Новости образования
Changes in schools and kindergartens will happen from the beginning of the new school year
The head of education of the city of Astana Anuar Zhangozin claims that at the next meeting received information about the fact that some preschool institutions have lost government contracts. The amount of orders for state order this year has changed in a big way and makes 27 thousand tenge.'The increase was on average 20%, some gardens are already unable to spend the money on improving the learning conditions of children as a pilot project, is a intelligent video surveillance, these cameras do not require any investment from the state. There is a very important point – parents have access to the video and can watch what their children are doing at this point in time,' explained Anuar Zhangozin.He also noticed that by opening gardens of a private type in the city has increased the coverage of preschool education: last year we opened 80 new gardens, and the order was for 9000 places.'The introduction of electronic queues in kindergartens has reduced the waiting time for 3 years. Only f..
Astana will be left without textbooks
Sagadiyev said that schools of Astana risk to remain without textbooks by the beginning of September. But the Department of education has assured that has already signed a contract for the supply.The Board of education of the capital reported that it has signed a contract for the supply of textbooks with updated content in schools of Astana. And the beginning of new academic year all educational organizations will provide textbooks in the proper amount. 'The required amount of 30 million tenge for the purchase of transport services for the delivery/transportation of textbooks, educational-methodical complex of the educational institutions of the city are allocated from the local budget. Just for educational institutions of the city purchased two million textbooks', – reported in Department of education in response to an official request Informburo.kz. The Department added that tender procedures to select a supplier is at least sixty calendar days, as required by the legislati..
Exercises for the brain
Our brains are like muscles: if he does not give daily work, he grows old, becomes lazy, the command 'think!' does not recognize. But if the load is – the little grey cells grow in the literal sense of the word. Scientists describe this process as: the formation of new synapses between neurons, the cerebral cortex becomes thicker and more tortuous, in the matter of the brain grow new capillaries, axons are faster conducting nerve signals, more complicated functional relationships between the individual structures of the brain.But in the meantime the brain is not so primitive as muscle. The usual 'rocking' (like daily writing at the computer for 10 thousand characters), it is not enough: bored and sooner or later the routine will dismiss as unnecessary. Will have to surprise and even deceive unusual gymnastics.NeyrobikaThis technique exercise for our brains invented by the Americans – the neurobiologist Lawrence Katz and author manning Rubin. And for the past 15 years, the world is enga..
The Lyceum for the gifted girls received their building
A Lyceum for the gifted girls had the last 15 years. In Astana for the Lyceum opened a new building, as reported on the website of the Metropolitan akimat. This became known at a meeting with initiative group of parents. The meeting discussed the issues of accessibility of facilities and allocation of children to schools.'The school was opened 15 years ago, but all this time had its own building, Lyceum 'Bilim innovation' is quite popular among girls, gifted pupils take part in competitions of world level and win prizes, in this regard at one place in Lyceum claim about 20 people. Taking into account the comments of the parents, as well as the development of the district Governor decided to give the newly built school, located in 188, the Lyceum 'Bilim-innovation' for gifted girls. It is assumed that the Lyceum will conduct an additional set on teaching children, starting with 5th grade and will help to distribute the load in the future,' the report says.Asset Issekeshev instructed his..
A necessary profession in Kazakhstan
The Board of education of the city of Astana was named the most needed teachers in schools of Kazakhstan. These include: teachers of a primary school, preschool institutions, teachers of Russian and English languages, literature and mathematics.To avoid a shortage, the office has decided to hold job fairs these specialties. The first fair will be held August 11, at school №31 along the street Kenesary, 49 and school number 84 on the street Uly Gave 7/1. The fair will last three hours starting from 10 am.Subsequent events on 18 and 25 August. 'For many the incentive is the ability to work in the schools of our capital and free accommodation in hostels and allocated apartments. In the future, for a family to build a small apartment' - according to the website.The deputies Bakytzhan Sagintayev requested to provide information on wages of school employees, and found that base salary has not changed for 7 years and is 17 700 KZT, which is 40% less than minimum wage...
40 thousand people filed for re UNT
3 Aug finished reception of applications for participation in the re-unified national testing and complex testing. 'This year the number of applications for participation in the repeated UNT and CT was 40 718, of these, 26 of 898 persons will pass the UNT and CT in Kazakh, 809 13 – in Russian and 11 in English. Testing in five subjects (full-time full learning) pass 18 500 people in two subjects pass (for full-time reduced learning) – 22 218', – reported in the National testing center. After receiving the applications received will be distributed across classrooms, admissions universities will be given admission on testing, which will indicate the place, date and time of the exam. 'Re UNT and CT will be held from 15 to 19 August 2018 40 basic universities. Re the UNT and CT is performed on a fee basis for the participants in the UNT and CT who did not get the prescribed threshold score, participants with cancelled results and individuals who do not take part in the UNT a..
Overview of health professions (part 2)
Nutritionist – a profession of good nutrition. This specialist knows what others can only imagine. What foods should be eaten in large quantities, and what is not there at all? The dietician will answer this question and many others, because a whole bunch of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. The word 'diet' in Greek means 'healthy life'. Therefore correctly the particular mode of food intake can be attributed to one of the sources of health and nutrition.The first 'dietitian' is a Roman doctor Asclepiad. He first voiced the idea that proper nutrition has a positive influence on the course of diseases and their treatment. Medical practice couldn't agree more, shows that a person who observes proper nutrition, recovering much faster than others, especially those who ignore the rules of nutrition.The nutritionist has a patient with a story about what was bothering him, perhaps the patient has any diseases that require special selected power mode. However, now that the s..
12-year-old boy became a high-school student
Little boy Karsol Antonio Santamaria was the only kid in the world who was accepted to the University, reports RIA Novosti. He will begin training on the 6th of August. In this University know him in high school for another nine years, he is now 12. At 9 years old he successfully passed courses in biochemistry, molecular biology and analytical chemistry, and for further study he chose the physics of Biomedicine. 'This boy will be the one who will lead the University's parents by the hand' - note in a press release. To get into high school, the boy passed the exams for a certificate as an external student in high school 'I just want to learn, if I'm not allowed to learn, I will learn myself' - said the young student. It is noted that the congratulations in the address of a gifted child even joined the U.S. Embassy in Mexico city, called the Santamaria little Mexican flair and genius. In 2017 in Almaty graduated from high school with honors 12-year-old Abzal Mirz..
1700 villages of Kazakhstan do not have their own schools
In our Republic, nearly 1700 villages have no schools, this was said by the representative of the Committee for the protection of children's rights Nurbek Orshubekov at the press conference of the CCS. He said that last year the children from these villages had to travel to school by special buses or even to live away from parents, in school boarding houses. 'Last year showed that in 2017 26 700 children who did not attend school in their villages, in the absence thereof, are transported in the available schools, and the remaining 3200 were living far away from family and friends. Today for pooling is used more than 800 buses, and is updated each year, approximately 80 buses' - said the representative of the Ministry of education and Science. He also added that children are transported free of charge by local government offices, who claim that and this year work on the distribution will be established. 'The village have a small number of children, so for the transpo..
Correspondence course abolished on 1 January 2019
To take classes in the universities will now have every day - the correspondence course is fully abolished on 1 January 2019. Students who are already enrolled on the correspondence course will be to finish it, another such opportunity will be provided. The Minister of education and science Erlan Sagadiyev said on the question of the abolition of this form of education portal 'Open dialogue'. 'The media is saturated with information that correspondence courses will be cancelled in Kazakhstan. Specify whether this is reliable information? If this is true, then how much time will need to learn in order to get the second higher education after College? Because face-to-face learning much more by correspondence, many students will pay for full-time education?' asked on the website in an open dialogue. The head of the Ministry of Education and Science announced that the 4 July 2018 adopted a new law that States that the extension of the powers of the representatives of the Universi..
52 000 kg of meat purchased in one of the female universities
Kazakh women's pedagogical University provides food to two thousand students completely free of charge, for that they were purchased almost 52 000 kg 75 million tenge. As it became known on the website of public procurement.The University confirmed that the grants do free feed 3 times a day. The University said that this is his distinguishing feature compared to other universities in the CIS.'Food purchased from approved suppliers in accordance with the laws on public procurement. The amount of meat will help to prepare students as much as 214 days. A day is spent per student is approximately 121 grams of meat. Diet enough are different that allows them to correct and delicious to eat – salads, hot dishes, vegetables, fruits, sweets and dairy products.' - explained on the website.The calculation shows that indeed, if you buy meat for 2000 students and feed them daily for 214 days portion of meat 121 grams out of 52 tonnes.The University added that students provide meals in accordance w..
The distribution of grants in the Republic of Kazakhstan will be under the control of
As observers in the Commission for awarding grants and public contracts will be able to participate and representatives of businesses, as potential employers of students. Also the distribution of the grants will follow the members of the special monitoring groups of the Agency, composed of representatives of civil society, business, scientific and academic communities, as well as bloggers and the media.'Every year there is an increase in funds which are for free education for everyone, therefore there is a need of transparency in the allocation of preferential points. Such a move would be the most effective mechanism in identifying corruption in this area. We believe that citizens should participate in the contest as observers, this should apply to the authorized body with the help of instant messengers and social networks.'This year Kazakhstan graduates claim 69 089 educational grants, including 53 594 – on the bachelor, 13 220 – magistracy, 2275 – PhD. The number of grants compared t..
Comics will introduce Junior physics
Soon in Kazakhstan will be comics that will talk and familiarize pupils with the basics of physics. This interesting project came up in the Scientific and educational Foundation named after academician esenova. Earlier, as everyone knows, the comics was just entertaining. The purpose of this publication is to provide information to the Junior classes on physics and what they have to teach in high school, to awaken interest in science. 'Comics work is very colorful and informative, the basis for them is the material of the book Interesting physics, authored by Yakov Perelman. Plot is the adventure of four classmates, who constantly get into absurd situations and are the most interesting test. Comic will come out in the state and Russian languages, which is available to explain information to children from 10 years, shows what they do not notice in everyday life and will excite their interest in science' - said the head of the project. The idea belongs entirely to Kazakhstan, t..
An overview of the professions of catering
Features the profession of Pastry chefThan cake is different from bread? As explained culinary historian William pohlebkin, a confection from a bakery that pastry flour is less than half. The rest is sugar and other additives. Confectionery products are divided into sugar (jam, jelly, ice cream, candy, marshmallows, halva, chocolate, etc.) and flour (waffles, cakes, cookies, cupcakes, etc.). But in any case they are characterized by high content of sugar or other sweeteners (honey, fructose, fruit, etc.).The pastry chef prepares on a given formulation of different types of dough and fillings, creams and other semi-finished products, of which then bakes the finished product and decorate them. Many pastry chef makes by hand using special tools. For example, decorate the cakes with cream. The skills of pastry is determined by the discharges. Their total of 6. Immediately after graduation, pastry chef gets the 3rd or 4th level. But in the process it can be improved. 6th category- the highe..
The results of complex testing of Kazakhstan
In Kazakhstan not so long ago there was a comprehensive test, but many of the test has not passed. In total 18 600 people. 43 thousand people passed the exam, while for participation filed 45 thousand people.. the Result of delivery of CT was the average of 64 units, the threshold overcome 24 000 people, as mentioned in the message on the website of the National testing center. During the comprehensive testing for violation of the rules of conduct and the use of prohibited items with the testing was removed 22 participants, noted in STC. 51 there was also an attempt to take the test with the help of surrogates. 'In 2018 during the CT scan were seized 31 110 prohibited items, including 26 015 electronic devices (smartphones, routers, modems, and so on) and 5 095 on paper (Cribs, educational literature and so on)', – said the center. Not overcome the threshold level participants KT can be re-integrated testing from 15 to 19 August 2018. Applications for participation in th..
Medical education in the country is much worse.
The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev has met with Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev, the press service informs. The head of state stressed that, despite growth of indicators of socio-economic development adopted by the government programs do not cover the population fully. 'Finished the first half. Indicators show growth. In General, welfare is good. We adopted an industrial, infrastructural and social programs. But the local Executive bodies and ministries do not bring them to the end, approved programmes do not reach the regions', – said the head of state. Nursultan Nazarbayev noted the decrease in the quality of care and education, pointing to the growth of tariffs for utilities and the cost of education in the universities of the country. 'The cost of utilities increased. Medical care has deteriorated. Education has become expensive. The youth prefers Russian universities because of the low quality of training in our universities. Such problems are..
State employees of Kazakhstan failed a test for knowledge of language
Over the past six months in the certification centre KazTest visited 1364 state employees, including 440 people are unable to pass the exam on knowledge of the Kazakh language, as reported in the National testing center. Since the beginning of this year was 19 905 people who passed exams to determine the level of language and on its confirmation.'Of the total number of employees 925 people confirmed the level of the Kazakh language, the rest failed the exam' - said in a statement.The last two months of testing are employees of akim, Deputy akims and senior positions, health care, schools and other areas of Almaty and North Kazakhstan regions.In North Kazakhstan region in the certification testing was attended by 64 civil servants, 43 of them failed to confirm the level of the state language.'From 25 to 29 June there were diagnostic and certification testing, among state, civil servants as well as employees from other areas of NKR. The total number of the test amounted to 1 712 people, ..
An overview of legal careers
It's time to talk about the specialties that are becoming more popular in our time – the specialty of Jurisprudence. Lawyers can earn a lot of money, both in Kazakhstan and in Russia. The specialties of law include: attorney, Prosecutor, social worker, notary, judge. Let's look at each specialty gradually. Lawyers. Being a lawyer is a very important and responsible work. Duties of specialist – the protection of the rights and representation of interests in court of individuals or businesses in court. This man is an expert in the field of human rights protection, has higher education in the specialty and past training. In Kazakhstan, a representative of the legal profession is eligible to join the bar Association. A group of advocates involves a monthly premium. To join the group, it is important to be not just a graduate but have experience in court. The right to counsel has every citizen of the Republic. Whether client money or not, in the first case, he can pay his lawyer, the second..
In the kindergarten of the city of Astana there was a beating of a child
In the kindergarten №84 has occurred, the beating of children, reported the press service of Astana city.'The incident occurred a few days ago, the teacher we got fired from article 52, paragraph 14 of the Labour code of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 'the Committing of a worker performing educational complex, immoral act incompatible with the continuation of this work'. In addition to the dismissal of the culprit was issued a reprimand with entering in a private matter, just to make a verbal note' - noted in the Department of education.A kindergarten №84 this is the first complaint reported in the press center. To eliminate such situations in the future, today there were assembled all the teachers and educators of the kindergarten with them was interviewed about their educational responsibilities and functions.The Department of education said that the teacher who used force against the children, was appointed relatively recently, in 2018. Informed of such actions it was not observed, ha..
We launched a contest for the best invention in the field of aerospace
Recently launched a competition for the best invention in the transportation industry, it can accept students from 16 to 18 years. The contestants have to show their ideas and inventions that will be relevant in the transport field, in space. The winners will receive a trip to London for training in the leading University in the field of eurocosmetic. This competition is held for two years in a row. Sultan Aitzhanov said that the Boys get a kind of experience, a good education, strictly speaking-during the summer weekends the students themselves give up vacations and going to study in this area. Those who will win our future pilots, engineers and other workers of Aeroflot. Children will connect their lives with the cosmic sphere.University of London Queen — a higher educational institution in London (UK), public research University and one of the founders of the Federal University of London. This is one of the largest and most prestigious universities in the UK. Its history dates from ..
Specialty cybersecurity has already appeared in the universities of Kazakhstan
Military security of Kazakhstan is not in place, and now will soon start training with the first stream of students in cybersecurity. A new Department was opened at the Institute of radio electronics and communication under the program 'Digital Kazakhstan'. Also it gave the opportunity for women to obtain new skills, like cartography, translation studies and systems space systems in foreign military schools. When the study is complete the future soldiers will be able to continue in the Armed Forces of our country. Military specialties, there were more than 3 thousand applications, but to consider them will be from July 20.Meanwhile, in the Irtysh begin to build 9 large dorms. Each of which will be for students of various educational institutions. Control region authorities consider the participation of investors through private partnership. In this social initiative of the President of the residents of Pavlodar city decided that the hostel needed most College students, but do not forge..
Overview of health professions
Let's do a survey on several popular medical specialties. In order to enroll in certain specialty and to obtain the necessary education to know about them a little more than just a name. Today we look at some of the professions related to medicine on the educational portal Edu-Kz.Com.So, the first most interesting, in our opinion the profession of Midwifery. The profession is quite challenging, as it implies the existence of knowledge in different fields. Despite the narrow range of activities, the specialist is constantly in use. There are two directions: the Obstetrician – a nurse and an obstetrician-gynecologist. Main responsibilities is to support women psychologically and to prepare them for childbirth. Specialist also accepts the child while the doctor performs other duties, for example, cuts the umbilical cord. Obstetrician-gynecologist – a person with higher medical education with a medical degree. A man must know the whole process of childbirth, pathology and complications. Th..
GloveSpeaker - glove invented by Kazakhstani
A schoolboy from the city of Aktobe, has received five thousand dollars in world intellectual games, which were held for a whole week from 8th to 14th of July in the city of Yakutsk. Fifteen-year-old winner of the Nazarbayev intellectual schools received a certificate for 5 thousand dollars for a dream project processing oral language from sign language. The contest was held among 18 countries. The boy from Kazakhstan gave the conference his glove Glosspoker that connects to the phone via Bluetooth, while swinging the glove, the smartphone shows the text used gesture. 'This invention will allow a mute to communicate with those without effort. His invention was considered the best of all and received a certificate for 5 thousand to the winner, namely the National University of Singapore Leong Chuan quôc and the President of the company 'Myton' Alexander Baisheva'The winners of the General classification the first International intellectual games was the team high school mathematics and ..
18 at the international mathematical Olympiad, Kazakhstan won the
In 2018, 59 hosted the international mathematics Olympiad for schools worldwide. It was held in Romania in Cluj. The competition was attended by 615 people from 116 countries. The Olympics of this type usually takes place in two stages, each of which consists of three tasks giving a total of 21 points. The total assessment may not exceed 42 points respectively. The result of all Olympics, 2 bronze medals and 4 silver medals. And the team finished in 18th place and entered the TOP 20 countries. Silver medals earned: Aruzhan Amanbaev, a student in the 11th grade physics and mathematics school. Alex Guild, as well from the 11th grade of the Lyceum №165. Alikhan Kudaibergenov from Lyceum Bilim-Innovation and Genghis Bilyalov – 10 grade Tamos Education. And two students – Rahman Ismatullaev and Alikhan Zimanov brought the state two bronze medals. We will remind, at the international Balkan Olympiad (Rhodes town, Greece.) Junior (7th, 8th grade) team of Kazakhstan took the 3rd place among 22..
How important is education and a few facts about the foreign
About the importance of education, people learned a long time ago. Impossible without the existence and development of society. A good education requires a significant financial outlay from the state. Most in primary and secondary education allocated by the government of Alaska. Less money is spent on Somalia. It is not surprising that the country recorded the highest percentage of illiteracy. In 1990 it was 76%.To date, the educational process goes in one step with time and progress, both technical and academic - to help students and the teacher. Today do not have to search through tons of study material or spend a lot of time searching the Internet for the training process - just go to the website koncpekt.ru and to see in one place with working programs for elementary, middle and high school levels, with lesson notes and many others. But today is not about that, and about the 10 most amazing facts about education. The oldest working nowadays Universities is considered to be Oxford, ..
Trillions of dollars countries are losing because of the illiteracy of women
In the global education of the female population has a huge infringement. Most countries lose up to thirty trillion dollars, due to the fact that they are missing the opportunity to give women access to work and increase their productivity. The news reports the world Bank news, 'Missed Opportunities: the High losses due to the failure to educate the female population. According to the world Bank, those countries that have low incomes, more than 60% of all women have education in a few primary classes. Thus employability among those who received higher education a lot more. The Bank also reports that for the full package of social and economic benefits of secondary education, the girls themselves should have at least education in the 9th grade. For those who received at least secondary education, face violence in the family, practically no chance. For society the benefits of female education lies in the fact that lost mortality and hunger, women are less abandon newborn childr..
The level of knowledge of the languages of the Bolashak program will be reduced
The level of language proficiency for future stantiation Bolashak will decreases for French, Korean and Japanese languages. In Our country it is planned to reduce the minimum frame at which participants can enter the Bolashak scholarship. This project will be implemented in force by order of the Minister of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Edu-Kz.Com educational portal that allows you to leave comments under the news. We look forward to your discussions. 'The easing of regulations on the level of knowledge of the German and French languages due to the need to expand the access of applicants to participate in the contest for awarding scholarship 'Bolashak'. The changes do not involve additional financial costs on training and are eligible to participate in the competition to a greater number of applicants', – explained the authors of the draft order. According to the document, to study in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in English and German instead of a certific..
Kazakhstan won 30 grants
The program IQanat established by the group of Kazakh sponsors, it aims at supporting rural students in obtaining equal access to the opportunities of entering national and foreign universities. To participate in the program for the 2017-2018 school year were selected from about 180 finalists from remote villages of six districts of the East Kazakhstan region. Students participating in the Olympiad throughout the school year. In the field of the Olympic games are held every academic quarter, the results of which participants earn points. With the highest number of points advance to the finals.Recently held a competition for rural schools in the possession of the Republican grants at Nazarbayev University in Astana. The awarding ceremony was held successfully and the participants were presented with 30 educational grants to universities of China, Lithuania, Cyprus, Russia and Kazakhstan. The first place winners in each country received 2 million tenge, whose money will go to t..
Language courses
Language courses is a very topical issue in our time. From an early age, every parent sends their child to training in foreign languages, knowing that in the future their children will be able to communicate with foreigners, to travel to different countries and much more. However, foreign languages carried away just now, and those people born in the USSR or later who do not even know the alphabet, can not not to communicate with foreigners, they cannot understand even simple names of the movies or TV, it will not be able to read the composition of any product. To remedy this situation and came up with Language courses.Courses may be recorded by anyone. Moreover, the types of courses are different, too – from the basics to the professional level. Let's look at each level learning more.Newly minted linguists will be trained in the courses the simplest things – the alphabet, pronunciation and reading. In many schools courses from scratch differ on professional approach and, of course, cos..
Five children were obliged to go to the first class
In oral children under the age of five years kicked out of kindergarten, explaining that they have all the preschool level.Parents were sent the regulations, which say that their children are obliged to drop out of kindergarten and go to school. Parents, of course, did not agree that their children must go to school at such a young age. 'My boy's not ready to go to school. Even in the primary grades is very difficult. Son will lag behind in development. I wish to receive good education and went to school as expected - after 2 years.' - Yana said Zhukovskaya. The Department of education noted that they are acting within the law. Next year the children should go to kindergarten at age six.'Taking care of your child is one, I'll have to quit your job to drive the girl to school. She's small, the house leave it unattended, not' - said Vera Donskova. Older people believe that it is not for the child but for the sake of statistics. Thus they improve the figures of enrolment in..
The zero point is commented on in the Department of education of Semey
The Board of education of the city of Families in which one graduate scored no points saying that there was a technical error in scoring. As reported by the concerned officials, the girl did not wait for help from teachers or parents, as previously expressed, the head of the education Department Natalia Fesenko, she answered the test questions.Deputy head of the Department of education of the city of Semey said that there was a technical error. The student immediately filed an objection with the appeal and now she was given the opportunity to retake the test in August, retaining the chance to get the grant. Officials say this student on trial tests gained a lot of points - a minimum of 60 and maximum of 100. She always had good results, these balls she had to score on the actual exam. - said Gulnar Orazbekova.We will remind that not so long ago it became known about the girl not muster a single score on a Single National test, and in that time Natalia Fesenko commented on the fact that..
Complaints of teachers Kondelik were answered
'Great word 'communication', even with a negligent parent, but it should be' – addressed Sagadieva teachers.Teachers of the southern capital turned to Yerlan Sagadiev with such claims because elektronnogo diary system Kondelik they lose communication with parents. This was announced at a public Council of parents and teachers - parents because Kundalika stopped going to school. 'These e-diaries created for convenience, created for teachers and for students. Because the teacher used to call parents to the school via a paper diary, and now another.Even after the introduction of electronic diaries, the number of parents attending meetings increased to four times, it is only in the last 1.5 years to cite figures. If we create a normal boards of Trustees, parents will walk to school. That's what we want. The diary is not some tool that does not communicate with the class teacher and the parent. On the contrary, he previously only suppressed child. Why? Because from the first grade to a..
The internship
Higher medical educational institutions usually conduct additional training for their graduates who want to improve their knowledge of the theory in practice, increasing the degree of readiness of students to independent medical practice.This form of training is a continuation of the third degree for persons who have completed higher medical specialty. They are exempt from passing the medical practice of those graduates who plan to enroll in a residency or graduate school. Those who pass medical practice called interns. Medical practice lasts for one year, including any leave and only full-time education. This type of training gives young people the opportunity to gain experience in the specialized agencies of the state or municipal form.Training in medical institutions for internship is under the employment agreement or contract concluded between the Intern and the institution in which he's going to go practice a particular specialty. Such a contract can be concluded only applicants w..
UNT scored no points
Shameful and disgraceful for such students who are renting such an important exam like UNT are unable to answer a single question correctly. This year that student was a girl from school Families. 'Indicate that many of the guys taking the exam on the knowledge of the 11 classes did absolutely nothing, they just sat and waited. Waited for reinforcements from the parents and probably teachers, but it never came. Probably because the building are jammers mobile signal. Otherwise how can you call this mess? - said Natalia Fesenko. Every year graduates are warned not to rely on notes, phones, parents and cell phones. Do not try to buy the test results. All this only prevents you to pass the exam correctly. Kazakhstan on the threshold of the UNT overcame 85% of the graduates. The average score in the Republic – 83. In 2017, it was at the level of 80.5.Also in the same city failed to score the passing score is 182 people, but they have the right to resit in August, however, wi..
Graduate studies
And so, another step in our education – Graduate. Fellowship was born in 1025. Today the graduate school is one of the main forms of training for scientific personnel of institutions in the system of postgraduate education.On the first of September 2013 in Kazakhstan, the graduate school refers to the third stage of higher education.When you finish graduate school, then of course upon successful completion you will be issued a document – the diploma about the termination of postgraduate study, a sample of which is installed MES, and a document about obtaining a new qualification.Scholarship graduate students put in the same way as others, she goes out of the state budget and assigned to depending on your progress in the development of postgraduate programs, on the basis of certification of passing two times a year.The one who is charged with a scholarship must meet the requirements and have at least a satisfactory rating and academic standing. All graduate students receive a stipend fr..
15% the dealer does not get a passing score on UNT
Just this year passed the Unified national Test 98 thousand future students, however, get a passing score only 84 thousand graduates, which means 85% of the total number of dealer. Not scored 50 points to pass the test 14 thousand people, as reported from the National testing centre of MES RK in the press conference in the CCS.'There was a total of 102 447 applications for the UNT, for unknown reasons, passed UNT only 98 700 people. State language exams passed more than 77 thousand people, or approximately 75% of all participants. In Russian language was handed over 25 thousand, and English 28' - said the Director of the National testing center.The average score for Kazakhstan – 83. Last year it was lower by 2.5 points.'This year we increased the number of grants for 20 thousand, of which 11 were for technical professions. Such specialized subjects as mathematics and physics gave 26.7% of people. They can enroll in 52 specialty of which can win 11 thousand grants. These statistics are ..
So, it's time to meet the third stage of higher education – doctoral studies. This form of training, purpose of training is obtaining the title of doctor of science. To obtain the degree of doctor of science of their profession it is necessary to strictly comply with the purpose of learning and eventually write a doctoral thesis and defend it.The framework of the Bologna process called doctoral degree postgraduate education to get to where you can only graduate from a master's degree, the second stage of education. However, some countries can afford and for undergraduate study dentistry.In CIS Countries the doctoral program typically come employees of scientific and pedagogical organizations by the age of 40, having a degree of candidate of science, various achievements in the field of their profession. Doctor of science must have deep theoretical knowledge and wide erudition, a creative approach to pedagogical and scientific research work.Period of doctoral studies for full-time educa..
The new kindergarten in Zhosaly was closed for repairs
The brand new kindergarten located and constructed years ago in the village of Zhosaly, Kyzylorda region had to be closed for repairs. Internal partitions of buildings sank and they started cracking. However, the repair is reported to be completed by 20 July and the garden will reopen.'Testing for the presence of technical errors carried out by the competent employees of LLP 'Stroyekspertiza'. Reason cracks appeared in the groundwater, whose rise has provoked rains' - said the Deputy akim of the district in which it is Zhosaly.The construction of this kindergarten held a competition in 2017, it commissioned the company Akmeshit-Meliorator. The result of the contest was the victory of the company in the tender and they received the sum of 229 million tenge for the construction of sadiku ..
Comprehensive testing will take more than 45 thousand people
Comprehensive testing in the Republic of Kazakhstan willing to get more than 45 thousand people, as we were informed in the National testing center. They said that pass CT decided 7 thousand people with General secondary education and 38 thousand graduates of different organizations with secondary special and vocational education.'To participate in Complex testing decided 45 673 people, of which almost 20 thousand on the CT, and the rest on CT for College graduates entering the Universities. Still under the new act the applications for the exams, so the exact number of participants may vary' - is written on the official website of the testing center.The same test will pass and foreign residents that this year I want to start studying in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan such this year was 1677 people.Testing will begin on July 14 and will be held 4 days in all regions of Kazakhstan.Conditions of delivery of complex testing for graduates of schools and colleges have differen..
You can be taught not the full 4 years
At the moment there is a privilege, with the help of the students of Kazakhstan to study all four years. This law will become effective after its approval in a few days.At a meeting on the development of interactive education, the Minister of science and education Yerlan Sagadiyev said that students in the future can learn all 4 years. 'We hope that the law about academic freedom will bring many benefits. He has already passed the lower chamber and is now being considered in the Senate. Many countries have already prescribed a specific provision in the Constitution, and we have decided to follow this example - we will give universities the freedom to give those or other educational programs, those that they consider most useful and relevant. To regulate the quality of teaching' - said Sagadiyev He noted that the updated law stipulates several important changes. First: Kazakhstan students no longer will need to study for four years. 'In order to graduate from high school ..
In the medieval universities there were the following academic degrees: bachelor, master and PhD, but in some countries there is only academic degrees: bachelor, licentiate and doctor of philosophy[2]. In 1240 the master received the right to elect the rector.In the Middle ages a master's degree — Magister artium liberalium (cont. M. A. L.) and was the teacher of the so-called free Sciences. It was subsequently awarded the degree at the philosophical faculty, by the nineteenth century supplanted the degree of doctor of philosophy. In XIX—XX centuries a master's degree, inferior in relation to doctoral, remained in England and Russia.In the Russian Empire, a master's degree in various Sciences existed in all faculties except the medical. Master of science degree in pharmacy and master of veterinary science was the highest in its field. Master's degree received a person that at the end of a University course kept the special oral test in the known branches of science defended publicly an..
System video broadcast UNT failed
Yesterday began the Unified National Testing, which was conducted online stream system developed by Kazakhstan developers. If there is another failure of the broadcasting system, then the system will be changed in the current program, the Director of the NTC Ramazan Alimkulov at a press conference in the CCS. He explained that on the first day of testing glitches during the broadcast of the UNT. 'At the first failure, we contacted the service provider, an international company with more than 15 data centers worldwide and over three million video cameras operating in continuous online mode. All day the company has corrected the situation, in the meantime, our programmers have developed a fallback. If today during the broadcast of the regular flow of graduates at UNT will fail, we will launch another service through another channel, what is required to be notified to the spectators.' - said the Director. The online stream has undergone some problems, but the test was no pr..
More than 200 thousand students in need of housing
More than 200 thousand students in universities and colleges of Kazakhstan need in the hostel, this was announced by Vice-Minister of education and science of Kazakhstan asylova. She claims that the number of students in the Republic increases every year, however, housing is only achieved 66%. 'Together with universities and local agencies we have identified the need in places of the hostel. Great need, if you look more globally, accounts for Almaty - 23 thousand places, in Astana, - 17 thousand, while in southern Kazakhstan, about 11 thousand' she explained. The Deputy Minister noted that already established 134 area for the organization of institutions of residence for students near educational institutions. Educational institutions decide for themselves how and where will the hostel, said Bibigul asylova. However, the project should start on the basis of the financial capacity of the University. 'We do not limit , do not link that there should be one shower on th..
Baccalaureate - what is it?
Did you know that higher education starts with Undergraduate? Bachelor is a person who graduated from the Academy, University or Institute, having mastered all the training programs of higher education. Completed higher education and is called a Bachelor degree. In Russian language the word 'Bachelor' is known since the 18th century, namely in 1758, when it was first used in the 'Moscow Gazette'. The word comes from the old Latin language and means 'Lord of the manor'. For the current period, there are many interpretations of the word, but in Russian and in English is used the legal term 'bachelor's degree' or 'bachelor's degree'. In the modern world, the word bachelor determines the degree of higher education.A bachelor's degreeIn the old days, when there was the Russian Empire, too, there was this degree, but she had a slightly different meaning. Academic degree in the educational development started with a bachelor and was at that time the highest academic degree which is usually aw..
Deputy of the Majilis dissatisfied with the programme of training of teachers
Many different questions are concerned with training and re-training of teachers who teach in Kazakh and English, said the Deputy of the Majilis Natalia Zhumadildaev. More than 12 thousand teachers who are now trained in English language, only 2%, and is 250 people, this was said by Deputy at the meeting in the direction of 'Education' in the election campaign, Nur Otan 'I see that done a great job, she grabbed a lot of sectors of education, we see the numbers, a lot of teachers who undergo refresher courses, but in the end have only 250 trained teachers,' she said. According to her, the Ministry of education began some bad choices of teachers who will undergo training. 'I think we took too fast rate of development in order to teach a larger number of teachers. I can confirm his words by the fact that when meeting with those teachers who completed courses and received diplomas B1 and B2, they can only say Hello and give you a couple of terms. This is very bad' - he added..
30% of teachers are unable to pass tubing
Pass NKT teachers proved to be as difficult as, and prospective applicants. The threshold of 50 points overcame a little more than half of teachers – 36 thousand people. The average score of teachers was 68 out of 110. Almost 20 thousand teachers applying for participation in the National Qualifying test, are unable to pass the test, reported on the official website of the testing center.Testing took place in late may on the basis of the 64 training centers throughout the country. However, 4 of the thousands of teachers who applied for testing for some reason, did not come to the test.'By the end of the tubing was to overcome the threshold level 36 272 teachers, including 23 758 – in the Kazakh language, Russian 12 514 people. The average score was 68 out of 110 available.In total, the teachers have applied for the categories 'teacher-expert', 'teacher moderator', 'teacher-researcher' and 'teacher-master', everyone who crossed the threshold wage will increase from 20 to 50% depending o..
University Basalak in Karaganda
Private institution Academy 'Bolashak' was organized on 25 September 1995, pursuant to the order of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 267, dated September 25, 1995 in accordance with article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan 'On education' on the basis of the Regulations on licensing the educational activity approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 13, 1993 No. 597 and the decision of the national Council of licensing, attestation and accreditation of educational institutions of the Ministry of education and science.The Academy has a perpetual state license for educational activity №0137370 from 03.02.2010 g.23 Sep 2011 the University received the accreditation certificate MK No. 001991 as a subject of scientific and scientific-technical activities.In accordance with the State program of education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2020, the University is implementing a phas..