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Kokshetau technical Institute of the MES of the RK

Kokshetau, 124 Akana-Sere street
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Kokshetau technical Institute of the MES of the RK

Kokshetau technical Institute of the MES of the RK

In 1973, the fire protection training unit no. was moved to Kokchetav from Almaty. The fire safety Department of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan trained specialists who were so badly lacking at that time.Cadets of the educational building came to the rescue many times and saved hundreds of lives. In 1995, the school was transformed into the Kokshetau technical Institute of the emergency situations Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In January 1998, the Institute opened the faculty of distance learning. In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from September 29, 2004 n 1449 "On measures on further improvement of state administration system of Kazakhstan", resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from October 28, 2004 No. 1112 the school has become known as the Kokshetau technical Institute of Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Address: 020000 Republic of Kazakhstan Kokshetau, Akana-Seri136 str., phone: +7(7162) 25-13-36

Education at a higher educational institution takes place in the following specialties:

5B100100 "Fire safety»

We have an excellent material base and qualified teachers. The educational institution has many classrooms for studying specialties, fully computerized classrooms. We train specialists for small and medium-sized businesses, have a perpetual license and teach students in two languages: Kazakh and Russian.

The main feature of our educational institution is full proximity to practical work. Discounts are provided to applicants who graduated from school at 4 and 5, as well as students who are excellent students at our University.

Upon completion, graduates are awarded a state-issued diploma. Our graduates will always find a good job thanks to only one of our university, because no other one trains employees in our unique specialties.

To enter an educational institution, you must provide a certificate of passing the UNT and a diploma of completion of eleven classes or a secondary special institution.

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