Kazakhstan teachers are against reform of the MES
Not so long ago, more than a thousand teachers signed a petition as aggrieved party from the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Mass statements began to arrive, the deputies due to the fact that the Ministry does not take into account the opinion of the teachers, parents and experts of the school and acting contrary to the observance of the academic calendar. 'Testing teachers who wish to improve their skills is somehow at a time when the students pass the exams. The actual test takes place in regional centers where the exam thousands of teachers who must seek shelter and food at their own expense. Why not organize a testing accommodation? How the teacher will be on exams and on the delivery of internal testing?'Also under the new rules teachers must complete the qualification not the subject of practice, and the specialty specified in the diploma. But as a teacher, all my professional activities gave, for example, English language tests and even in German..
Views: 1328
The education system will change for 17 years.
On 21 may, the Committee for socio-cultural development made the agreement between Kazakhstan and the International Bank for reconstruction and development and took them $ 67 million. The total cost for the modernization of education will be 75 million dollars, eight of which will be financed from the Republican budget.One of the main goals is to improve student achievement in rural schools and small institutions by improving the school the material-technical bases. Will be purchased new equipment for 5400 schools that will be approximately 67% of General financial Fund. The agreement also aims to support inclusive education. It is planned to create and equip on the basis of secondary schools nine resource centers, which will increase the qualifications of speech pathologists, specialists of psychological-medical-pedagogical consultations, to purchase textbooks for children with visual impairments and intelligence...
Views: 1037
Common online-library will appear in Kazakhstan
In the Republic of Kazakhstan will create a common library Fund on the Internet, said the Minister of culture and sports of Kazakhstan arystanbek Mukhamediuly.'Work for the improvement and consolidation of libraries have already become noticeable. The number of libraries is increasing every day, updated the Fund's books and transferred to a digital format. We, together with the party Nur Otan will start work on modernization of libraries in the modern centres of knowledge. Will be based on a unified network of online libraries,' - said arystanbek Mukhamediuly at the opening of the festival Rouhani Kazyna.In many areas of our country and in particular in Almaty and East Kazakhstan will be opened new museums. In Zhambyl, South-Kazakhstan, Aktobe will appear three new libraries that will work but the new, modern standards.In April 2018 in Almaty finished a major overhaul of the library, there were outdoor areas to read the paper and electronic version. ..
Views: 1169
The best teacher of the capital received nearly 2 million tenge
One million and seven hundred thousand tenge received the best teacher of Astana Eat Terdiri, who teaches math at school No. 9 'Zerde. Total cash Fund amounted to almost seven million tenge. The contest was organized by the local Department of education, as reported by Anuar Zhangozin.'We have tried to allocate a large sum to the teachers was really interesting to work to be more interesting for them to work. Education system every day suffer changes, today teachers are in demand as never before. After working in this direction without innovative teachers can not do. I hope that through such competitions we will be able to bring into the field many new young professionals,' he said.He also noted that education covers all levels of education contests. 16 may a similar event took place among the teachers of secondary technical education. on 18 may, the scheduled contest among the teachers of pre-school education, and 19 is optional.City contest 'the Best teacher 2018' was held in Astana ..
Views: 1577
Cyber safety for kids
The Internet can be a dangerous place - this was told by representatives of one of the companies of cellular communication. The movement of the 'Warm Heart' which refers to the company of Beeline, has developed a special training program for elementary school children.'Of course, an important part of every person's life is the global Internet system. It's both a tool of society and a way of getting knowledge and entertainment. But at the same time for kids is a great danger, a collision with which would like to avoid a group of death, identity theft, harassment and insult. The project began to gain popularity in many educational institutions and we are glad that our project is becoming popular and beneficial to our cities' - commented the Director of communications of the Beeline.In creating the course was attended by professionals: teachers and psychologists who have helped to make it as interesting and useful for elementary school students. Outdoor lesson builds on the discussion of ..
Views: 1339
The British Council told why forbade to verify certificates
In the British Council explained why they did not access the medical University of Astana to their databases of certificates. The organization confirmed that on 3 October last year, representatives of educational institutions wanted to check the certificates of the originality. However, the company did not provide access, citing the fact that for these functions there is a system of online verification. Each of the holders of the certificates have their own functions. Content development is Cambridge Language Assessement. This mission was entrusted to him because he has no conflicts of interest and can do the job objectively. The organization's representative explained the reason for the refusal to use the online check can every company for whom it is important to know the authenticity of the certificate, individuals this service is not available. Medical University explained that they sent the application in online center, but they had to collect a lot of documents that actually took ..
Views: 1149
Physical education can not go!
Students who are professionally engaged in the sport may not go to the lessons of physical culture. To do this, their parents must apply to the school, attaching to it the supporting documents. About this development said the Minister of education and science of Kazakhstan Yerlan Sagadiyev. 'Before, there was always a conversation about professional athletes that visit special section of more than three hours per week, exempt from Fiz-ry. We recently adopted a decision on the matter. Now kids who play sports professionally may not attend classes of physical culture in schools' - said the Minister. He also noted that children were released at the time of physical education class can improve your knowledge in other subjects. 'Many schools enjoy academic freedom and create additional lessons where children could get themselves and/or working with teachers. Because many students lag behind peers because of the visit of the special sections. It is also reported that the third lesson of phys..
Views: 3230
The draft school transport suspend
Astana has suspended the project School Bus. As in three months of regular bus passengers was only 20 kids. These data predostavil head of Department on public relations of the LLP Astana LRT Nahuat Asanbaeva. In her words serve only 20 people is not profitable. 'Despite the fact that the parents of the students were satisfied with the Shuttle buses, we were stopped as it was unprofitable: only twenty people from different schools, one seven, the other 4 people and so on,' she explained. Resume for school transportation the company plans in September this year. Now the company has more than 20 applications from parents. Monthly fare for the bus is 20 thousand tenge per person, said the head of the Department of public relations. '84 school children is 35 thousand and without escort. On the market school transportation cost from 30 to 45 thousand tenge, we set the lowest price, the price includes an attendant. He meets the kid, sits down on the seat, when bring..
Views: 1204
MES intends to simplify a school program
The Ministry of education decided to simplify the curriculum in schools. As with the change of the curriculum will change and the number of hours of certain subjects. What exactly — remains a question. MES is going to simplify the curriculum in schools, we were informed Askhat Aimagambetov. He also noted that the program in which the students are engaged now too complex and overloaded. The standard curriculum for today is too complicated, when compared with our neighbours in the CIS and OECD organizations. We now have quite a lot of work and consult with experts, teachers and methodologists. To make changes in the established system of education quite difficult. The new program will be developed on the basis of what the graduate needs of society. When reducing the number of items can change. However, every teacher cares about their subject and says that his most important piece. Therefore, before changing the program we need to hear from everyone. So far, only the program is complicate..
Views: 1114
Several students hospitalized with traumatic brain injury and another seven due to overwork.
Several students hospitalized with traumatic brain injury and another seven due to overwork. In Uralsk eight students became victims of a rehearsal for the Holiday on may 9. Call for an ambulance was received at 9 a.m. from a teacher who said that one of the children received a head injury. The ambulance arrived in 10 minutes, and up to that point, complaints of malaise among students was more reported by the Department of health West Kazakhstan region. 'One student received a closed injury of the cranial system and taken to the regional clinic, the other seven students delivered in a multidisciplinary children's hospital with a diagnosis of 'fatigue,' - said the Secretary of health Ainagul Shakuanov. She added that the children were dressed in military uniforms and preparing to March. It was hot and Sunny. The incident occurred in the city and in other schools. At the end of October more than a hundred pupils of school №11 named after S. Seifullin was taken to the hospital. The age of..
Views: 1150
Human cadaver center was opened in Kazakhstan
Aktobe opened human cadaver center for doctors is a unique center at the West Kazakhstan state medical University of Marat Ospanov. The value of the center is that the doctors can train in operations without harm to patients. Study can then not only future physicians, but also current practices. Training on cadavers using the most modern medical technologies. The whole process is so like the real thing according to the Professor chair of the Department of neurosurgery education is no different from the real events that happen to real people. Master-classes taught by experienced professionals, participants can practice the skills and to get acquainted with advanced technologies. One of the advantages of human cadaver center is the ability to watch the process invited students. The main objective of the innovative project allows you to prepare surgeons to improve skills in developing neurosurgical and thoracic operations. Doctors in such technologies can predict surgical outcome effect,..
Views: 1539
Prom - everyone's business!
The Minister of education believes that those who do not want to come to prom you can not do this, but to put the conditions and terrorize these people right, no one has. Journalists asked the Minister of education, as it relates to the holidays where you get more than the sum of 100 thousand tenge. In reply he said that he was against turning the exhaust to the circus and shows, but also to prevent a day like this he has no right. 'I am opposed to the students went to the limo, adding such a transport, they spend a huge amount, not having anything to earn. But I am not opposed to children greeted the dawn, and I think we need to discuss this factor as human beings. No one needs anyone to make. But the ban did not, as of such day occurs every 11 years. In 2017, the MES has recommended to discontinue the collection of money and banned prom outside the school walls. In this 2018, the Minister wrote that the prom will be held in Kazakhstan on 15 June. Also they have developed a special c..
Views: 1183
80% of students will pass the UNT in the Kazakh language
Unified national test in the national language decided to donate 80% of graduates is 73 thousand people. Such statistics provided in the National testing centre of MES RK. 'To pass the UNT are almost 97 thousand people, and 73 thousand of them decided to take on the Kazakh language. About 80% of the graduates. Overall for the year 2018, the number of graduates amounted to 146 thousand people.' The head of the testing Center noted that the threshold value of the centres remained the same as two years ago. However, the test questions have changed. The representative of the testing Center let me emphasize that the people who will pass UNT in English will be allowed to use the translation. They will be provided with copies in Russian and Kazakh language. 'In Kazakhstan we have a lot of schools, who for many years taught in the English language. For example the Nazarbayev Intellectual schools. Where our children are actively studying the subjects in English, and they understand that langua..
Views: 1185
Fake certificates were commented by the President
The incident in Astana with fake certificates was condemned by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he said to be treated by these doctors is terrible. Recently, 26 the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, where the President of the Republic addressed the scandal with fake IELTS certificates. “God forbid that doctor in the hands of the fall” - said Nursultan Nazarbayev. He also noted that all professions should get by calling. 'The human body is a complex mechanism created by God. Many are trying to get to the sweet spots crooked ways, and then work for bought diplomas: God forbid go to a doctor to hand to get! All the students of medical institutions know this: Every day science produces something new. The doctor is paramount to know English, to teach the new world literature and to be aware of all the events. Physician must be based not only on documents but also by vocation. The doctor must love patients. It should be brought up' - said the President. His address to the student..
Views: 1263
UNT for teachers
From 26 may to 5 June, Kazakhstan will host the First United national qualification testing of teachers, the testing will be divided into 2 stages. 'The first stage is test — 100 questions the test will contain questions on psychology and law, in the first block of the test will be 70 questions on subjects, the rest will cover teaching methods and pedagogy. We are sure that many things have to know our fellow teachers.' he said. Today we have many teachers with different category, and each of them will be your knowledge level, breaking which teachers can receive up to 50% of salary. The tests themselves will prohot a few times a year, we have chosen the most Bolshie and available space. The second tubing will be held in early November. Those who do not have time to submit documents and now thinks that he is not ready to surrender, you can do it in November. After the test each teacher to obtain a certificate of testing, which is valid for one year. Also on the website of the NTC can be..
Views: 8128
More than 4,000 children have found a family
Over the last five years of the orphanages of Kazakhstan took approximately 4500 children. Thanks to this figure for these years has closed more than 50 special institutions, reported the Chairman for the protection of children's rights Nurbek Orshubekov. 'In recent years is the closure of educational institutions for a number of reasons, one of which is the adoption of children by their own relatives, are left in the region of 6000 children in orphanages,' he said. And also added that to ensure transparency in children's homes were established boards of Trustees, which has a database of orphans and children without guardianship. 'In 2014, each student house has received the account opened for education in universities and colleges of our country, thanks to almost 8 thousand students will receive assistance worth more than 5 billion tenge. In 2017 it benefited 225 students who continue education in universities and secondary special institutions of our country' - podcherknul of Orshube..
Views: 1100
Every year UNT rent less
Akim of Pavlodar region believes that the Directors and teachers of schools specially set up students for admission to College, not to look bad with the announcement of the results of the UNT. Akim Bulat Department of physical advised schools to better prepare students, rather than forcing them to go to colleges. The Department of physical said this at a meeting of the regional akimat. 'To not embarrass myself on the results of the UNT, governors or Directors of schools are trying to enroll unprepared students in College, instead of preparing them for the exam. I would like that the competent authorities have considered this issue' - said the head of the region. As an example, the mayor cited his own region, where in 2016 the UNT was passed by 59% of students in 2017, 51%, and in 2018 of 45.9%. 'We never have enough personnel, and if 70% will go somewhere, the district will remain without employees. It is necessary to send to colleges so that the children were returned back,' - said Al..
Views: 1227
In the capital of our Republic expelled more than a hundred people for using fake certificates, IELTS.
In the capital of our Republic expelled more than a hundred people for using a fake certificate of IELTS. After two inspections of the Ministry of education of Kazakhstan, the University administration finally decided to expel the offenders, namely 117 students. If the student received the certificate legitimately, he gets privileges at receipt in a magistracy and doctoral studies. The Ministry of education conducted an audit and requested 'Medical University 'Astana' to' take action against those who broke the law. The school sent students of DIA Akmola region, but was expelled only a quarter of violators. Besides the fact that after the second check deducted the remaining offenders, now they must return to the state all funds spent on their training and paid scholarships. To many already sanctioned the arrest, and those who failed to pay the costs were given freedom. 'Article 385, Chapter III, of the code provides for penalties ranging from a fine of 300 MCI before his arrest, howev..
Views: 1314
To celebrate hyposmia have modest - akim of Atyrau region
Akim of Atyrau region Nurlan Nogayev believes that to hold a farewell graduation in schools can be more modest. Schools should not create large and Grand celebrations on the occasion of the next issue of the 9th or 11th class, all must be within the bounds of decency. The mayor opposed, to arrange another lavish celebrations and give gifts to teachers by parents. 'Soon will end another school year, and at the end of each school year, raises a question about the organization of the last call. We understand that we all want to throw a party to say goodbye to school in style. Especially children. Many even take loans on these activities, but how much money is necessary to pay for this celebration, not to mention the restaurant? asked himself Nurlan Nogayev at the meeting with heads of education in the region. The holidays can be modest, without diminishing its importance, said the mayor. He noted that it is necessary to explain to children, who sometimes resent parents about this. 'We ha..
Views: 1366
Most of the food in schools is thrown in the trash
In Almaty September 1, 2018 will launch a pilot project, the essence of which lies in the fact that pupils of one of schools of the city will eat on sponsorship money in accordance with the rules established by the Academy of nutrition. 'The experiment will run a year at school No. 23. Chose her because the Director and the school Board quickly found a common language. We expect that the school, eating properly will show good indicators on health status and academic performance among peers at other schools,' - said the organizers of the project. Dry tasteless cereals, lucky students will be replaced by a balanced menu, where there are rich in vitamins salads and no fried food. The cost of lunch for elementary school pupils should be 650 tenge, while from Sujata is allocated only 250. For experimentation, you need 3.5 million tenge, however, the organizers claim that they will soon find a sponsor for the project. The reason for the organization of the project was disappointing, the nutr..
Views: 1436
Top 3 best medical schools in Kazakhstan
Was recently selected as the best medical UNIVERSITY in Kazakhstan. Republican center for health development summed up the results of the ratings among the medical higher educational institutions for 2017. To assess the quality of education used an existing program 'Densaulyk', the results of which showed that the first three places went to:Karaganda state medical UniversitySouth Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical AcademyKazakh medical University of continuing education The best performance in the development of medical science in scientific research institutes and research centers showed:Research Institute for radiation medicine and ecologyNational scientific center of surgery named after SyzganovResearch Institute of cardiology and internal diseases. Evaluating the quality of education in Universities, the experts took into account all key indicators: the volume of research, publications, registrations of patents research and development, commercialisation activities. In 2016, the firs..
Views: 7576
Professions of the future
The school year is coming to an end, many graduates looking for their niche, and their parents a headache. Checked the Internet far and wide, the opinion of friends and acquaintances accounted for, the profession chose. But many still doubt whether the profession chosen? Today to find a business, relying on the labour market is a challenge. Kazakhstan is changing, like the whole world is changing — we are preparing relevant education systems. The project 'Development of labor skills and promote jobs,' will create 70 different programs of higher education, based on professional standards. Many programs already started in the educational institutions of the country. Many of them concern new professions. In the list of professions of the future — agroinformatics of IT-genetics, teacher of robotics. The development of higher education in these specialties leads University of information technologies, and programs develop ad hoc group of experts, because they understand better than anyone w..
Views: 1727
To close the Universities called on the President
Nursultan Nazarbayev announced the need to close a number of higher educational institutions, as it is important not quantity but quality. Many Universities should be extended to the level of the Nazarbayev University. Head of Republic believes that each school needs to be a scientific center, a private research laboratory in which to produce anything. The President noted that all higher education institutions should collaborate with businesses to create commercialization. 'You can see for yourself all know what universities all over the world now. Now every day in the Ministry of education be willing to open the University. We have 131 the UNIVERSITY, we need to reduce them, it is necessary to improve the quality, not quantity. Conventional universities were ahead, so when these universities go from the system and will be independent, we will not be able to give them grants, but people will explain that they will not be able to receive any education about them,' the President said at ..
Views: 1676
More than 10 thousand grants allocated by Russian Universities
The Russian Federation has allocated more than 10 thousand grants for students of Kazakhstan. Students from Kazakhstan can apply for free training in higher educational institutions of Russia. Altay Nurmanov, President, international programs, reported that since April 23, will start the entrance exams to the budget places in Russian universities. 'Intergovernmental agreement for Kazakhstan include the allocation of more than 10 thousand grants in more than 30 universities in Russia. Already from the 23 of April in many cities of Kazakhstan will start the entrance exams and testing budget places to study in the Russian Federation' - said Altai Nurmanov. The program 'Bolashak' is already receiving of documents to study in Poland and Malaysia and many other countries. Currently, the Bolashak program has seen many changes and for independent persons requirement for admission reduced to 3 GPA. Research workers will get the green light in study after to study abroad. 21 February was proclai..
Views: 1255
The number of foreign students will increase by three by the year 2020
According to some estimates, by 2020, Kazakhstan will learn about fifty thousand foreigners,which is almost three times more than now. Currently in Kazakhstan, is trained about 14 thousand foreign residents according to the JSC 'Center for international programs'. 'So how many people are interested in education in our country, we pay considerable attention to the development of tourism and to attract foreign students' - reported the press service of the centre. Kazakhstan becomes Central Asia step by step educational hub. Center for international programs, attracting international students at exhibitions, 'Days of Kazakhstan education' in the countries of Central Asia. Every year all countries Asia exhibitions, which reviewed twenty-five higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan. According to the same centre, the majority of foreign citizens from Uzbekistan and India, then there are the citizens of Turkmenistan, China and Kyrgyzstan. 'The contribution of students to our country's ..
Views: 1294
The transition to the Latin alphabet - coming soon
Became known the details of the transition Kazakh alphabet to the Latin alphabet in education. At the moment, according to the preliminary schedule, the transition will commence in 2020 with zero and first classes, so as to learn new skills is easier than to relearn from the old. The attached order has been released addition that involves raising the qualifications of almost two hundred thousand teachers of General education institutions. From 2019 to 2023 will annually receive training more than 9 thousand teachers in 2024 — 90 thousand, in the 25th year 56 thousand people. Also in the documents specified periods of development and translation of training materials, facilities and other materials to Latin classes. 2018 0 class 2018 — grade 1, 2020 — 2nd grade, 2021 — grade 3, 2022 — 4 class 5-9 class 10-11 2023 and in 2024. Check the quality of translation of textbooks will be held on schedule a year after the transfer of items. The study of Latin will begin the year 2020, and will e..
Views: 1236
Astana is not enough residential places for non-resident students
As is well known in the capital learning and is home to quite a large number of nonresident students namely 27 thousand people and only 1800 of them are provided with housing, the rest have to rent an apartment. The mayor's office has estimated that the hostels are not enough for about 10 thousand people. Therefore, they allocated more than 10 ha of land for construction of housing for students. As an alternative, asset Issekeshev has proposed the use of market mechanisms. 'We now have a lot of nonresident students, as well in quite a lot hostels with necessary costs to relocate students in the PPP model. This is an opportunity to save both time and money' - said Astana Akim. 5 Mar Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed toe of various social initiatives, one of the areas of the new project was the allocation of 20 thousand grants and the construction of hostels for 25 thousand seats. The Ministry of education and science has prepared the first financial models for the construction of new dormi..
Views: 1349
In Astana school cafeterias don't cook
The Department of education of Astana city decided to check school canteens on the subject of cooking food, after complaints from students and their parents. In dishes, as a rule, should be salt, but it is not, and the meat was replaced by bread and potatoes. Data breach revealed by a special Commission, composed it was the staff of the Department of education and the parents of the children. According to Gulbanu Abenova, which visited several schools together with the Commission, and, in the school №10 children almost never touch the food. 'No one really does not eat, not tasty at all. Drank some water with a touch of compote, poked a spoon in the buckwheat, then gathered the plates and threw all in the trash. These are the people that win the tender to supply food to pupils. All these waste even animals will not, cannot, will die' she wrote on the personal page in Facebook. To find out the cause of this negligence, the woman tried to communicate with kitchen staff, she asked them var..
Views: 1241
Opening of new training centers in Astana
13 additional training center is planned to be the capital of our country, this was announced at the regular meeting of the city maslikhat. In Astana the number of children engaged in additional education is only 15% of the total number of children of the city. In addition to this amount all the other children must do under the state program. 'There is a state program for the implementation of additional education, and it provides one hundred percent coverage of children for further education. We have a proposal to create centres of additional education on the basis of two palaces schoolchildren,' said Malika Bekturova. We explained that physically, the training center will be located in 13 different schools, but to guide them to be palaces of schoolchildren. The project of further education operates in a pilot mode, in two schools in the city and orphanage of Astana, according to some estimates, the Governor's office would need about 110 million tenge for three centers. 'In the neares..
Views: 1684
The five-day week harms students
Based on the work of the Pavlodar schools Committee public health decided that the five-day school week is injurious to health and nervous state of the school. As a result, experts have revealed violations of sanitary norms, which in the future may affect different diseases of the nervous system. The data breach was not made intentionally, and solely in order to adapt to five-day working environment. '28 schools in our district was included in the schedule of paired lessons in the elementary grades and introduced elective classes in order to meet the required hour minimum. In Fedor's high school schedule made up without taking into account the complexity of the objects, and the other never even observed break between shifts,' explained the acting head of the Agency of Kazakhstan Dosanov.At three schools of Pavlodar area, scientists have identified the trainings without taking into account the complexity of the objects. Was the fact of violation of the workload and failure to comply wit..
Views: 1313
Biology teacher won a contest in English
Teacher one of the schools in the city of Stepnogorsk has become the brand Ambassador of the English language in Kazakhstan. At school she was taught German, but then the University began to learn English. After graduation Veronica Sherbina was deepened to learn English, first by Internet, then with Tutors, and then on Skype with a native speaker from India, who now works in Astana.In search of material on the Internet Veronica came in the contest brand ambassadors 'English us', which was held at the Embassy of Astana city.'This competition belongs to those people who study language professionally. I had to make a three-minute video and show it why it is necessary to learn the language. To me the competition is like, and the idea came by itself. To mount all helped me a disciple of the 11th class,' said Veronika Shcherbina.Victory in the competition for Veronika Shcherbina was a pleasant surpriseThe competition was attended by more than 400 people. The winners was 8, they became brand ..
Views: 1274
Dormitories for students will soon begin to build across Kazakhstan
The house will be for students to build schools and construction companies under the PPP.The Ministry of education and science explained that the construction of new dormitories will begin after the amendments to the legislation, according of education and science of Kazakhstan Bibigul asylova announced that the construction of student houses will begin, when will be issued the amendments to the legislation.'In the near future will be developed amendments to the legislation, including budget legislation, the education act, it is necessary to amend the bylaws and in the PPP law. We will soon develop, the developed scheme we have', – said Bibigul asylova.Earlier, the Deputy Chairman of NCE of Kazakhstan 'Atameken' Eldos Ramazanov said that the need to develop mechanisms that clearly divide responsibility on the one hand and government agencies on the other.The third social initiative, which was decided by the head of state dedicated to increasing the availability and ..
Views: 1225
Diplomas issued for cash
Colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan illegally issue duplicate diplomas. For a duplicate of the colleges asked to the one and a half thousand tenge. Just sold 41 unit duplicates.The Department announced that the data breach was identified concerned the recipients of diplomas, one of which acted as a mystery shopper and with the help of official inquiries.According to the decision of the Department of the institution will have to pay the money to customers, and more than one hundred thousand tenge. Among colleges was noted in three establishments from one in Pavlodar and Aksu.Pavlodar economic College of Kazpotrebsoyuz will return illegally received amount 18 customers for three months in the amount of 27 thousand tenge. Pavlodar Polytechnical College, the highest – 10 nationals 16 thousand tenge. The InEU College 18 people, said the Department. Repayment terms money – until 1 June 2018.Aksu College of Zhayau Musa gave 62 duplicate diplomas. 34 customers gave the money back. ..
Views: 1827
Six Kazakhstanis were enrolled in the school without teachers
Six gifted students become owners the opportunity to be trained by a unique technique — without teachers in the modern school in Kiev.The differences between normal school and this is huge — the building has no teachers, no schedules, and deans. The lessons are online for computers. Training entirely in English.Students in school learn a new format such as specialty software architect, leader of the technical team, the web developer, mobile applications developer, specialist in IT security.Six talented children from Kazakhstan were selected and became the students 'factory programming'.'I want to choose cyber security as in Kazakhstan, the level of cybersecurity at a low level compared to other countries. The school program lasts an average of three years. IT-the factory works 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. They teach programming, to work in a team and nIT factory students are offered a complicated but well-structured, proven, progressively more complex fundamental program, said the..
Views: 1416
I want to go to school - apply through the phone
The digital age is gaining momentum, Mont not far behind him. It has developed a new concept that will allow you to enroll a child in school, College or University. About this at the meeting announced the head of the Ministry Yerlan Sagadiyev.As stressed by the head of Department, a new app will allow teachers, parents and students to download all necessary information on the mobile phone.'The child should be able to monitor their grades, homework for tomorrow and all this without leaving home. We will create a phone version of such services as applying to different schools. As teachers and students will be able to view their portfolio directly from the screens of mobile phone' - said the Minister.Also, according to him, all the information about free education, getting certificates can be seen on the educational portal in the public domain.'If there are any changes, for example, progress in the queue in kindergartens, this information can parents see on the portal. All the information..
Views: 1200
Which version of the magazine to fill in for teachers?
The Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan decided — if in rural schools there is no Internet, teachers are not required to fill in an electronic log.Yerlan Sagadiyev, the Minister of education, said - 'the Teachers of rural schools in which access to the Internet should be exempt from filing electronic journals at their own expense'According to Sagadiyev's meeting, issued a special order prohibiting filling out paper logs for those who have the Internet in schools, and Vice-versa — electronic for those who have no Internet.However, incidents happen, some principals are forcing teachers to commute at their own expense and to complete logs in any realties Internet cafes. This said one of the journalists.'There are villages where the Internet is not and has never been, for them, the maintenance of an electronic journal is not required. Teachers can keep paper journals is clearly spelled out in the law. We are going to deal with it' - the Minister promised.Accordi..
Views: 1503
From the second of April the preschool will provide additional services
The head of the Ministry of education and science, Anuar Zhangozin said that from the second of April 2018 in kindergarten will provide new additional services. Children can be left in extended groups. Previously pre-school institutions were forbidden to provide additional services legally. Now, after the discussion, it was decided to allow kindergartens to provide additional services for money. 'After reviewing all the wishes of the parents, we allowed organizations to provide additional services. Amount of services vary from 150 tenge 4500 tenge per month. The most expensive services — the sports section because of the engagement of coaches and purchase equipment,' said Anuar Zhangozin. In the system of preferential category are divided into two types. This neocaledonica – children of military personnel who receive referrals a priority, and the priority – children, legal representatives whom are persons with disabilities, children left without parental care and childr..
Views: 1147
In 2018, the MES gave the order to inspect the pupils for the presence of scoliosis.
A test was conducted 3 million students in the public schools and the result was 46,000 boys and girls curvature of the spine. The main reason for the development of the disease is the improper position of the body — namely, the result of prolonged sitting in one position, for example, at the table, constantly on hand lowered head, bad posture. Scoliosis Ministry approves new standard school furniture — for the growth of students.'Using the current school desks is the factor of curvature of the spine. Therefore, the question of the impact of desks and chairs on schoolchildren's health will be discussed this year' - explained in Department.According to deputies it is necessary to conduct a census of thespecification school desks, putting the exact angle as straight desks are bad for the spine.Unlike the MES, the Ministry of health believes that the cover of the table Desk should be sloped or have a device that allows you to give it a sloping position. A constant angle of inclination sho..
Views: 1258
Kazakhstan were donated to the 400 thousand dollars to repair schools and colleges
Educational institutions of Kazakhstan have received sponsorship for a repair on the program from the Japanese government 'Grass Roots'. Japanese authorities have issued 395 thousand dollars for the restoration of the seven educational institutions of our country. Due to Japan in three of the seven schools will change the old Windows with new, and the rest will upgrade the heating system, so the children finally ceased to freeze in the winter.Contacts for repairs was signed on 12 March this year, heads of schools and Ichiro Kawabata — the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Japan to Kazakhstan'We have received many requests and came to the decision that you must help seven projects in different regions of Kazakhstan. We have carefully considered the plans of each institution and ability to implement them,' added Ichiro Kawabata.And in the capital of our country, pupils of high School №8 still take classes at other schools, as the building itself is in disrepair. Special Commission recor..
Views: 1082
The results of the competition Spelling Bee
Kazakhstani students studying English for the second year in a row win in regional contest Spelling Bee. Suleyman Demirel University took part in the competition, the fourth year student — Dinar Kurakbaeva, she said it right more than all the words and ahead of 19 other participants from different countries.For the second year the Embassy of the United States of America organize an international competition for the pronunciation of words. 10 March was the final stage of the creative competition in Almaty.Last year the contest was held in Dushanbe. The aim of the competition is to support the activity of the English language among young people and for over 90 years students around the world participate in this competition. The complexity of the contest lies in the fact that many words in English are written not as spoken.'Competition Spelling Bee has a long tradition in the United States of America, many of us grew up participating in it. I was surprised to see the level of English of t..
Views: 2478
The controversial textbook was adjusted
All known scandalous Russian language textbook Zinaida Sabitova was adjusted. The Commission considered the incident with the tutorial and made changes to the controversial textbook on the Russian language. This became known at a meeting of the final fee center 'Textbook'. The Commission further studied 180 different textbooks, and some were amended, mainly in the technical content than the texts of the tasks. 'Today tutorial Sabitova got a good rating from the experts. Added the grammar at the beginning of each paragraph, changed jobs, and have corrected the text. In the textbooks the program has changed and contents of the textbook. We will remind that earlier the textbook was criticized roditeli students. They felt that the author devotes much attention to subjects that are not taught in schools. MPs were also outraged by this textbook, believing that the textbook does not hold water. ..
Views: 1207
In KazNU named after al-Farabi hit lift
In KazNU named after al-Farabi collapsed Elevator Because of the technical stop of the Elevator in the building the Treasury injured two people, however the workers say that the Elevator is not broke: 'The Elevator broke, it was a technical stop on the upper floors, it stuck two people. One shock and the other suffered minor injuries jumping when braking in an Elevator' - told in the service of the institution. The victims called the ambulance and, as said Elevator slowed on the 15th floor. However, victims allege that the lift first sent them to the first floor then abruptly flew off on the 15th. As victims attributed a lot of new injuries and filed a police report as a 'work accident' ..
Views: 1353
Budget funds will be used to purchase books reissued.
The Ministry of education and science in our country do not spend on the re-release of training materials for zero classes in Latin. Now the publishing house is hard at work on new textbooks that will be ready by 2020. 'Textbooks for the zero class to be ready until 2020. We talked about this before. Not a single tenge from the state funds will not be spent. Today on the creation and testing of work, a lot of people.' - said the Director of MES of the RK Sholpan Karinova during a press conference. The budget is provided only on the transition to the Latin alphabet and the purchase of new textbooks and training teachers. Sholpan Karinova said that the purchase of textbooks local Executive bodies, departments of education and each school independently. 'The purchase of textbooks will occur based on the needs of each region as a whole. For all will create the same list price per unit' - said the head of the Department. However last month on the official website of the governm..
Views: 1258
The Ministry of education of Kazakhstan plans to cut teaching hours in schools.
The Ministry of education of Kazakhstan plans to cut teaching hours in schools.MES follows the path of development and reduce the burden on the shoulders of teachers and students. The first step was reducing the number of homework assignments and allow the schools to distribute the load in a training week.'In General, homework was less than 1/3, in addition, in August 2017 sanitary rules in schools have changed, and training is reduced from 45 minutes and the school determine how many days a week students have to study.' - said the Director of preschool and secondary education MES Sholpan Karinova.Also, according to her, if earlier, the teachers formed a training volume for the day, now expect it for a week and based on the conditions and possibilities of the school, determine how many days need to learn.The MES has established a working group and start to consider different options. In General, the directions to be installed. In October last year, the Kazakhstan Association of parents..
Views: 1498
75% of straight-a students scored a passing grade on the UNT
75% of students-students are scored on UNT not very decent scores. Kyzylordinskiy akim of the region said that the Directors overestimating evaluations will be dismissed. At the meeting in akimat of the Executive responsibilities of the regional Department of education Akira Kasymov said that the past year has provided almost 400 applicants to sign Altyn BelgI, but they scored more than 100 points, only 104 people.'It begs the question — how do other students out of the class? The answer I think one of the Director artificially inflate the assessment of graduates' - said the representative of the Department of education of Kyzylorda oblast.Akim of the region promised to remove school Directors from office, if be seen by the facts of artificial increase in the estimates of graduates and their results on the UNT will be different. If the situation is repeated, then their posts can lose and deputies of oblast akim and management of the local office of education. In 2017 Kazakhstan has a l..
Views: 1219
What are the documents needs to fill out a teacher?
In the MES has identified five documents to be filled in by the teacher. This was at a joint meeting of the Committee for socio-cultural development of Majilis and social Council on the issues of enhancing the prestige of the teachers said Vice-Minister of education and science of Kazakhstan Askhat Aimagambetov.The order of the Minister of education and science of Kazakhstan concerning the determination of the list of documents for reference to certain categories of pedagogical workers of educational institutions was approved in January 2018 and is already working, he said.'We decided to regulate the number of documents that are required to complete a teacher. Filling of other documents is strictly prohibited, and we will watch for this. The teacher should lead only to such documents as of the calendar-thematic planning, lesson planning, school magazines, diaries and summative assessment. All other documents that were somewhere in some schools principals they were entered, all of these..
Views: 3150
To keep the outflow of young people promises the Governor
The authorities of the Northern region of Kazakhstan, namely akim Kumar Aksakalov told me that he intends to resolve the outflow of population in the region, reported news. According to akim, it is necessary to stop the outflow of young people, and for this it is necessary to provide a quality education in the field as a whole. In NKR there is one state higher education institution, the University named Manash Kozybayev. For 2018 it is planned to open new faculties and to enhance the recruitment of 7000 students. The University teaches the students by some companies, but these students are not many. 'Managing all areas need to be prepared for anything, and in particular to be involved in the training of qualified personnel. To be able to send, to pay for training, to conclude an agreement on termination of employment, and more.' - said the head of the regionMany high school graduates leave Northern region for receipt in higher educational institutions of our country or abroad..
Views: 1673
The Director of the Lyceum in the town of Temirtau have filed a lawsuit against the City Department of education.
The Director of the Lyceum in the town of Temirtau have filed a lawsuit against the City Department of education. Igor Pashin, Director of the high school in Temirtau city filed a lawsuit against the Department of education, because they gave him two reprimands — the first for poor performance of the dining room, the second is the abolition of classes in extreme cold. Both of these are very cruel reprimand and lawyers of the defendant fully agree with him.'The first reprimand I was nominated for that entrepreneur, which won a tender to food, is not functioning correctly, is to blame for some reason, I am. Severe reprimand received for the cancellation of classes to the 25th of December, when there was a heavy frost and the terrible ice. According to the official instructions, I'm obliged to monitor the safety of students and if they feel threatened, I have to cancel classes, and that's what I did.' - said the Director of the Lyceum Igor Pashin.According to the wording of the order..
Views: 1223
To install cameras for surveillance in the offices of the schools require one of the deputies
One of the deputies asked Sagintayev set in the classrooms of the camera. No salary increase will not compensate for the difficulties and experiences of the teacher, which he is experiencing at work. Currently, any teacher can be clavecin mentally and financially and physically. Students are on camera, usually the moments at which the teacher gets angry, but does not remove themselves, when brought to teachers breakdown.The MP added that the load on teachers is constantly growing, changing curriculum in the direction of complication, however, no allowance will not release the stress of the teacher.'A huge salary does not compensate the entire load on the shoulders of the teacher. In addition to learning objectives, on its shoulders rests the educational work. Low wages and high stress lead to the fact that teachers leave,' said Shakir Hahanov.According to him, the country did not have a two hundred thousand teachers. The MP believes that if not to equate abuse of the teacher to a..
Views: 1244
In February 2025, the largest chess academy in Kazakhstan, founded by five-time world champion, grandmaster Zhansaya Abdumalik, began its wo
In February 2025, important changes took place in Kazakhstan in the field of education. The Minister of Science and Higher Education, Sayasa