Kokshetau University named after Abay Myrzakhmetov
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Kokshetau University named after Abay Myrzakhmetov
The University was founded in the year 2000, in accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Highly qualified teachers, held annually refresher courses abroad, to help each student obtain the necessary knowledge and skills. The University has seven buildings, the main of which was built in 2005.
Each building is equipped with a large dining room for 150 seats, and the cook of the University of never sitting idle — you can always enjoy delicious food and drink hot tea. The main building consists of five floors, each floor has its own bathroom, and each floor is responsible for a specific Department. In this case are the Department of history, foreign languages, biology and early childhood education. Each floor has 20 rooms, they all have interactive whiteboards, computers and comfortable Desk. Of 20 classrooms — 2 laboratories, one conference hall accommodating up to 120 people, which are held combined lectures on subjects political science, history, ethics, and others. In front of the building there is a large area that holds global events such as dances, rulers over the opening of the school year. But in the same area is used as a springboard for teaching students in the military Department, the reception of which is to dvadcatiiy years, while passing all the required tests of fitness.

Special attention should be paid to the library — we have seven buildings and five libraries in which there are more than 160.000 books. Students do not need to buy any copies personally, they are issued under the signature of our school. Reading rooms are equipped with comfortable seats, eight computers, with the help of which you can find desired information in an electronic library.
Cultural and leisure life of the University is not in place. The University has its own dance clubs, one of which is 'Symbat'. It includes girls and boys of different nationalities, but they dance only Kazakh dances. First on the social scene they came out in 2011 during the summer holidays in the town square of Kokshetau city, and showed pretty well, since they take active part in meduniversiteta competitions, and several times in long-distance competitions in Astana.
Every student during their study finds a topic for discussion, and, in order to speak and argue, we have a debate club Dylmar. The club meets weekly, and will be discussed the hot topics of the University. Students become good speakers and are able to challenge any competitor. Annually debate tournaments aimed at development of patriotism and pride for the Kazakh people, where our students took first — third place.

KVN is in our lives do not last. Our boys always come up with something new, I try to make people laugh and also participate in meduniversitete competitions and win prizes.
Our students have a very interesting practice, for example, the students of the specialty 'Translation studies' and 'Two Foreign languages' are practicing in institutions that work with foreign suppliers and customers, the customs, and, on a competitive basis in the Ministry of justice and the rule of President. Each quarter, professors come to us from abroad — Germany, England, America — and our students escorted them around town, help to communicate and to buy something. In 2014 the World Championships of radio direction-Finding in the hog. Our students also acted as interpreter at the international level! Our student Demikhov Anton, acted as interpreter on the stage and translated all the speeches of our leading English language. It was an incredible experience and a great stazhirovka for our students.
We present the program for the exchange of students, every year four of our students go to study abroad for one semester, and four foreign come to study to us. It also represents a good experience and new sensations.
The Work&Travel program — the program through which many fourth-year students remain life abroad. It is a cheap flights in a selected city in the United States, finding a job and housing. The course is based on 3 months means that the student while abroad will quickly raise their language skills and earn good money.
Admission to the University for any specialty, requires the UNT with the minimum qualifying score. The exams in the training are divided into several variants: 'Midterm' exam which is held every two months in electronic program Tamos or Plato is a test survey of the material covered during the reporting period. 'Session' is the final exam result of all semester, includes all the issues of 'Boundary control' in a chaotic manner. Exams are pretty easy if you don't miss classes. Some items are dealt orally — the teacher independently puts the task on the exams. Successful completion of the exams means the transition of a student to the next course.
All student grades are stored in an electronic database Platonus, with which students or their parents can keep track of progress and understand that they need to tighten up and learn.
Graduates of our University receive a Bachelor's degree in their field and can continue the education in Magistracy. 93% of our students successfully get a job after graduation. This helps the job fair, held annually in our University, full list vakanski you can watch on the website of Kokshetau University named after Abay Myrzakhmetov.
Teaching in higher education involves the availability of grants that can be obtained on a competitive basis, upon receipt of the grant students are also entitled to scholarships. Benefits are provided to the students — orphans, without father and mother. Payment is possible both in cash and cashless payments.
By enrolling in our University you choose a reliable future!
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