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Turan University-main building

Almaty, Satpayev str. 16-18, 18a. Phone number: +7 727 260 40 00
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Turan University-main building

Turan University-main building

Turan educational Corporation is a whole complex of educational institutions in the main cities of our country — Almaty and Astana. Education in our Corporation begins, as elsewhere, with high school.
However, our school is a Lyceum school founded in 1996 on the basis of our University in Almaty. The Lyceum school is divided into primary and secondary schools.
The primary school operates in a "full-day" mode , which means that students are in the school from morning to evening. At the same time, children are less tired than if they studied in a simple school. Every school day starts at 8.30 am, with Breakfast. Classes start at 9: 00, each lesson lasts 40 minutes, and after attending five lessons, students are given a three-hour break for lunch, a walk, and visiting clubs. At three o'clock in the afternoon, classes begin for two more lessons, then afternoon tea for another lesson and, as the end of the school day, the children are taken home on the school bus.

In middle and high school, students study from the fifth to the eleventh grade. Training takes place until three o'clock in the afternoon, after which students are transported home. Students of our school are trained only by teachers with higher qualifications, so 89% of students graduate from school with excellent results! After school, anyone can enroll in any of the most prestigious higher education institutions in our country and become a highly qualified bachelor and master.
If a student does not want to go to the 11th grade, then we have two colleges "Turan" for them, which are located in the cities of Almaty and Astana.

Both colleges were founded in 2000 and have a state license without a term. During the seventeen years of operation of the colleges, more than forty thousand students with secondary special education were released. The College has many agreements with foreign educational institutions to exchange students and conduct advanced training courses, and, as an example, one of the colleges that cooperate with us is Cambridge, a College of the Kingdom of great Britain.
Turan University, the most important brainchild of our Corporation, was founded in 1992 in Almaty, and currently provides training in 23 bachelor's, 15 master's and 5 doctoral degrees.

The advantages of our prestigious University are that 94% of graduates got a job after graduation or continued their studies, the University is located right in the heart of Almaty — near the city square. The UNIVERSITY provides state grants and grants from the University's rector. Grants can be won once a year, during eSports competitions, players from all over Kazakhstan come to the club of our University to play and win a grant! The first-place winner receives a full grant for one year, and the second-50% of the cost! Excellent students receive scholarships from foreign companies and organizations.
The University has EVERYTHING from simple classrooms to a restaurant. Each office is a whole world that has everything you need for a comfortable study of students, everything is equipped with the most powerful and modern computers, interactive whiteboards. There are large conference halls and much more. Just a giant library — more than 600 thousand books and 200 thousand e-books.

A business incubator is a completely new idea for business development in our country. We have organized a huge hall for the implementation of our students ' ideas and more than 500 of them have received full technical support. Come and see for yourself!
Student life is full of emotions, unforgettable meetings and unexpected events. Students of the Department of cinema annually take an active part in University games, mass events, flash mobs, cameramen independently shoot various videos, learn to process them in editing programs and participate in Amateur performances. Every week we have various events, meetings with foreign citizens, language competitions "Trinity", master classes in acting from the most famous American producers and Directors, such as Alan Hofmanis and Christopher Kass, master classes in photography from Korenchuk and much more!
The most interesting thing in the cultural and leisure industry of our University is Tau-Turan. Located 30 minutes from the city center, in the TRANS-ili Alatau, our recreation center will help everyone find something to do and relax. We can host corporate events, birthday parties, banquets and weddings, student gatherings, team building and much more.
Many student clubs will not leave anyone indifferent. Sirius debate club will allow you to learn how to speak, improve your oratory skills and develop analytical thinking. Enactus Turan will allow you to learn how to run a business the way people from thirty-nine countries would do it — business coaches from all over the world come to us just to teach you something new.

Dance club “Turan's Trumps " - will allow you, even if you have never danced, to join the art of dance, for a short time we are credited with more than twenty performances on the big stages of our city.
The "Sport is life" club gives students confidence and love for sports and life. This club has many sections: Boxing, aerobics, football, basketball, volleyball, chess and table tennis. Currently, some of our students represent Kazakhstan as part of the Astana Arlans team.
Music club — a place where everyone can show their musical talents and play their favorite songs in a group, the club has all the necessary musical instruments: guitar, contrabass, drums, synthesizer, saxophone, flute and much more. If you like to play and sing, then be sure to join this club.
And finally, the KVN team "fresh" is one of the teams of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which takes part in the open KVN League in our country, in the kivin music festival in Sochi as part of the KVN team "" and for seven years became the owner of many prizes. If you are looking for a laugh and a stage-go to the University of Turan and rock with us!
B.I.G Pepe 27/10/2020

Очень крутой и отличный вуз для начинающих предпринимателей и гуманитарно юридических , так же имеется Академия Кино и телевидения , и для тех кто увлекается экономикой, советую для всех!

Акбота Нуралим 02/10/2020

Офигенно крутое расположение и очень вежливые сотрудники. А преподаватели

Гульмира Батыргереева 23/08/2020

На сегодняшний день, Туран стал одним из ведущих Вузов Казахстана, который обучает студентов на международном уровне. Соответствует вс .

unutulmaz g. 23/08/2020

Про Турана я узнал ещ в школе когда учился в 9 классе , к нам пришли представители колледжа Туран после их рассказов меня очень заинтересовала идея выступления туда, потом мы поехали туда и увидели как там обстановка и мне очень понравилось, после этого я пас

тупил в колледж Туран и отучился 3 года , первый год учился успешно но дальше в связи со здоровьем не получилось нормально закончит , после выпускного я год делал перерыв, сейчас с большой надеждой поступил в университет Туран , а так всем советую у кого работает мозги тот не будет испытывать никаких проблем

Олжас И. 23/03/2020

Шумные, невоспитанные, наглые, напыщенные, грубые студенты. Постоянно устраивают дискотеки перед главным входом. С чего они взяли что весь остальной народ, другие жители города разделяют их беспонтовый музыкальный вкус и любовь к громкой музыке? Тусуйтесь у себя где нибудь внутри двора или актовом зале ребята!

Amir MacNeil 17/02/2020

Закончил Туран в 2019 году. Сильный профессиональный состав. Хорошая система студенческой мобильности и невысокие цены за обучение. Так же гибкая система грантов и послевузовского сопровождения

Olya Yanki 12/02/2020

Хороший университет, приличный, оснащен техникой. Имеются некоторые проседания по качеству организационного процесса. Учебные программы не плохие, отличные преподаватели.

lamira s. 02/01/2020

Мне нравиться не только потому что я там училась, и да я там училась. Там лучшие учителя, профессоры, деканы. Кабинеты уютные. Есть большая столова для студентам и учителям. И есть буфет. Кофейняя стойка. Библиотека - там очень много книг и дают ноутбуки для самоучению. В этом универе есть все. Все что хочешь.

Таир Каренеев 12/12/2019

Множество раз писал олимпиады в данном университете. Кабинеты расположены "по полочкам" и сразу становится понятным расположение каждого кабинета. Кабинеты чистые и т плые зимой.

Iltoniy 06/07/2019

"Туран" - крепкий середнячок среди университетов, не "топовый", но стремится к лучшему. Есть много хороших, первоклассных преподавателей - и практиков и теоретиков. Одним из главных плюсов университета - руководство всегда держит пульс на настроении студенчества и прислушивается к идеям и предложениям.
И конечно же еда! В Туране вы точно не помрете с голоду - вкусно и очень дешево!

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