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Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism in Almaty

Almaty, Abay Ave., 83/85, Tel / Fax: tel / Fax:+7 (727) 292 68 05
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Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism in Almaty

Kazakh Academy of sports and tourism in Almaty

The Academy of sports and tourism was opened in 1944. From the moment of its Foundation to the present period, the educational institution is the main educational, scientific and sports center in the field of physical culture and sports in Kazakhstan. Over the years of his work at the Academy had trained about twenty thousand students. Many specialists, as well as coaches and leaders of the physical culture movement, played a role in the formation and development of the educational institution. You can write a book about Each of these teachers. You can study at the University at the address: Almaty, Abay Avenue 83/105. Phone numbers of the President's reception +7 727 292-07-56, admission Committee + 7 727 292-38-21

Education at a higher educational institution takes place in the following specialties:

5B010800-Physical culture and sports


5B091200-Restaurant and hotel business

We have an excellent material base and qualified teachers. The educational institution has many classrooms for studying specialties, fully computerized classrooms. We train specialists for small and medium-sized businesses, have a perpetual license and teach students in two languages: Kazakh and Russian.

The main feature of our educational institution is its complete proximity to practical work. Discounts are provided to applicants who have graduated from school on 4 and 5, as well as students who are studying with excellent grades at our University.

Upon completion, graduates are awarded a state-issued diploma. Our graduates will always find a good job thanks to only one of our universities, because no other one trains employees in our unique specialties.

To enter an educational institution, you must provide a certificate of passing the UNT and a diploma of completion of eleven classes or a secondary special institution.

Саин 16/06/2021

Шығырмашылық пәнін тандадым.Қанша балл жинауым керек түсу үшін?

Nurtugan Adilov 14/04/2021

Мындетты турде Убт тапсырган кужат керекпа,убт тапсырмап едым,биыл колледж бытырп тусем деп едым!?

Бекзат 18/03/2021

Хотел бы поступить в Ваше Учебное заведение. С с высшим образованием бакалавр могу ли я поступить и как порядок

Khan 19/01/2021

Гостиничный бизнеске платныйга тусу ушин 3 пан гана тапсырамын ба?
Жылына канша екен ол мамандыкта?

Айболат 20/12/2020

Әскери кафедра бар деп үміттенем



Your Review

Академия ішінде әскери кафедра барма

Бекзат Ж. 11/09/2020

Всем советую поступать

zhanibek a. 10/05/2020

все очень плохо

Aizhan Mussina 04/03/2020

Обучаюсь в данном ВУЗе на 3-ем курсе, по специальности Туризм. Очень сильный факультет. Информацию, которую дают преподаватели актуальна, так как постоянно ид т обновление учебной базы. Преподаватели в плане знаний - требовательны.
Если хотите обучиться по специальностям Туризм и Ресторанно-Гостиничное дело - советую поступить именно сюда.

Марина 03/03/2020

Ходим сюда на скалолазание,очень нравится,приемлемые цены.

Татьяна К. 13/02/2020

Особо сказать ни чего не могу,нормально вс

Лютый Волк 08/02/2020

Моя академия самая лучшая

Альмира Н. 22/12/2019

Высокое качество образования

Елена Р. 07/12/2019

Спорт в АЛМАТЫ есть

Абен А. 24/09/2019

Трудно что-либо сказать об этом месте

Laura F. 25/02/2019

Лучшие базы по спорту и туризму

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