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Kazakh financial and economic Academy

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Kazakh financial and economic Academy

Kazakh financial and economic Academy

In 2009, the University successfully passed the state certification.

In the concept of development of the Kazakh financial and economic Academy, a special place is occupied by science and training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel. At the University, all research is focused in two directions:

- Current problems and prospects for the development of the national economy

Republic Of Kazakhstan;

- Effective ways to improve the quality of teaching and training

specialists in the field of economic education.

Implementation of research results is carried out in active cooperation with large industrial enterprises, including: Semey Cement JSC, Semipalatinsk meat processing plant LLP, Leather and fur combine LLP and a number of others.

The Academy regularly hosts national and international scientific-practical and scientific-theoretical conferences, seminars, exhibitions, and publishes monographs, collections of scientific papers and other scientific publications.

The Academy's work in the field of international cooperation is aimed at improving the quality of educational services, stimulating information exchange and working together with CIS universities.

In the spring of 2007, a cooperation agreement was signed between the University of Varna (Varna, Bulgaria) and Kazfea. Within the framework of this exchange agreement, training of students in the specialty "Tourism"is provided.

Nasfaa has a solid experience of cooperation with Russian and Kazakhstan universities. Partners of the University are: Siberian Academy of Finance and banking, Novosibirsk state technical University named after I. I. Polzunov, Omsk state technical University, Omsk state agrarian University, Tomsk state technical University, Siberian research Institute of agricultural Economics under RAS, Kazakh economic University named after T. Ryskulov, Turan University and others. The results of cooperation are joint research projects, exchange of experience, professional development of Academy teachers in these universities, publication of articles and collections of scientific papers.

Давид Н. 28/01/2020

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Зиннур Мендельсон 04/12/2019

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