Academy of Economics and Management - Eurasian Institute of market, Almaty
Almaty, Ryskulbekov str., 39-A, +7 (727) 220 02 12
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Academy of Economics and Management - Eurasian Institute of market, Almaty
Academy of Economics and Management - Eurasian Institute of market, Almaty
Aeu-EIR is one of the most advanced in the Republic of Kazakhstan, has highly qualified professors and teachers; has created a powerful material and technical base and infrastructure to serve students in the direction of approaching the Euro level; free access through the world information network to unlimited information resources, including is one of the 38 members of the Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library, has a unique Assembly, reading and conference halls; information and innovative multimedia, interactive equipment and technical means of training in attractive classrooms, computer classes, offices; educational and scientific laboratories in all specialties.
A new era in college funding will begin in Kazakhstan from September 1, 2025 — the per capita funding for each student will increase signifi
A new feature has appeared on the portal that will certainly interest Kazakhstanis. Now users can not only correct errors in the inf