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How to delay the army for training?

How to delay the army for training?

Many young people coming to study in the University asking for a reprieve from military duties, unless of course they are perfectly healthy. Respite from military duties in Kazakhstan is fairly simple – when you learn enough to come to the military Commissariat to confirm your employment. In other happening, you must undergo a medical examination.

The one who came all the deadlines and grounds for exemption from service is required to serve in the army on a General basis. If a young person has not passed military service to 27 years, he goes to the reserve and does not go into the army.

Grounds for deferment from conscription in the Republic of Kazakhstan may be the originals of the following documents:

  1. Recognition does not fit state of health – this item includes a plurality of reference indicating the results of the tests, extract from the medical history with all required signatures.
  2. Occupied permanent care of the father, mother, wife, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent, if no other person required by law to contain specified citizens and also provided that the last are not on full state maintenance and need on a state of health in accordance with the conclusion of Federal institution of medico-social examination at the place of residence of citizens called up for military service, constant care (assistance, supervision):
  3. Being a guardian or Trustee of the minor brother or the minor sister in the absence of other persons obliged under the law to contain specified citizens:

Military Commissariat is taking steps for recovery of other documents confirming the absence of other persons obliged under the law to contain specified citizens, regardless of their place of residence;
d) having a child, raising him without a mother:

certificate of family composition; birth certificate of the child;

the certificate of dissolution of marriage extract from the decision of the court, which determines the residence after the divorce of a minor child with the father, or the death of the mother of the child, or decision of court about deprivation of its parental rights;

d) having two or more children:

certificate on family composition;

birth certificates of children;

e) having a disabled child up to the age of three years:

certificate on family composition;

birth certificate of the child;

certificate of Federal institution of medico-social expertise on disability of the child.

Citizens who received a draft deferment on the grounds provided by sub-paragraphs 'b'-'e' of paragraph 1, each year in September and October, submit to the military Commissariat information on the composition of the family;
W) arrived on service in bodies of internal Affairs, State fire service, establishments and bodies criminally-Executive system, bodies on control over turnover of narcotic means and psychotropic substances and customs bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan directly upon termination of educational institutions of higher professional education of the specified bodies and establishments accordingly, at presence at them special ranks:

a relevant diploma of higher professional education;

reference from service, outlining special ranks and end date of the contract (or a copy of the contract), certified by the seal and signature of the head of the relevant body or institution;

z) has a child and wife, the pregnancy of which is not less than 26 weeks:

birth certificate of the child;

marriage certificate;

the conclusion of the medical institution at the place of residence of the wife about the timing of her pregnancy, signed by the chief and the attending doctors and certified with the seal of the institution, indicating the date of issue of this opinion;

s) elected akims of the Republic of Kazakhstan, deputies of legislative (representative) bodies of state power of constituent entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the highest officials of constituent entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (heads of Supreme Executive state authorities of constituent entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan), deputies of representative bodies of local self-government or heads of municipal formations and shall exercise their powers on a permanent basis and registered in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on elections as candidates on the replaced by the direct election of the position or for membership of the bodies (house of bodies) of state power or bodies of local self-government:

the documents certifying their election to these authorities or registration as candidates for election to these authorities;

a certificate from the legislative body of state authority or other authorities to which he was elected citizen.

Бұл мақалаға пікірлер жоқ.

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