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Kazakh Institute of law and international relations PF KIMPO in Pavlodar

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Kazakh Institute of law and international relations PF KIMPO in Pavlodar

Kazakh Institute of law and international relations PF KIMPO in Pavlodar

The Kazakh Institute of law and international relations was founded in 1992 and operates as a non-state higher educational institution in accordance with the state license for the right to conduct educational activities of the AA series No. 0000150. In the summer of 2003, Institute b completed the seventh graduation of specialists with higher professional education. In February 2004, the Institute once again, for a period of five years, successfully passed the state certification.

KIPMO is independent in determining its tasks, the profile of training specialists, the structure of educational and scientific divisions, in creating and using the material and technical base, and financial resources. Curricula and programs meet the requirements of the state standard, and KIPMO graduates receive state-issued diplomas. Over the twelve-year period of its existence, the Institute has passed a difficult stage of its development and is currently one of the leading non-state educational institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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