Новости образования
About the COP and OP
The Ministry of education commented on the publication of online collections of summative assessments for the quarter and the section of education for grades 1 through 7. In Department have noticed that teachers are forbidden to use the job of these collections for study in schools.Teachers can use tasks from COP and WORKS only with the special website or develop a job on their own.'Finished the assignment the teacher can take on an educational resource smk.edu.kz. Teachers have the right to add, modify, and develop new tasks for the project. Importantly, tasks corresponded to the subject' according to the website of MES.Proper use of data is the responsibility of the teacher, because he plans his lesson.Criterial evaluation system is being implemented in schools in Kazakhstan with the program the updated content of education in 2016 – 1 classes, with a 2017 in 2,5,7 grades, 2018 – 3, 6, 8 grades. 4, 9, 10 classes will be in the 2019-2020 school year, 11 classes – in the 2020-2021 acad..
Bolashak for 2019
And here at the beginning of next year is open to the Bolashak program, which allows you to enter foreign universities for free education for Kazakhstani students. Applications may be submitted already with the month of January.Hungary opened the door for two hundred and fifty people on training grants in the framework of the agreement between the MES and the Ministry of human resources, where he was a recognized need for cooperation in the field of science and education.For the next academic year was opened the following educational programs:the bachelor program – 110 locations (art, Humanities, agriculture, technical Sciences),under the program, the master's – 90 seats (engineering, agriculture, art),according to the program of bachelor studies + master – 30 seats with duration of 5 to 6 years (General medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, architecture, law, veterinary surgery, engineering in the field of agriculture, engineer in architecture),according to the program of doctorate – 20 seat..
Will allow students to train in Samruk-Kazyna
The Fund 'Samruk-Kazyna' and AEO 'Nazarbayev University' signed a Memorandum of cooperation. The document will allow students to Intern and practice in Foundation and its national companies and to implement joint scientific projects.According to the Chairman of the Board of JSC 'Samruk-Kazyna' Akhmetzhan Yesimov, the Fund feels the need of trained staff.'The human potential of our companies is quite high. I'm not afraid to say that because of the conditions and challenges facing our companies and have strong frames. However, always in need of replenishment. This replenishment would be more effective if the students of the Nazarbayev University will have the opportunity to complete work experience and internships in our national companies and the Fund', – Akhmetzhan Yessimov said.The students of Nazarbayev University have interned at the Fund for the program 'Digital summer' in 2018. According to the results of the company employed 33 graduates.'Two thousand young people have applied fo..
Department of education the daughter of the President wishes to close.
Department of education the daughter of the President wishes to close.The Chairman of the Committee on foreign relations and the President's daughter Dariga Nazarbayeva expressed support for the closure of departments of education throughout the country. She claims that all schools have moved to per capita funding. This will give each school its own cash Fund, where there will be sponsors and donors.'Schools allocate money, and they are too long and do not go into business, some save and put the remains in his pocket, nedoponyal textbooks or do a bad repair.' - she also noticed that there are many violations in schools and departments of education, so the question of whether such organizations are now actively discussed.'I have to shut it down, and there is already good international experience in this regard', – said Dariga Nazarbayeva.It is, in its opinion, will allow the Ministry of education and science in the development of standards and regulations directly in control of the whol..
Donations to education decreased in the order
Investment in education of Kazakhstan has decreased by almost a quarter over the year. For 11 months of 2018, the total investment in the sector amounted to 180.5 billion, reducing year-to-year, 23.8.During the first 11 months of last year, the investment amounted to 236,8 billion tenge, while the annual increase was equal to 24.9%. Significantly decreased the proportion of investment in education of the total volume of capital investments in the country from 3.2% to 1.9%.Half of the total volume of investments into the fixed capital of the education segment came in five regions of Kazakhstan.The largest volume of capital investment in the city: 30,1 billion tenge 12.4% more than last year. The top three investment in education also includes Astana and Turkestan oblast – 26 billion and 19.7 billion tenge, respectively.The largest annual growth of investment in Mangistau region – more than 21 times year-on-year. Investment in SKO has increased 3.5 times, from 1.8 billion to 6,5 billion ..
Physics in comics
Now Kazakhstan boasts modern physics – namely, the physics in comic books, as reported by the press service of the Fund name Shahmardan Yessenov.This material is designed for children aged 10 years, some comics can be studied in schools. So far the first and only experience of creating lessons in the comic books.'At the beginning of 2018, we began to think about how it is acceptable to allow children to physics world, and found a new way to create comics. In discussing the project, we decided that I needed to create an interesting story for children, which will acquaint them with all the laws of physics that they face every day,' - said in the scientific and educational center.The creators of the comic want to enable children to understand how comic book heroes have all the laws of physics on themselves, each new release they will travel to our country and alert you to beautiful places like Charyn canyon or the Ustyurt reserve. The comics also contain cognitive information. There is ad..
Penalties for insulting teachers
Vice-Minister of education and science reported that the concept of punishing those who offend the teachers began to discuss in your existing chat on the project 'teacher Status'. Have begun to consider the imposition of fines for insult and humiliation of staff education about which we were informed Elmira Shahberdieva.'At the moment the concept was accepted by all members of the Commission. Now we have to discuss it with all teachers of the country, all of teachers 3000 people, a little more. They will be sent all the material for discussion on WhatsApp. So they left their wishes and comments. While one does not give us a feedback, we will not discuss it further. The concept of only approved' - said Elmira.She also noticed that the responsibility will be in the form of a monetary fine. The student is a child, but a parent, what right he has to insult the honor and dignity of the teacher? Let him answer in law!29 November 2018, the Ministry of education and science invited the teacher..
The student scored the maximum score on the exam at Harvard
A student of the school Nazarbayev on the physical and mathematical direction of Almaty city received the right to enter any University in the world, as reported by the press of this organization.'The way of the disciple of the 12th grade began with the first victories in the contests of mathematics and physics. The guy postability record and scored the most challenging tests, 36 out of 36 points and 2400 out of 2400 possible. According to Harvard University the average score equal to 75% of maximum,' - says the press service.Aknazar Kazhymurat plans to continue teaching at Harvard in the direction of the Topology after graduation he plans to pursue science in his native country. The student has provided the first face of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev at the forum of teachers and students.'The head of state gave the bat Aknazar, expressing confidence that it arrives in one of the most prestigious universities in the world', – said the press service.Aknazar Kazhymurat got the actual ..
Specialty - Programming
Many ordinary people became famous because of the programming. The work in this area is considered to be predominantly male, but the first programmer is a woman. Is the daughter of famous English poet Byron, Ada Lovelace. Thanks to her appeared first admission control calculations that are still used in modern programming.Currently, the profession of a programmer has become very popular. This is primarily linked with the development of computer technologies and the Internet. These professionals are involved in the development of different programs for text editors, websites, games, and video surveillance systems, alarms, etc.Representatives of programmers are quite in demand in the labour market. Despite the fact that higher education institutions produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and in many enterprises require skilled Programmers.A programmer using a special mathematical models developing a computer program. To date, the community of these profession..
Specialty - primary school Teacher
Often the presentation of the profession of primary school teacher in educational institutions includes the idea that the teacher is the oldest profession. It is obvious that the teaching profession is one of the oldest in civilization, but whether it is the most ancient, today unknown. Training and education has become an independent function even before the emergence of scientific knowledge, and the first school was opened on the territory of the Ancient East., where the training is conducted only by men of the caste of priests. The first documented reference was found in Egyptian sources older than 2500 years BC.Widespread school in Ancient Greece. Greek boys aged 7 to 14 years, he studied grammar, singing, music, oratory. Children taught at such school medical (teacher) , accompanied by a teacher (accompanying a slave). Profession primary school teacher came to a small decline during the conquests of Ancient Rome. The Roman system focused on a broad liberal education to prepare pol..
11 children, after a chemistry lesson is in the hospital
On 12th of December in the Almaty region, in one school, in chemistry class the poisoning occurred 11 children, they were in the hospital.'To the hospital of the village Karakemer immediately came a group of children with a complaint of nausea, dizziness and abdominal pain, there were 11. The students of 7th B class' - told in the hospitalSeveral of them got a rash, the other two experienced seizures. Accompanied by an ambulance the ambulance took them to TSRB'In the waiting room of the children examined, took their tests and washings from the stomach, held a symptomatic treatment, EKG, abdominal ultrasound. Consultations carried out pediatric cardiologist, ENT, neurologist, psychologist', – said the press service of the Department of health.In children suspected poisoning with chemical substances, but later the diagnosis removed, as they all became better the next day. The provincial Department of health reported that all students have been discharged.The Director of the village schoo..
780 the IT classes were opened in Kazakhstan
Eastern Kazakhstan is the main region for implementation of the program 'Digital Kazakhstan'. Currently in the region there are 277 specialized classes for teaching children the specialties of intelligent technologies. These classes equipped with the latest technology – they have switched to paperless option training, as well as medical facilities. Also in this region there is the first robotic surgery center, for which he received numerous awards. This work reduces errors to a minimum and helps clients faster to recover. Opportunities for the development of digital Kazakhstan are endless. Kazakhstan today openly 780 specialized classes. The result exceeded all expectations – even the students create their own unusual and incredible projects, win competitions and the Olympic games ha international forums. The people's party Nur Otan said that it would open about 1000 of these classes and of course is already a success. We see a good activity for high school students invented a fire ala..
Chat in WhatsApp messenger to discuss 'the Status of the Teacher'
For a more thorough discussion of the bill On the status of the teacher has created a special chat hotline, as reported by the trade Union of education and science.'The Union is interested in the fact that the education system has evolved and the bill which at all on hearing was received and processed in the shortest possible time. To this end, we launched the chat in WhatsApp messenger adding phone contacts 8-747-919-38-51 you can discuss the bill' - they say on the website of the Union.The office noted that the chat system is already bearing fruit received over three hundred proposals for the bill from the employees of schools and science 'On status of teacher''Just want to remind you that your suggestions you can send and email on the website and at prion.kz@mail.ru' –said the press service.This law instructed to develop Nursultan Nazarbayev, the first President of RK. And the Ministry of education and science already embodies his order in life. ..
Teachers violators, and fake certificate of good conduct
The Department of education of the capital of Miners of Karaganda reported that after inspection the College was found 2 teachers – one consisting of study in a psychiatric hospital, the other a criminal.'A teacher who had intercourse with an underage girl at one of the schools, each year has brought a certificate of good conduct, we could not believe the official document. The second employee resigned myself the 14th of August, on his own initiative, he completed an employment contract.Officials stressed that the teacher who was in the psychiatric records and also worked in College were employed legally, since 22 Feb 2018 it was removed from the account in psychiatric hospital.The Prosecutor's office of Karaganda region during the inspection revealed two teachers colleges, one of which was tried for a crime against sexual integrity of children, while the second consisted on the account in psychiatric hospital. ..
Kazakhstan won the gold medal in programming
The team of the future programmers took part in the international stage of the Olympic games on programming, which was a very difficult task. A group of young people from the International University of information technologies took first place in Kazakhstan and the fourth in the CIS.The final round was held simultaneously in four cities – St. Petersburg, Barnaul, Almaty and Tbilisi participated in the competition of the order of 318 teams from all over the CIS. The team of our University decided eight objectives of 14 and received the gold medal of North Eurasia, took fourth place and brought greater glory to our University. The world Cup will be held in April 2019 in Portugal.The University team managed to beat seven-time world champion in programming from St. Petersburg.'The greatest victory of our University in the past 2018. We walked to this result for six years. I hope that for the first time in the history of our country will bring medals from the world championship. Incredible..
Scholarship Bolashak for 2019
Not so long ago, a meeting of the Republican Commission for training abroad, as reported by the news.'The Commission has decided on the list of occupations that will receive priority in 2019. The list contains over 150 items. The government has allocated more than 550 scholarships under the program Bolashak in 2019. Categories for internships abroad' - said in the message.Today, 71 people have already received a scholarship Bolashak and they study on master's and doctoral programs, after the training, they will be focused on training in the most advanced research centres in the world.At the beginning of the school year another 140 citizens of Kazakhstan have become holders of this scholarship. Just for the current year has been allocated more than 13 thousand scholarships...
Association of music schools and art schools still under discussion
The Republic is a conversation about how you can combine music school and art school in the capital, but some parents are against it. They think it will result in an increase of tuition fees and children are not able to drive, as children have become accustomed to the conditions in which engaged.'We are parents of musicians, school No. 2, against the fact that schools were United into one, we ask you to give the children normally continue their education in the school where they want to do it and improve your skills' - says Zhulduz Aubakirova in Facebook.Another user Facebook Mr Khan released a letter from the parents of pupils of child musical school №3, which they sent to the state authorities with a request to clarify what will happen with the musical schools of Astana.The Majilismen also did not appreciate the idea. Disagree with the possible restructuring was supported by the Deputy Irina Smirnova.However, on November 9 on the sidelines of the Senate, the Vice-Minister of educatio..
When cancel classes in schools?
In the capital of our Republic has cancelled classes due to heavy snowfall for the students of the second shift'29 November deteriorated visibility conditions, and we canceled classes from 0 to 12 classes' - have told in Management of education of Astana cityThe day before declared storm warning. Forecasters reported the increase of wind up to 25 m/s with decrease of temperature to -17°C. In the capital of snow, Blizzard and ice. ..
Canteens will lose employees
The management of the city of Astana, after some checks the canteens of the schools decided to end the contract with multiple vendors. The reason was a serious breach and not matching the menu.'The first half was a lot of rude and non-serious violations of what we were told from the Department of inspections. Eight schools used different types of penalties from dismissal to a reprimand. Two schools are now without a working mess' - have informed in Department of educationIn the new academic year to work on the assessment of the quality of food has started inter-Ministerial expert group, which included parents, members, members of the party 'Nur Otan', the representatives of the public Council and the Department of revenue.'For the first two months of the training process terminated the contract with supplier of school-Lyceum No. 85. In connection with the revealed infringements the decision on termination of the contract with the provider of food in schools №5, 14, 57, 69', – it is spo..
Career development
Many students who had just received a diploma, have a rather vague notion of a career. Attention should be paid to the fact that a career is impossible to create without personal development, so many started to work people squander their potential in a year – there is a feeling of marking time, which prevent strongly desirable.Every prospective worker has to understand one thing – a career is a set of desires, personal preferences of the boss, and, of course, the objectives you personally. Than more accurate you build the plan, the more you will reach on your place of work.Those who have the desire to perform and achieve goals, able to organize and structure the activities of the company, will always have a bigger career than those who are just doing routine work. This way you can increase your professional cawiki and level of competence.Summarizing the above, we can talk about the fact that most of the scales it takes a desire and the desire and not the desires of your superiors. Howe..
The concept of 'the status of the teacher'
The country began a discussion of the concept of 'On status of teacher', which began to develop by order of the President.The project has established a working group that includes teachers, lawyers, MPs and leaders of trade unions.The preliminary concept was brought to the Internet for discussion in the public domain, as well as on the website of MES. She was sent to negotiate with the local authorities, private businesses, the chamber of entrepreneurs to obtain expert opinion, as reported by Yerlan Sagadiyev on your blog.On the website 'Open NPA' concept published November 20, but the portal still no comments to the document. The more active the discussion is on the website of MES. For example, teachers suggest:to set the retirement age of teachers: for women – 55 years, men – 60 years;to establish the right of retirement on superannuation – 25 years (the bill provides for the granting of the right of retirement before reaching the age of retirement, based on continuous 30-year teachi..
Unvaccinated children can be barred from attending educational institutions
The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan clearly reglementary the right of everyone to education in the country, however, it may limit the visits to schools and other educational uchrezhdeniy for unvaccinated children, as stated by Aizhan Esmagambetova, Director of public policy Department of public health.'According to the thirty-ninth article of the Constitution, suschetvuet restrictions on access to education for obvious reasons. Vaccination is of course a question about this widely discussed today. Vaccinations are necessary for the health of all children, those who are not vaccinated are vulnerable as they may infect children with any disease. There are those who do not wish to be vaccinated and those who do, the vaccine is prohibited for medical reasons. Our aim is to protect both,' she said.Now children without vaccinations in the country, there are about 5%, to increase the number of vaccinated health Ministry has proposed banning visits privitymi children to kindergarten..
A new textbook in religious studies will be in 2019
With the new year in school will introduce a new textbook on religion, which has the name 'Society and Religion', it will allow pupils to see religion in a new way, in a modern society. 'We are talking about the textbook, it was altered several times and provided for discussion to the Ministry of education of Kazakhstan, it decided to implement the tutorial in 2019' - reported in the center of cultures at the forum of religious scholars of Kazakhstan. According to him, the program for the subject religious studies needs to be updated because the situation today in Kazakhstan are not the same as it was ten years ago when he created the tutorial. 'Religion is not mathematics. Themes are changed in connection with the circumstances, conditions. In this respect, it is necessary to show new aspects in the understanding of secular society, in the relations of state and religion. Today do not need clarification for students, some tenets or dogma of different faiths and religion..
Certification and professional development of teachers
Every teacher of the Republic of Kazakhstan now has an opportunity to increase their wages, thanks to the entry into force of the law on professional development for all teachers in the country. Increase the salary by up to 50% for the citizens of our country quite a lot. However, not all so rosy as it might seem. First, teachers need to calculate the forces and try to work hard. Because the rules of the exam involve the delivery of all items on which you learned in high school. Many of the teachers is shocking! Of course! Already 10 years have you taught math, and you are told to take both biology and Russian and Kazakh and literature and geography and all other subjects about which you have long forgotten. How not to be indignant?!However, as time passed from the first re-certification, and the rules have not changed, so for the exam you need to prepare in advance, prepare a portfolio and collect a number of documents. The folder should contain the results of the work with students, ..
Shop honesty in universities
Kazakhstan recently introduced a new project 'the Store of integrity', which has long been applied in many Scandinavian countries.The first store without sellers was opened in Shymkent in the University of Mukhtar Auezov, as reported by the press service of IDCPC.'Work shop without sellers is a self-service system. Here teachers and students can take the products they need and to put money in a special box, which replaces the seller. These stores are equipped with surveillance cameras, and here we can see the honesty of the students,' say the creators.The authors focused on the education of youth, integrity and honesty. These qualities create an anti-corruption people, there are confident developers. Prior to that, the honesty store was opened in Astana, the project was implemented in Academy of Public administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakh state law University.On 16 November, the honesty shop has opened in the Kazakh national University named after..
UNT will take 4 times a year
From December 1 it will begin accepting applications for participation in the Unified national testing (UNT) in January 2019, said the Vice-Minister of education and science of Kazakhstan Askhat Aimagambetov.'From 2019 UNT will be held four times a year for admission to universities on a paid basis. It's January, March, June-July and August,' said Askhat Aimagambetov at a press conference in Central communications Service.To qualify for grant, the documents will need to pass the test which will be held in June-July. Those who will participate in UNT in January, can try to win a grant in June and July. Even if a person scored high marks at the January test, in June and July he will again have to pass UNT to qualify for the grant.From 1 to 15 December 2018 will be accepting applications for participation in UNT, which will be held from 15 to 20 January 2019. This test can take part pupils of 11-12 classes of secondary schools, as well as those who are enrolled in the University before th..
American teacher fired because of the incident in Kazakhstan
The Ministry of education and science contacted the police after the incident with the indecent behaviour of the teacher, from USA to one of the schools of Astana, Vice-Minister of education and science of Kazakhstan Elmira Sukhanberdiyeva.She noted that the teacher no comments were made. But after media reports, Mr. Jackson was fired.'We received an official response that Mr. Jackson is a doctor of Sciences. Do they have selection and check quite serious. It is not in our country, but when the teacher comes to our babies, it is fully visible on the compliance with labour legislation. No comments on employment law in our state was not. But how was such information, teacher fired', – said Vice-Minister.According to her, is busy with the police.'We sent a letter to the interior Ministry, and I think that the organization will do it. I can't blame the man, because guilt has not been proved. Once it is proven, we will say this', – said Elmira Sukhanberdiyeva.QSI international school of Ast..
KazNPU should become a University # 1
The head of state noted that in the last Message to the people of Kazakhstan was given special attention to educational activities and improving the living conditions of students.The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan met with the rector of the KazNPU named after Abai, a Monday by Balykbaev.The head of state received reports on the work of the University and how the process of education in the country. He stressed that the institution begins a new process of development of higher education in Kazakhstan.'This University is one of the first educational institutions in the country. I can say that he initiated the organization of the educational system of the Republic. I am sure that all of you educated, skilled workers will continue to contribute to the development of national education. Raising the status of the employee is also an important task. The University should always be in the first lines of the rating, it needs to study the issue comprehensively.' - said Nursultan Nazarba..
Specialty 'Lawyer'
Specialty jurisprudence originated in the distant, Ancient Rome. The first heads and the 'solvers' of the laws was the ammo. They were engaged in the resolution of disputes and other judicial activities. But before that the right to life or death after a crime lay in the emperors and kings. The industry developed and gradually appeared and the defenders of the accused and the accusers. Created judicial organs and their systems. As time went on, the profession of lawyer has become more and more popular. The first laws that could prosecute a man who committed the crime is the Bible. In Kazakhstan development of the legal professions was, of course, much later, and a court order was borrowed from the Soviet Union. Just after the introduction of the laws of Peter the great began a similar judicial system, which from year to year has varied. Nowadays lawyers are in control of virtually the entire legal field.The legal profession is a whole world of different activities, the specialist is re..
Governor decided to support FC money teachers
In Uzbekistan, one of the governors decided to support a football club and issued an order stating that employees must give one of his salary to the Fund of the club Cutdana, as described on the website of the Ministry of public education of Uzbekistan. The 2nd of November at the expense of FC was translated almost 272 million soums, which was taken from poor teachers.The Ministry of national education came to the conclusion that the order of the khokim completely illegal, such a ruling is entitled to make only the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. So his order was cancelled and the money taken illegally back to their teachers. ..
The first dictation in the Latin alphabet wrote 1.5 million people
1.5 million Kazakhstanis took part in the first nationwide dictation in the Latin alphabet, according to the website of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan. The dictation was held on 14 November in Kazakhstan.Wrote it in a specially prepared classrooms for half an hour. 15 minutes before the start of the participants presented with the Latin alphabet of the Kazakh language and gave specific written sheets.'In the dictation across the country took part pupils, students, teachers, teachers of higher and secondary educational institutions, preschools and schools, as well as the staff culture, sports, medicine, utilities, energy and other sectors', – said in the message Assembly.In Astana, the dictation was written in the National library. One of the participants was the Minister of culture and sports of Kazakhstan arystanbek Mukhamediuly. Your hand at writing dictation in the Latin alphabet tried: public figure Myrzatai Zholdasbekov, artists Maira mukhamedkyzy, Nurbolat Arzamas, Bakhtiya..
TDMA began in Kazakhstan
External evaluation of educational achievements and knowledge started in all higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as reported by the MES. Testing will begin on the 18th of November on the basis of 45 institutions in the country.'Participants in the testing, there are about fifty thousand persons, from them 34 thousand of Kazakh branch, 15 thousand Russian and 560 people in English departments' - said the press centerEAEA will be held in 101 majors 8 directions:education in 20 specialties;Humanities - 9 specialties;the right three specialty;social Sciences, economy, business 8 specialties;science – 12 specialties;engineering science and technology – 28 specialties;agricultural science – 12 specialties;services – 9 specialties. The number of students participating in EAEA's areas of specialty / Ministry of education and science of KazakhstanFor objective testing and control of higher education has sent 375 representatives of the Ministry of education and scie..
Speciality 'Translation studies'
Translation is a special profession that requires not only professional knowledge, but also certain personal qualities. Guide-interpreter must combine the skills of translator, tour guide, administrator and even a psychologist. In addition to excellent knowledge of a foreign language he must be proficient in the information about the history, national and political peculiarities of the country in which it conducts tours.The advantages lie in the quality training of competent specialists in the field of translation studies and intercultural communication, fluent in the state language, the language of international communication and foreign languages, have in-depth knowledge of the theory and practice of translation.Every young man who graduated from University or secondary-special institution, ask questions about what profession to choose. Currently popular are Humanities, which allow you to earn the diplomas and knowledge quite a lot of money. Today we will talk about the specialty of ..
Geographical dictation in Atyrau
Male 78 years old from Atyrau became a participant of international level - Geographical dictation, in which participated the people of Kazakhstan.Dictation wrote another 10 people from Atyrau, most of which are under 25 years of age. The old - Vyacheslav Afanasyev. He says that writing dictation gave him additional knowledge on geography.'This educational event we're dedicated to the ethnographer Vladimir Dahl and Explorer of the Western part of Kazakhstan, the Eastern part of the Caspian sea Gregory Karelin,' says the head of the Russian ethno-cultural associations 'epic' Andrei Korablev, at whose initiative joined in Atyrau.The results of the test are confidential and will be available to participants on an individual identification code.The test of knowledge of geography among the inhabitants of different countries for the fourth year conducts the Russian geographical society...
In Ekibastuz with kindergarten escaped the girl 4 years
Another problem in the kindergarten is dismissed the head of the kindergarten teacher, from kindergarten escaped the girl four years. The child ran away during the lunch walk on the street in Balbobek kindergarten №22.'At 11.45 ended the walk of the middle group, they went to dinner and the teachers began the shift change. Aitzhan shaimerdenova reported that the girl disappeared and went quietly home,' - said the head of the Department of education of Ekibastuz Zhazira Asabaeva.About 12 hours the girl found in the street police, they sent the child to the police and reported the find to the Department of education. Later, the girl took her grandmother and former head of the kindergarten. And the punishment happened to the fullest extent of the law – they fired, and the garden was taken under special controlAlmaty has been a similar situation where fired and the supervisor and the teacher beating children...
Taught non-existent students in the Kurchum College
The public Prosecutor's office of East Kazakhstan region revealed numerous violations in the form of misuse of budget funds, as reported in the press service of the authority.According to the Department in post-secondary educational institutions of the region at will increase the number of students who after allegedly employed, but in fact the administration of establishments does not contribute to job search after College.'When students are not where to live, education administration of EKR has provided grants to colleges for Shimei, and two colleges in Ust-Kamenogorsk and Ayagoz in one' - speak in office of public Prosecutor of East Kazakhstan regionSome schools included in the rate and utility costs, which also included a free stay, so they rent rooms in hostels are generally outsiders.'In the Kurchum College trained 12 non-existent students. They were marks, conducted appraisals and translated from course to course paying scholarships. The total amount of violations of the College ..
Levies in Almaty continues
Despite the abolition of the collection of funds from rodela, some schools still people continue to grow steadily to raise money for the repair, cleaning and different things. Over the past five years, the funding in the southern capital increased by more than 30 billion tenge, as reported by Arman kyrykbaev the meeting with the Directors of schools of Almaty city'Until the end of the year in Almaty will be approved the plan of measures on professional development of educators and the introduction of unified qualification requirements with the transition to international standards PISA (Programme for International student assessment – test assesses literacy students), SAT (Scholastic assessment test – sat), AST', – said Arman kyrykbaev.The pace of construction of schools through private investment will increase.The Director of the Department of the Agency for civil service Affairs and combating corruption in Almaty Daniyar Taumurat recalled that the education sector should active..
Check canteens in Almaty turned into threats
Employees of public Foundation held a secret assessment of products and dishes in Almaty. Permission to check they received in the Department of education, in order to solve a problem situation.The President of the public Fund Marianna Gurina said that the inspections were conducted in all districts of the city, but the numbers of schools call they refused.'In the dining halls menus hang, but we did not find almost not a single school where this menu was indeed available. Of the 10 schools with different menus, the owners of the canteens were feeding children the same food,' said Marianne.Many audited schools found pantry products. Fizzy drinks, drinks from powders, fatty cakes and chocolates are in great demand among children. Meanwhile, tenants are prohibited from selling the above mentioned products, says the social worker. In Astana this and all will follow with video cameras. 'Belyashi fried everything in the same oil, very old. This appealed to the Directors why they do not follo..
Kazakhstan entered the TOP-300
Twenty-five universities of Kazakhstan entered the list of TOP 300 universities of Eurasia according to the Agency of Kakaralli Simonds.The TOP 20 has entered the Kazakh national University named after al-Farabi and 19E takes place. The first hundred boasts a University named after Gumilev, KazNTU named Satpaev, KBTU, Kazakh agrotechnical University and Auezov SKSU them.First place went to the Moscow state University named after Lomonosov, the second – Novosibirsk state University, and the third was just two – St. Petersburg state University and Charles University in the Czech Republic.Most Universities of this ranking are Russian, then the 46 universities in Turkey, twenty-five of Kazakhstan, and in the top 10 were Czech Republic, Romania, Ukraine, Hungary and Azerbaijan...
A world Bank study of Kazakhstan's spending
The world Bank presented a study on the development of human capital in Kazakhstan. The knowledge within Kazakhstan are estimated at 537 points out of 625, 625 where points is the ceiling of educational achievements for students, reports 'KazTAG'.Human capital index in the country is 0.75 (maximum score – 1), the head of programs on human capital the world Bank in Central Asia, Susanna Hayrapetyan.'This figure shows that labor productivity of a child born today in Kazakhstan, on reaching the age of majority is 75% of the potential level, which is possible under condition of full education and full health', – said Susanna Hayrapetyan, presenting the study.She also noted that in Kazakhstan there is a big difference in the quality of education in the Central regions and peripheral regions. The most important task of Kazakhstan is to align this indicator. In this country three-quarters of the schools in the regions and rural areas, they serve 52% of the population, said the speaker.Accordi..
NKT will create for educators and psychologists
Graduates will be tested after the pedagogical directions, as reported by the Minister of education Erlan Sagadiev.'Maybe next year or by 2020, all graduates of teacher training universities will take the national qualification test, as it is doing now, the doctors: they have prom as an exam and get tested together, and every 5 years to protect the certificate' - he said.While it is planned to enter the tubing only for educators, after perhaps introduce and psychologists.'At first we did the tubing for teachers in schools, this mechanism is already worked out and, according to him, we know that the teacher is willing to work and knows his business and is worthy of increased wages. Now we pay for courses for teachers so they could go tubing. After that, they will be in the new qualification category, and will be able to raise his salary to 50% depending on qualification. Also, there are professional examinations, not to say that they will be harder or easier than for teachers, but for t..
The George Washington University
The George Washington University or George Washington University (GWU) is a private nonprofit institution of higher education in the United States. GWU began operations in 1821. George Washington University has a campus town in Washington.The ranking of the University. George Washington University - surely a dream of many students to study in one of the leading universities, which regularly ranks among the 70 best universities in the USA. The University is in the top 5% of universities in the international rankings. The University is known for high quality tuition in the following areas: 'Arts and Humanities', 'Engineering and technology' 'life Sciences and medicine, Social science and management', 'Economy and business'. GWU is recognized as one of the best universities for quality of teaching and is in the top 300 in the world rankings. Highest rating among employers, the University provides its students with a high likelihood of employment after graduating this educational instituti..
The old buildings and business centers want to use for schools
The Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan developed a state program, according to which private schools will be able to claim the unclaimed building business centers and other unpopular objects.Now the country's 121 private school, of which 55 are located in Almaty. But since it is in the southern capital the most acute problem with land plots for construction, the Ministry of education decided to use under it's existing and ailing buildings.'Even if the owners want to build a school in Almaty is simply no land. So we want to change and adjust the method to reconstruction of buildings. There are a lot of business centers that you can use. In Almaty there is a deficit of 15 thousand pupils, the issue should be resolved, we want the business unloaded state', – said Vice-Minister of the MES of Kazakhstan asylova.To the abandoned building came under the school of Monet even reduced spectralbovine. In Snips and Sanpins changes, the previous figures were spelled out in the Soviet e..
Diplomacy for students
Schoolchildren of Astana will learn diplomacy in seven foreign embassiesThe Ministry of foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan started the new project Jas Diplomat, which will help students of schools, gymnasiums of Astana to study diplomacy in the seven embassies of foreign States in the Republic of Kazakhstan, reported on the Ministry's website. The project is supported by Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan, akimat of Astana and the Focal point of the model UN. 'The project involves collaboration between the public schools of Astana and foreign diplomatic missions. In November and December will be various educational activities enabling the pupils of the city schools to learn about the intricacies of diplomatic activity from the horse's mouth', – reported the press service of the foreign Ministry.In the project agreed to participate embassies of seven countries: Brazil, Germany, Georgia, Korea, Poland, Turkey and Japan, as well as seven Metropolitan schools, gymnasiums..
CT came up with for students in the master's
A comprehensive test is administered to new graduate students in all educational programs. Educational institutions will no longer participate in the recruitment of applicants for the magistracy, what informed the Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev on a question of deputies of the faction 'people's Communists'.The deputies noticed that the grants for training in a magistracy help feed the officials and steel like a hot pie on the counter, as previously in the Committee included employees of the University staff.Bakytzhan Sagintayev said that the Law 'On education' was amended, according to which admission to master's degree from 2019 will be carried out by analogy with the IB, that is, the principle 'the grant follows students'. The choice of University will be undergraduates.In 2018, the masters students on 17 specialties have been held in pilot mode through the comprehensive testing of the technology developed by the National testing centre of MES. Candidates were given certificates..
Beating in the garden of Almaty
In the children's asle-garden city of Almaty has dismissed head of school, after parents the cameras saw as the teacher throws shoes and toys to little children and beat them with a ruler. The parents filed a complaint against the teacher and the supervisor. 'The teacher perizat Kazbekovna hired in the month of August, for a trial period of three months. 8 Oct, almost the end of the term, received a complaint from a parent, this person was replaced by another worker. The appeal was considered and unscrupulous employee was immediately fired for mistreatment of students' - said in the administration of education. About the incident the head teacher of a kindergarten is not reported to the education Department. However there found out about the incident because the parents sent the record to the media. Head was also dismissed. The Agency notes that the order 140 of 9th October the head of ACLE garden was dismissed from the post of the head. It is reported that parents ..