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Kazakh engineering and technical Academy

Nursultan city (Astana), Zheltoksan str., 22 A,
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Kazakh engineering and technical Academy

Kazakh engineering and technical Academy

The mission of the KETA is to train competitive specialists in the field of expertise, assessment and management of property resources, as well as innovative technologies in accordance with the requirements of international educational standards.

The main goal of KETA development is comprehensive training of competitive specialists.

The academic staff of the Academy is represented by experienced scientific and pedagogical personnel, practicing experts-appraisers, major scientists, authors of textbooks on expertise, assessment, cadastral systems and construction materials technology.

The Kazakh engineering and technical Academy has a powerful educational and material base: a training building, its own printing base, a computer technology center with computer classes, and distance learning technologies are used.

The Academy has regional divisions in Almaty, Shymkent, Semey, Taldykorgan, Kyzylorda, and Zhezkazgan.

Ернур 09/06/2021

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