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Tesla Education center

The prospect of Nazarbayev 124; Medeu district, Almaty city+7-771-005-56-66
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Tesla Education center

Tesla Education center

Tesla Education is the most technological center for preparing students for exams, Olympiads, and the best educational institutions in the country. We have the largest flow of students who successfully enter specialized schools. We successfully prepare for international exams, conduct seminars, intensive courses, elective training, and extension courses. We give you the opportunity to choose the time and method of training, the degree of education and training manuals. If you are active, our motivation system will not leave you without gifts. The best students get only the best!

Our current training materials are developed by leading experts who have extensive experience in the field of education. Therefore, we have a full guarantee of the relevance and effectiveness of the educational material, which will allow you to prepare for any exam of the most prestigious educational institution. The entire training process will be aimed at analyzing errors and avoiding them in the future. We will accompany you to the end of your studies, help you choose an educational institution, submit documents and successfully pass the entrance exams. During classes, teachers announce your results, give you the opportunity to correct and improve your skills. For motivation, we have come up with a system of bonuses that are credited to a special card. This is a great way to get rewarded for the correct completion of homework and school assignments, successful completion of the test and Olympiad tasks. Your child will definitely start learning, acquire new skills and enjoy their success.

Our teachers are the best specialists who know everything about their profession and can give an individual approach to each student. They can change the curriculum to focus more on practice. You can also choose the methods and programs of training, time and number of classes. All teachers also take advanced training courses in our center. We conduct monthly tests to find out the percentage of academic performance, show it to parents and our management. If you pass the exam successfully, you can proceed to the next stage of the training process. If desired, it is possible to increase the level of training, or go through the selected stage again. Students who Excel during classes and show activity are rewarded with bonus points that can be used to receive valuable gifts. Our management monitors the learning process and your results. to create reports and statistics for each group. Our main goal is to develop a love of learning in our children. This skill will allow you to reach new heights in the future, and not stop there. For the most gifted, we have a comprehensive preparation for any Olympics. Choose a training course, and move confidently in front of it.

Develop with us and prepare your children for exams and Olympiads!

марина назарова 06/02/2021

Я безмерно благодарна команде Тесла за внучку

erganatski 03/02/2021

Готовим братишку в НИШ. Сотрудники вежливые и грамотные, а главное есть большой прогресс по тестам. Теперь ждем отбор в марте и готовимся в интенсивной группе!

Aidos S. 11/10/2020

Отличный центр!

Даулет А. 08/04/2020

Лучшая подготовка к НИШ

Алия А. 22/03/2020

Находят подход к каждому

Адиль И. 15/03/2020

Хорошое обучение!

нурик дарибеков 12/02/2020

Лучший центр, там обучаютс мои племяники

Данияр О. 24/01/2020

Отличные учителя вежливые сотрудники

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