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University Of Narkhoz

55 Zhandosova street, Auezovsky district, Almaty
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University Of Narkhoz

University Of Narkhoz

Narkhoz is one of the most famous universities in our country.We have many service centers, research centers, partner programs, and double degree systems. We believe that disciplinary breakthroughs combined with design, art, business thinking, and technology allow us to create innovative system solutions. The whole point of radical creativity is to go beyond the obvious and move forward.

Our University is ready to contribute to the progress and development of society through a high-quality business educational program, conduct innovative research and introduce advanced technologies, train personnel capable of creating and implementing non-standard solutions. On this basis, new innovative approaches to education should become a way to attract creative and talented young people, the main link in the training of specialists with the ability to manage a project in the field of Economics and business, law and social Sciences in the CIS countries. Our University applied the process of corporatization, and successfully implemented the methods of strategic planning one of the first In our country. The non-standard approach to the regulatory system is implemented by the need to quickly and efficiently adapt to frequently changing market demands and professional responses to external challenges.

Narkhoz University is one of the first universities in the region to successfully implement the principle of sustainable development, which presents a short-term vision of our joint contribution to the implementation of sustainable development. The sustainable development system was developed as a result of joint activities of the Committee on sustainable development and the Sustainable Kazakhstan Research Institute (SKRI). To effectively implement the HR strategy, we intend to gradually implement the " KPI " system. The goal of the HR strategy is to ensure the academic relevance of the University, to attract the best personnel to work in the educational and research areas of the University. Our task is not just to find and select teachers who must meet the criteria, but also the expectations of students for a high quality of education. The development of information technologies at Narkhoz University will be aimed at creating a unified information space, and the program of annual overhaul of the main academic building will be implemented.

Graduates of our University should set high standards of ethics and use education for our society. The educational institution offers wide opportunities to Finance talented young people for all levels of education: scholarships, discounts, loans, bonuses. We will develop a system of "engagement" for everyone who wants to show themselves. There will be popularization of research works by creating research groups and departments; implementation of a system of mutual support, in which each student will be ready to help in any situation.

Иван Широков 29/06/2020

Отучился в этом университете 4 года на программиста. Рекомендую. Мощные преподаватели.

Мирас Нуртазин 06/03/2020

Хороший универ! Качество образование просто супер! Почти все учителя требовательные! Активная студентческая жизнь, доступная компьтерная библиотека,супер современная кампус, военная кафедра, стадион, бассейн, тренажерный зал, чистота и удобства и т.п. И еще все цифровизировна, интерактивные проекторы и современные компьютеры, расписания можно увидеть через мобильное приложения. Миссия университета войти в топ самых лучших университетов Азии.

SABINA T. 28/01/2020

Место финансистов)

Нуркен Н. 12/01/2020

Благодаря Бауржану Байбеку убрали ограждения которые НарХоз нагло установил вокруг здания +прилегающей территории.за что отдельное спасибо Акиму! Раньше НарХоз гремел своим престижем, сейчас не знаю.но такие Универы цену не теряют.наоборот,с годами набирают обороты и держат марку как хороший коньяк.

Самат Д. 25/09/2019

Хороший вуз и люди тоже норм

Abubakhram Mamirov 26/04/2019

продвинутый ВУЗ. много грандов. обмнен студентами и тд.

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