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Atyrau state University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedova

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Atyrau state University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedova

Atyrau state University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedova

Atyrau state University named After H. Dosmukhamedov is one of the higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan with its unique history and rich experience in the education system, which trains competitive specialists of international level. The University was established on June 14, 1950 as a teachers ' Institute. In the first year, 3 departments were opened, each of which was accepted by 50 students who studied in Kazakh and Russian.

In 1955, the teachers ' Institute was transformed into a pedagogical Institute, and in 1994 – into Atyrau University. In the same year, it was named after an outstanding figure, scholar-encyclopedist Khalel Dosmukhamedov. The educational institution that passed the state certification has acquired the status of the first regional University in the Western region of Kazakhstan. In 2005, a quality management system was introduced to ensure compliance with international standards in the field of education. In accordance with this, the University became the owner of the certificate "ISO 9001-2000" and the "National center for expertise and certification" of the West Kazakhstan branch of the organization "Moody International Certification".

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