  • Faculty of humanitarian, natural and exact Sciences: Harvard College (undergraduate programs), Department of continuing education, graduate school of Humanities, natural and exact Sciences
  • Graduate school of design
  • Graduate school of education
  • Harvard school of public management. John F. Kennedy
  • Harvard law school
  • Harvard school of public health
  • Harvard school of dental medicine
  • Harvard divinity school
  • Department of engineering and applied Sciences
  • The medical faculty of Harvard
  • The Institute for advanced study Radcliffe


The main building of the University is Harvard yard in Cambridge. Near the center of Boston. There are Business schools, different objects of the majestic Harvard stadium, located near the Charles river and medical and dental faculties located in Longwood, this shows that the length of the University more than 85 HECTARES.

Harvard Park includes the Central administrative building, the main University library, academic buildings, most Dorm rooms for freshmen, as well as Siver and University, and memorial Church. Nine of the twelve residential 'homes' for students, starting with the second course, located South of Harvard yard and near the Charles river. The other three are located in residential area half a mile North-West of the Park in the so-called quadrilateral (hence the name of these three houses — Quad house (Quad House)). Metro station under the name 'Harvard square' provides students with public transport.

Harvard business school, and sports facilities of the University, including Harvard stadium, occupy 145 hectares of land in Allston. The bridge named. John wicks connect with Longwood Allston, where Harvard medical school, school of dentistry, Harvard school of public health campuses which occupy 8.9 hectares of land and is located 3.3 km South-West from the Boston city centre and 5.3 km from the main building in Cambridge. Private buses connect the housing and the Longwood campus in Cambridge, following on the Massachusetts Avenue through the Massachusetts Institute of technology

Almost all the students of Harvard University and the College from the first year live in halls on campus, in or near Harvard yard. Students who have good grades or other achievements, live in the so-called 'houses', which are the place of residence and administrative unit of the University, helping students adapt to the social environment of the institution. Dormitories and structure of the University, which should not be confused.

Such a system of accommodation was instituted by Harvard President Abbott Lawrence Lowell in 1930-ies to counter addiction and social stratification among students off campus. Lowell has decided to provide student housing throughout the study at the University. The houses had a dining room and a so-called 'shared room', which was the senior student governing academic and disciplinary condition of the house

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