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an Overview of health professions (part 2)

an Overview of health professions (part 2)

Nutritionist – a profession of good nutrition. This specialist knows what others can only imagine. What foods should be eaten in large quantities, and what is not there at all? The dietician will answer this question and many others, because a whole bunch of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. The word 'diet' in Greek means 'healthy life'. Therefore correctly the particular mode of food intake can be attributed to one of the sources of health and nutrition.

The first 'dietitian' is a Roman doctor Asclepiad. He first voiced the idea that proper nutrition has a positive influence on the course of diseases and their treatment. Medical practice couldn't agree more, shows that a person who observes proper nutrition, recovering much faster than others, especially those who ignore the rules of nutrition.

The nutritionist has a patient with a story about what was bothering him, perhaps the patient has any diseases that require special selected power mode. However, now that the slim body is becoming more popular, to a specialist treated even healthy people who just want to lose weight or give your body a sporty look.

First and foremost nutritionist measures the weight of the client, checks to see how it relates to body type, age, lifestyle. If necessary, the specialist performs additional diagnostics. The most important in his work is the definition of diet and nutrition, ways of preparing food and its caloric content.

The nutritionist conducts follow-up appointments, during which studies of the patient's condition changes, if necessary, adjusts the power scheme.

Dermatologist is something quite incomprehensible to many people, but it can eliminate the flaws of the skin, as knows what they manifest. Such a person, to put it more clearly, is called a doctor-cosmetician. He knows all about how to make any skin beautiful and healthy.

However, not to be confused with cosmetologists and aestheticians. The first one must have a medical degree, and they do not have such services as massage, sugaring, and others. Also there is a difference between dermatologists and cosmetologists: cosmetologists can not only identify the cause of the defect of the skin, but to eliminate it surgically, and dermatologists it is simply detected.

Cosmetologist specializes in prevention and treatment of skin diseases. Some cosmetologists, in addition, perform various beauty treatments on special equipment. If necessary, the therapist assigns the patient a course of drugs and a special diet food.

Ophthalmology (from the Greek ophtalmos – eyes, logos – science) is a branch of medicine that studies the structure and diseases of the eye. Simply put, ophthalmologists is eye doctors. Those who engage in impaired children are referred to as ophthalmologists.

Treatment eye was engaged contemporaries of the era of the ancient world, but their methods are, most likely, can be attributed to folk medicine. On the scientific level of the researchers of eye diseases came to the middle of the 19th century, when it began a period of major ophthalmic discoveries.

The job of the ophthalmologist is to monitor the health of the eye or restore it. This specialist can apply people, just want to check your vision or needing more serious medical care. Optometrist during examinations uses a variety of techniques up to check the patient with the help of modern equipment.

If there are deficiencies, the doctor offers to use corrective means (glasses, lenses), get treatment or make a surgery – the nature of the recommendation will depend on the diagnosis and the client's wishes.

An otolaryngologist is a doctor who treats diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Often called an ENT specialist. The reason why these three bodies joined in one medical specialty, very easy to infection has a tendency to wander from the nose to the ear and throat – the nose, so it is wiser to treat everything in the complex.

The majority of infections transmitted by airborne droplets, so the nose and throat – the first thing they encounter on the way to our body. SARS, the flu – the most common infectious diseases and the consequences they often bring a lot of problems. So today, the doctor the otolaryngologist in demand in hospitals and clinics, and in the paid medical centers.

An audiologist can be a generalist (to cure all diseases of ENT-organs) and a specialist. For example, to deal only with cases of partial or total loss of hearing. Such a specialist called an audiologist. There are doctors who help with tumors in the ear, throat or nose is oncologists.

The profession depends on the place of work of doctor. For example, the hearing healthcare needs not only in clinics but also in educational institutions for children with disabilities. It should be noted that to the specialist it is important to address. The sooner you identify children's ENT pathology, the sooner will begin treatment and the greater the chance to recover.

As for the General practitioners, they can also work in clinics and Advisory centres and the hospital.

Doctor clinic is receiving and together with a nurse conducts medical procedures: for example, washes the tonsils and nose in the sinus, remove the bead from the ear of the baby. Such a specialist works in accordance with the schedule of reception of patients, usually 5-6 hours a day in the morning or evening.

At the hospital the doctor heavier, there are night shifts, surgery, including emergency, which can occur in the night hours.

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