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Semipalatinsk state University named after Shakarim

Semey, Glinka str., 20A. 
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Semipalatinsk state University named after Shakarim

Semipalatinsk state University named after Shakarim

The Association of pedagogical, veterinary, and technological universities became the basis for the birth of Shakarim University in 1995. The pedagogical University was the oldest University in the country, founded in 1934. Semipalatinsk zoo veterinary Institute was opened in 1952, and Technological Institute-in 1963. The merger of three educational institutions into one University occurred due to the decree of the Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 13, 1995. Five years after its Foundation, the state financial Institute joined the University. Only in 2013, the merger of universities was completed and the state University named after Shakarim in Semey was formed.

Our educational institution trains wide-profile professionals who are in demand in the modern social and humanitarian labor market in almost thirty master's, forty bachelor's, and five doctoral specialties.

Students can realize their talents and abilities in the debate clubs "Congress", "Parasat", in the team of the club of fun and resourceful, in fashion studios, the Alliance of students of Kazakhstan, the team" Enatus " and other student organizations.

Shakarim University is a multi-disciplinary higher education institution with a rich experience, including eight faculties and more than five thousand students of various levels, under the guidance of one thousand three hundred teachers and staff. Since 2004, the educational institution has a flexible installment payment and credit technology of training. The material and technical base of the University is a powerful training system, equipped with twelve buildings, many educational laboratories, scientific libraries, with a huge book Fund of 200,000 books. There are two sports complexes, a special football field, a medical center and a student house.

The higher education institution cooperates with international universities in the USA, China, Mongolia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. There are various types of agreements between these Universities, for example, students can take a mobility course for the entire period of study, excluding the first and last semesters. Excellent students have the right to choose their own partner University, determine the list of subjects they want to study, and then submit an application at their Department. Accommodation abroad can be either paid or free, in accordance with the laws of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 19.11.2008.

Student life is very diverse, there are many clubs, student initiations, KVN games and much more.

Enactus is a non-profit enterprise that unites students all over the world, or rather in thirty-six countries. Together, students find a business approach to the standard of living of people in need on the planet. With the support of teachers and leaders in each individual country, the Association's students create various projects across the country. In this community, students learn to benefit from any perspective. Enactus is a continuous process of cooperation between higher education institutions in any country. Thanks to this program, as an additional training, students with a great desire to approach the educational process and their life positions.

Each of the faculties has its own "student Dean's office" which consists of up to twenty people. Usually, such deans organize and conduct student policy at the faculties, implement a system of self-government, develop a comprehensive student personality, hold holidays and represent the interests of students at the University level.

The faculty of agriculture began its Istria studies at the Semipalatinsk zootechnical Institute in 1950, when 300 people were studying there. Now this faculty includes 5 departments. 10 research laboratories equipped with the latest technology and several greenhouses.

Faculty of engineering and technology — currently it is the leading faculty for training personnel for food and processing enterprises. More than 60% of teachers have honorary awards and titles. This Department trains students in 12 specialties. There are 6 departments, 2 research laboratories of meat and dairy plants.

The faculty of natural mathematics has 6 departments, 21 classrooms, each office has computers with Internet access, interactive whiteboards, tools for solving various problems, audio equipment and language rooms. Graduates of this Department have the right to continue their studies abroad, under the two-degree program 2 + 2 in Spain, South Korea, the USA and Hungary.

The faculty of foreign and Russian Philology trains specialists in the study of languages, there is a master's degree. Computer classes and a resource center are always available to students. There is a close relationship and an agreement on student exchange with Russian Universities, in particular with the Altai state pedagogical Institute.

The faculty of history and education is the largest faculty of the Shakarim state University in Semey. It consists of 6 departments and trains more than 2000 students at the same time. Most of the teachers of our University are graduates of our educational institution.

The faculty of information and communication technologies is the core that produces IT specialists in various specialties. several training programs have been developed for each of the 7 specialties. The powerful technical base includes 15 modern computer rooms connected to the Internet via a local network.

Professional practice is an important part of every University. In our educational institution, practice is provided for seventy specialties. Educational practice takes place mainly in our University, deepening and consolidating theoretical knowledge and providing an introductory process with the structure of enterprises, with their tasks and goals. The practical part is divided into pedagogical practice, clinical, technological and continuous. This practice takes place in enterprises and hospitals. The goal is to improve students ' knowledge, get an idea of practical work in real conditions, and learn how to complete tasks set by the employer on time.

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Отличныы универ.

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хорошо обучают

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Благодаря ВУЗу, два высших образования. Очень жалко, что русские отделения сходят на нет, материальная база ВУЗа очень достойная...

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Сдал ЕНТ. Надеюсь проходной балл наберу. Аминь

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Я там учился это мой родной город. Студенческая жизьнь там прошла моя.

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