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Taraz statфсe University named after M. H. Dulati

7 Suleymenova str., Taraz
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Taraz statфсe University named after M. H. Dulati

Taraz statфсe University named after M. H. Dulati

Taraz state University began its existence in 1958, when a branch of the Institute of Chemical technology was opened in the city of Taraz. The school was opened to train specialists in working with sugar, meat and footwear. Graduates of the Institute were in demand in various industries, not only in our country, but also in other regions of the Republic. After opening, the Institute began to receive applications for young professionals.

Since 1963, the branch began to exist as an independent educational unit. The University had three faculties where about one and a half thousand students studied under the guidance of 120 teachers.

Education at a higher educational institution takes place in the following specialties:

5B010800-Physical culture and sports

5B011900-Foreign language: two foreign languages



5B020700-Translation business

5B021000-Foreign Philology



5B090600-Cultural and leisure work


5B030200-International law



5B050800-Accounting and audit


5B051000-State and local government






5B071000-materials Science and technology of new materials

5B072000-Chemical technology of inorganic substances

5B072600-Technology and design of light industry products

5B072700-food Technology

5B072800-technology of processing industries (by industry)

5B073200-Standardization and certification (by industry)

5B073300-technology and design of textile materials


5B091200-Restaurant and hotel business


5B060200-computer Science


5B070200-automation and control

5B070300-Information systems

5B070400-Computer equipment and software

5B071900-radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications






5B073000-Production of building materials, products and structures

5B073100-life Safety and environmental protection

5B074500-Transport construction


5B081000-land Reclamation, reclamation and protection

5B090300-land Management


5B070800-oil and Gas business

5B071200-mechanical engineering

5B071300-Transport, transport equipment and technologies

5B071800-electric power industry

5B072400-Technological machines and equipment (by industry)

5B080600-agricultural machinery and technology

5B081200-energy Supply for agriculture

5B090100 - organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport


We have an excellent material base and qualified teachers. The educational institution has many classrooms for studying specialties, fully computerized classrooms. We train specialists for small and medium-sized businesses, have a perpetual license and teach students in two languages: Kazakh and Russian.

The main feature of our educational institution is full proximity to practical work. Discounts are provided to applicants who graduated from school at 4 and 5, as well as students who are excellent students at our University.

Upon completion, graduates are awarded a state-issued diploma. Our graduates will always find a good job thanks to only one of our universities, because no other one trains employees in our unique specialties.

To enter an educational institution, you must provide a certificate of passing the UNT and a diploma of completion of eleven classes or a secondary special institution.

Бакытжан Ахмет 02/07/2020

Один из лучших Вузов в Казахстане

Миро Шах 25/05/2020

Коррупция и кумавство! Шутка! Обычный универ, образование конечно мягко говоря неочень, а так жить можно. Вс зависит от тебя!

Жанара Балтабаева 23/03/2020

ТарГу для меня лучший универ там я нашла очень много друзей и т плых воспоминаний и очень рада что я там учусь

Ерасыл Кұдайберген 26/01/2020

Ведущий ВУЗ Южного Казахстана

Zaure 14/01/2020

Хорошая локация

аббас а. 25/12/2019

Я бы хотел что бы студенты изучали только те предметы которые им в будущем нужны например информатика английский язык финансовая грамотность и другое и обязательно университет должен гарантировать студентам хорошую работу в будущем.у каждого студента должна быть своя идея свой проект и университет должен помочь ему реализовать свои идеи

Yaroslav Markov 25/07/2019

Хороший университет... Минусы есть везде, так и здесь - слабые знания, не все, есть исключения.

Арайлым Е. 20/05/2019

Универ норм. Сама тут учусь.

Bibifatima A. 11/11/2018

Университет очень хороший

Кенже К. 06/08/2018

Очень грамотное учителя

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