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The teacher is a sadist living in the village of Boraldai

The teacher is a sadist living in the village of Boraldai
17 pupils secondary school in the village Boraldai constantly suffer humiliation, insults and beatings from the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature.The students claim that the teacher insulted them for the past three years and even raises a hand against them. They have repeatedly complained to the headmaster, but she only shook her head and didn't believe them. Then one of the students filmed the video, which shows how a teacher lashes out at students and breaks their hands.After reporters arrived in the village, the teacher — the sadist came out to talk to parents, it explains his behavior:'Children are very bad at school, parents don't know it. I check their homework and see that they don't do. I am angry because of their carelessness, of course, I put them two. Because of this, they want me to turn out' - says the teacher — the sadist Ainur Kolumbaeva.However, any parent will find this behavior is not acceptable. Verification of incidents began in the administration of edu..
Views: 1720

The new database will allow to relieve the workload of teachers

The new database will allow to relieve the workload of teachers
The new head of the Department of education of Pavlodar region dinislam Bolthole reported that the region had decided to make life easier for teachers. Management of education together with the new leader decided to create an automated database in which all collected information about each school, each student and teacher. This database will help to relieve the workload of teachers, various reports. The main teacher of the area said that the education system is well funded compared to the year 2015 the amount of money increased by 36%. 'It should be noted the social orientation of the area, as this database is a huge burden on the budget. A lot of work need to extend the transferability of educational institutions into trust management, such as so it was with the Agricultural College. Transfer educational institutions in the hands of ordinary people will improve the level of training. In addition, schools will be implemented per capita financing, i.e. teachers will get paid depending ..
Views: 1386

In South Kazakhstan region fined for wearing the hijab In

In South Kazakhstan region fined for wearing the hijab In
In southern Kazakhstan was fined for 130 parents of Schoolgirls who refused to remove Muslim headscarf. Parents of 130 Schoolgirls YUKO was fined for wearing headscarves, according to some attributes of religion are about 400 people now follow the school uniforms will not only parents, but teachers and police. It turned out that the hijab is worn by not only students but also teacher. 28 of them were interviewed, after which the teacher took the handkerchiefs, the remaining 6 refused and paid the administrative penalty. In Aktobe at the beginning of the year was a bit of an argument about why you can't wear headscarves in the classroom. The fact that the Ministry of Education issued a new order to exclude the objects of religion from school uniforms and in January 2017 Genprokuratura explained that the ban on the wearing of religious differences is the law. Therefore, persons who have filed a lawsuit against school Directors was denied. Also its position in respect of scarves exp..
Views: 1290

More than 1,500 proposals made by the residents of Kazakhstan in Latin alphabet

More than 1,500 proposals made by the residents of Kazakhstan in Latin alphabet
Residents of Kazakhstan proposed options and considerations for creating Latin alphabet, the number exceeded fifteen hundred. Kazakhstan has offered two dozen of his options for the new Kazakh alphabet to the Latin language. The citizens of our country have proposed more than 1560 comments and new inputs on the new letters of the alphabet. Offers still considered. 'The presidential administration has already received more than 300 appeals in favor of the wrongness of the Latin alphabet. New proposals and comments received over a thousand.' - said the chief researcher, 'Kazys' PhD Lesya Karataeva. Gradual 'Translation' of the alphabet of the old to the new style will go until 2025. According to some information about progress in changing the alphabet can be viewed on the Internet, namely, changes in the field of educational materials, websites, publications and manuals already written in the Latin alphabet. Chief scientific officer stressed the need for further adaptation of the alphabe..
Views: 1239

4 billion tenge allocated for students of schools of Astana

4 billion tenge allocated for students of schools of Astana
The question of the quality of nutrition of schoolchildren of Astana was solved through PPP.  More than 4 billion tenge was allocated for a food of pupils of Astana city. We were informed the head of education of the capital Anuar Zhangozin at the meeting of Maslikhat on the Socio-cultural development. 'The schools organized hot meals for pupils up to 4 classes and deprived children. It was allocated 4 billion tenge from the state budget. Of course, the quality of food leaves much to be desired, however, we often conduct joint raids to check power schools in the city of Astana,' he said. According to head, the issue of quality of food will be solved through PPP, using the tender operations to work in the school. According to Anuar Zhangozin, bidders will provide better services and nutrition. '40 schools have come under participation in the program, which operates the last two years. This program is called 'School of healthy nutrition'. This international project is taking place i..
Views: 1233

School employees who send their children to the street toilets in any weather will bring to judicial responsibility.

School employees who send their children to the street toilets in any weather will bring to judicial responsibility.
School employees who send their children to the street toilets in any weather will bring to judicial responsibility. Not long ago, the students of 186th schools of Almaty were forced to go to the toilet outside in any weather, although there was built a new school building with twelve new toilets. The old school building was built in 1960 and a new building for the children of the old is strictly not allowed. 'Now the old toilet was not functioning and not being used. The city education Department was put the question about the demolition of not only the outside toilet and the old building. To all employees who violate children's rights will be subject to disciplinary sanctions. Currently, in Almaty there are three schools, the pupils have to defecate on the street toilets. Such schools began to be listed after the expansion of city boundaries. They, too, will soon be demolished. After the publication of this photo, Department of education initiated an inspection of all toilets to the ..
Views: 1249

Distribution of health workers want to return

Distribution of health workers want to return
In the villages and towns of Kazakhstan who does not want to work, so there is an acute shortage of medical profile.The Ministry of health considers that it is necessary to return the distribution of the 'points' at the places where required a medical representative.'There is the question of the division of human resources, we see that the government allocates about 37 million of grants for free training, but graduates trying to find jobs in the cities,' said Yelzhan Birtanov in the Majilis.He explained that the issue discussed in the society.'Under the new code, we would like to raise the issue in the health sector to return to past experience. If the person has benefited from government support, it needs a certain amount of time to work out where its state Commission will distribute to eliminate the shortage of personnel. In addition, it will give them the opportunity to practice and gain experience for further specialization', – said the Minister...
Views: 1695

Company Scopus began the annual cleaning of the log that are not related to science.

Company Scopus began the annual cleaning of the log that are not related to science.
Company Scopus began the annual cleaning of the log that are not related to science.Company or the international database of scientific publications Scopus cleared my library from the fake journals, among which were more than 250 editions of scientists of Kazakhstan. According to the source more than a third of all authors are published in journals beginning in 2013.The publishing company of America cleaned your base against unpopular publications. Last year was cleared of 299 journals in Kazakhstan, now this figure increased to 424 units.Among well-known scientists, who published their work in magazines-'predators' as well as in the publications that were excluded from the database Scopus, the rector of the University, the rector of KazNU, academician of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director of Kazakhstan Institute for strategic studies.More than 250 articles in 2017 Kazakhstan scientists published in in false usnih publications. Such publications in the..
Views: 1857

New time - old rules

New time - old rules
Members of Parliament held a meeting with workers of education, which promised to solve problematic issues.Working visit of deputies in East Kazakhstan ended a lot of criticism. In Ust-Kamenogorsk city the team of teachers across the district have voiced concerns that need to be addressed at the legislative level. School leaders complained to deputies of the Mazhilis of Parliament to unreasonably high, in their opinion, the cost of education in pedagogical higher education institutions with a small number allocated by the government free grants.The Director of the kindergarten 'Ainalaiyn' reports that the norms of the Soviet period is still in effect. For example, school organizations of East Kazakhstan, engaged in the provision of detergents, still used the regulations of 1978, and the schedule from ' 77. Now the urgent question of qualified teachers due to the shortage of staff, the Director needs to attract retired teachers. In another case, to work and educate their children will s..
Views: 1721

How does the distribution of grants?

How does the distribution of grants?
The distribution of grants is absolutely transparent procedure, the pressure on independent experts or who has no pressure.The Committee of science of RK says, as stories of grants in Kazakhstan. This is the most burning issue in the country. Kazakhstan is sometimes thought that someone could affect the decision of the Commission, the Ministry of education revealed the procedure for the allocation of grants and funding of scientific research.'The law 'On science' says that funding is in the form of scientific and technological activities in Kazakhstan such as basic, grant and program-targeted. This procedure engaged in scientific national councils, composed of people from the government of Kazakhstan' - it is told on the website of the Committee of science of MES RK.The scientific Commission is determined by the Supply of the Government of Kazakhstan of 26 December 2017 has started work on 8 January this year. This is a fully structural unit, its activity is completely independent and ..
Views: 2283

The head of education of Ekibastuz was sentenced to 2 years in prison

The head of education of Ekibastuz was sentenced to 2 years in prison
City court of the city Ekibastuz sentenced the former head of the Department of education. The head of the Department of education imposed a tax on all educational institutions of the city and received certain amount each month.'Nurzhamal Macumba became guilty under article 361 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The court has sentenced to restriction of freedom for a period of two years. Also Nurzhamal deprived of rights to occupy positions in the public service.' said city court Almagul AbildinovaThe complaint arrived at the clerk in the anti-corruption Bureau from the Chairman of the public Fund of a school. It became known that on the eve of the Unified National Testing, ex-head of principals of schools for 100,000 tenge for the examination. To collect the money for the Commission on the UNT, that all students get a passing score. The money was found in the safe of the former head.14 June 2017 the teacher was arrested and held in detention for more than 7 months. Th..
Views: 1759

Government contracts in the schools of the cities of Kazakhstan

Government contracts in the schools of the cities of Kazakhstan
The first schools of Kazakhstan will receive state order for training of future specialists.Placement of state order in private schools will appear in three cities of Kazakhstan: Astana, Shymkent and Aktobe. From 1 September 2018 it is planned placement of the state order. In General, schools placed orders for 7,000 seats by 2022 support for private schools will open 89 new schools and 56 300 pupils.'A new experience of management of schools will be distributed to other cities, particularly in regional centres with high human growth' - have informed in the press service of MES.Success in the construction of new kindergartens will be extended to Secondary education. Last summer, the mayor of Astana has promised that by 2020 it will solve the problem of infrastructure capital formation. Last year we opened more than 44 private kindergartens.New year means new plans for the creation and opening of educational institutions of different types, a gradual increase in teachers ' salaries and m..
Views: 1957

Parental control - protection from unwanted sites

Parental control - protection from unwanted sites
The pupil of school №17 of the city of Saran, Karaganda region developed on the basis of the programming language C# (C Sharp) program 'Parental control' – protection of children inappropriate content on the Internet, reports MIA 'Kazinform'. The essence of the program is to track the visits of minors to sites that contain unwanted content. If you visit such sites made by parents to the restricted list, for two to five minutes on a specified in the program settings, email will alert. 'Developed relevant today. The President instructed to create a 'Cybershit Kazakhstan' to intensify the fight against cybercrime. In our city made the first step by the students to protect our children from the flood of malicious information affecting the formation of personality at an early stage of development', – said the press service of the Department of education Saran. Work in this direction in Saran started in the current academic year. At the initiative of the Deputy akim of Saran c..
Views: 1883

The control or notification?

The control or notification?
The Department of education of Astana has created a new rule for the parents, implying the presence of the official representative of management in each chat each class of city. This initiative will allow both to inform parents about new developments and to convey only the official information. The document, which sets out the rule has already been signed and received by many institutions. The authenticity of this document have confirmed in the Ministry of education. It also notes the fact that no one wants to oblige the parents, the document is only the nature of attraction.The text of the document States that each Director of schools shall involve parents of the school to the Republican chat created with the new decree. Through this chat will be notified parents of all official information. The press service commented on this as just an informational chat, which bring information, for example, the abolition of classes in the group all that is made unilaterally i.e., parents can't wri..
Views: 1980

Money for the construction of hostels will not be allocated

Money for the construction of hostels will not be allocated
The financing of higher education institutions will cease from the Republican budget. Will no longer be allocated funds for the construction of canteens, libraries and dormitories. This message was announced by Yerlan Sagadiyev at a meeting on the reform of education in the city of Aktau.In its report said that the Ministry of education did not invest in the construction of hostels no. tenge. All the money that was allocated for the construction of the hostel will be spent on grants. They somehow will get to the Kazakh Universities. Due to this practice the number of grants increased by 10 thousand, and for undergraduates in a thousand. In General, the number of grants increased by 30%.'Provides for financial freedom. How many teachers need to – we will try to remove from the calculation. We surrender ourselves at the mercy of institutions with investment programs, but will strengthen the Supervisory Board of the higher education institutions. Will increase its powers, created the inte..
Views: 1738

Students were selected for internships in USA

Students were selected for internships in USA
            Specialists from the sphere of information technologies, which created various start-UPS, passed the competitive selection for training in the United States of America. All of them are Kazakhstani professionals in the field. The winners have a fairly high level of knowledge in various programming languages, developing web applications and various databases. Some of our specialists have their eye on two or three foreign companies, including Amplifylive, Hexa, Vimchat, 11sight, Powr. As soon as the winners will choose the project and resolve issues related to visas they will go to Silicon valley in the United States. In the competition was attended by 43 people, interviews with them were carried out by representatives of both the US and Kazakhstan. They will receive a grant to study abroad, which will cover the cost of flights, accommodation and meals. 'We are working with Kazakhstan in 2016, the first year for the test, took only one specia..
Views: 1387

Teachers of KazNAU evicted from the hostel

Teachers of KazNAU evicted from the hostel
Respected teachers of the Kazakh national agrarian University are about to be evicted from the hostel for a debt. According to the University, teachers did not pay the rent. In the hostel they lived for more than 20 years. The teachers themselves are defending yourself by saying: 'Salary was reduced to 30 thousand tenge, and the rent for the hostel was raised to 60 thousand.' All of the lawsuits they lost, so they are served the eviction. Each of the teachers a debt of one million KZT, accumulated it over a simple failure to pay. Now the perpetrators work at the University at 0.25 bets and receive 27 thousand tenge. In the hostel live more than 100 families, some of whom are employees of the University. Gulmira Kassenova said that the rent increased three times, and then began to withdraw money for the rent from wages. The lease imposed a year and a half ago, and now, the six evicted families. The University administration denies the fact that wages lowered. All work as well as work, ..
Views: 1397

When will increase teachers ' salaries?

When will increase teachers ' salaries?
            Teachers who are already working on the updated program raised wages since January of this year, the rest will have to wait a bit. According to the instructions of President Nursultan Nazarbayev teachers ' salaries should be increased by 30-50%. Depend on the wage increase will be from several factors. First, the increase depends on the transition of educational programs to a new level. The update starts with 1, 2, 5 and 7 classes. On the first of September 2018 update will occur at 3, 6 and 8 classes, then in year 4, 9, 10, and in 2020 the increase will receive the teacher of 11 classes. In addition, it has developed a net of surcharges, which takes into account the level of qualification of teachers and additional hours worked. To obtain the allowances will need to pass'ENKT and the test results to the salary will be increased by 20-50%. The Ministry of education claims to develop test until the middle of this year. As soon as the Minist..
Views: 1661

Students YUKO also don't feel the heat

Students YUKO also don't feel the heat
Parents of students argue that arrived on the area are advised to cover children with blankets on the lessons, if they get cold. As well as in the Issyk children in the village Myrzakent in southern Kazakhstan are studying at a temperature of 9 degrees Celsius. Students sit in street clothes but they were still cold and they get cold. In the end, sick students sit at home and study comes barely half of the students. The school has more children than the school of Issyk, namely 1,250. Those who are studying on the first floor really are lucky, there the temperature reaches 14 degrees Celsius. The third floor is more than 9 degrees is not heated. The engine in the school is a legacy from Soviet times, it start only when he's checking. Here and launched it, when he arrived the Deputy Governor district Governor's office. Bad temperature complaining the first year. The school can be heated with gas, however the gas equipment or who did not bother to install — it is covered with snow in the..
Views: 1250

In Almaty region do not provide heating of school

In Almaty region do not provide heating of school
            Parents of high school students in the city of Issyk, outraged to the limit — their children are sitting in mittens, hats and jackets. Within two months the parents have been a video blog about how cold they are in school. 'The eldest daughter returned home after graduation, the class was 10 degrees Celsius. I think leadership is the problem of our educational institutions. They did not want to fix the problem with the heating, probably to save his pocket,' said one of the parents of Schoolgirls of school. Dressing room at school already empty for the second year. Parents are actively trying to find out why the school for two years no heat, but did not receive a response. School 'sheltered' 892 child, and they were allowed to walk around in jackets in the classroom. The school has a boiler that heats the building, but it is over a kilometer and the heat simply goes into the ground. Every day is spent 714 litres of heating, the total annual..
Views: 1322

Students in one school learning in others.

Students in one school learning in others.
We ended the second quarter of the school year, however, at school No. 8 is still not lessons. The fact that the school was built in 1962, has never been repaired, so the Commission recognized school and pre-school decided not to demolish, but simply repaired. Now pupils of school №8 and teachers spread across the three schools, and the Director and head teacher have to go through the points in order to determine the quality and progress of the students. Now the students are learning at 16, 56 and 4 schools. Layoffs did not happen. Other schools have allocated some space for the eighth school and now all the classes are in normal mode. After completion of the academic year will be prepared by the estimates and decided what, when and how to fix. Will be decided what better to do on the basis of the layout of the building. After repair, the school will again visit the Committee of experts and only then it will ring the first bell. According to Anuar Zhangozin, overhaul requires another 1..
Views: 1673

New roof after a major overhaul leaked

New roof after a major overhaul leaked
Overhaul of the school was produced at the end of 2016, since the new roof has been 'attacked' rains. The roof is new, renovated school №12, Taldykorgan has elapsed, unable to withstand the pressure of rain. It warned parents of pupils who were witnesses and a few victims of the leak. 'All parents are aware of the riots going on in the school №12. The fact that in 2016, was made major repairs, and in the summer of 2017 blown away by the wind. Recently there was a heavy rain, the ceiling leaked absolutely everywhere, creating the feeling that you are in the old and the God-forsaken building,' parents say. Also they claim that pupils are forced to clean up the consequences of the flood and even collect money for the repair. The school administration asserts that the contractor was doing everything on the conscience, however, is going to invite him to clarify. The head teacher of the institution said that the leak was due to the fact that the school roof was repaired after a strong wind w..
Views: 1277

Graduates of 2017 showed the worst result over the last five years

Graduates of 2017 showed the worst result over the last five years
The cost of tuition increases, so students wishing to study full-time is becoming less. In 2017 higher education institutions produced about 83 thousand people, which is 5% less than last year. The number of graduates every year is getting smaller. This year in educational institutions received only 100 thousand people which is 4.5% less than last year. Higher educational institutions every year tightened the assessment of the knowledge of their students, therefore to pass the assessment and to defend the diploma managed only 83 thousand people. This is the lowest figure over the past five years. The diploma received only 11786 people from 83 thousands who have passed state certification. Among the most popular specialties still remain the medical and translation. Meanwhile, Kazakhstan is in the TOP 1 list for students studying abroad. In 2017 left more than 97 thousand people in neighboring countries simply because of the fact that there are lower tuition...
Views: 1174

The teacher won one million tenge

The teacher won one million tenge
A history teacher working in a rural school for the past 12 years has won first place in the contest 'Bilim SDG'. Baurzhan Aimanov from the school of the village Akshukur became the owner of a prize of one million tenge, according to the results of the contest 'Bilim SDG — 2017'. Applications for participation in competition were submitted by 122 teachers from 33 schools. The experts evaluated the contribution of teachers to the maintenance of national traditions, the necessity for additional lessons, work with children and much more, and, in the end, the winner was one of the teachers of rural schools. 'My experience is 12 years. The greatest achievement in life is the progress of my students in the Olympiads of international level. Today for my achievements I received a high reward. Thank you all for your trust' - said Baurzhan. In addition to Baurzhan, prizes were given to another 10 people. Winnings amounted to 500 thousand tenge each. Also cash prizes were awarded to five organiza..
Views: 1759

The Governor is outraged by the work of schools and colleges

The Governor is outraged by the work of schools and colleges
In Aktobe region held its first regional meeting of the boards of guardians of schools and colleges, which was the head of the region. The work of the committees, the head of the region was left disappointed.'A few years ago, the parent committees worked much better. Schools constantly adjust the budget, parents raised money for new facilities, organised trips to the theatre,cinema and nature. Now the local police chief does not know what his record is on the people,' said Saparbayev.So he persistently drew attention to the development of moral education of children.'When has the girls fighting with each other? To hang out 4 nights in cafes and restaurants, and then go out, smoke and fight! Every day you get a report of DVDs about fighting high school students. The Director is not responsible for them, parents remain silent. It should be such as to conduct educational work! Let him sit behind bars for 15 days, and let them know what it is! As principals, they use their teachers as a sl..
Views: 1325

The students themselves will choose the subject for learning English

The students themselves will choose the subject for learning English
In the 2018 — 2019 school year, the pupils themselves will choose the subject for teaching English. The training program of 10-11 classes provides alternative options, including the choice of subject for study in English of four subjects — physics, chemistry, biology and Informatics. Informatics will be held in English in mandatory, and the remaining three given to the students to choose from. Students of Kazakhstan show excellent training in mathematical subjects, but tracking of quality of knowledge continues. The study is the national Academy of education named Altynsarin, she also organizes social survey among parents and students. The results of the survey will be known by the end of the year. 'We believe that English is the language of modernity, technology and believe that the current youth should be able to compete on a global level, well, first and foremost, to have the opportunity to gain knowledge in English. Earlier, the Ministry of education and science..
Views: 1523

About the translators and translations

About the translators and translations
At the beginning of the 21st century speciality 'Translator' or 'Diplomat', was considered one of the most prestigious in the world. Knowledge of languages (fluent) was highly valued. Such knowledge could be for the translator a good help in finding employment not even in the profession. Now the competition has increased. English has become the language of international communication and they own almost all the anyone can learn the language in a short time. The process of the development of the Internet translations. In a short time voice translation can replace the professionals. What should be the translators to avoid being replaced by machines? Dilbar Kadyrkul — the girl with all my heart fell in love with the English language. It is hard to cook, and passed the UNT on 116 points, then entered the University of KazUIR & WL for the specialty interpretation. She loved the fact that all subjects were conducted in English, required great concentration and patience. Studying at the l..
Views: 1654

Education for prisoners

Education for prisoners
In Pavlodar and Almaty in 2018 will launch a pilot project to enable prisoners to get a higher education remotely. Criminals of the Republic of Kazakhstan will be able to remotely 'to come' in pairs of higher educational institutions of the country, reports the representation of Central Asia. 'Everyone has the right to learn, even criminal, education should be available to all who wish. Almost three thousand prisoners are enrolled in educational institutions, some receive vocational education, and it is only 10% of the total weight. All the prisoners, about 66 thousand people,' - said the Director of penal reform International Azamat of Shambilov. The pilot project identifies two of the institution LA 155/8 and AP-162/3 in Pavlodar. The project work will begin in 2018 'Adopting the experience of foreign countries, the Republic of Kazakhstan is building its own process of adaptation, where the main element is training in correctional colonies of our country. Training..
Views: 1340

Philanthropist gives scholarships

Philanthropist gives scholarships
One of the wealthy patrons of the Republic of Kazakhstan has established educational scholarships to higher educational institutions of Moscow. Six scholarships were played between the and fifty students. These scholarships become a stimulus for scientific and practical activities of our young people, for six lucky winners have a great prospects for self-realization.  The competition was held on the basis of the Association of Kazakh students from Moscow 'Pressed Tulpar'. The Fund has taken full responsibility for the competition. Received more than 50 applications for free education in Moscow and 31 people went to the second round. The third stage of the contest was to write a short essay on the topic 'My contribution to the development of the country' and pass an interview with the selecting people. By results of competition the winners were 2 boys and 4 girls. The winners expressed gratitude to the philanthropist and the hope that he will continue to support students in the fut..
Views: 1870

Hungary has allocated 200 grants for Kazakhstani students

Hungary has allocated 200 grants for Kazakhstani students
The training will be free for students of Kazakhstan. The Hungarian side will provide medical insurance and 200 grants for Kazakh students. This was announced at a press conference, in particular the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Hungary Andras Barany. Compared with 2017 the number of grants in Hungary increased by 5 times. This is due to the signing of a new agreement on cooperation in the field of education the Minister of education and science Yerlan Sagadiyev. 'In 2017, we have increased the number of scholarships allocated in Hungary for Kazakh students wishing to study abroad and an agreement was signed with the Ministry of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan which increased the number of grants from 40 to 200, which is a significant advantage in 2017. Recently, the Foundation 'Tempus' said the coordination of this scholarship program and announced a competition for applications for the 2018-2019 academic year' - said Yerlan Sagadiyev. 'We do not give out grants for free, bu..
Views: 1613

Parents allow students to skip class

Parents allow students to skip class
Five-day, introduced to all schools of Kazakhstan, caused a great scandal between parents and school authorities. In the village of Kaynar in one of the schools big scandal erupted between parents and school Director. Lessons during the second shift after the introduction of the five day period began to run quite late, and meet their parents due to work can't always. To go home many children have through the forest, lake and fields, as many children live in remote areas. 'The previous Director made concessions, knowing that to walk is dangerous at night, especially when walking patrol and ask the documents have students walk around drunk homeless people, dogs and jackals' - says one of the parents of the village Kainar of Eric Fuchs. Thanks to a five-day training system, second shift is about to graduate after 18 hours on the street at this time dark. Those parents, whose children live far away, let them go with the last of the sixth lesson, in order to properly get to t..
Views: 1390

Modernization of the public consciousness - as taught in ENU?

Modernization of the public consciousness - as taught in ENU?
A new subject appeared in the Eurasian national University named after Gumilev - 'Modernization of public consciousness'. The learning process at the Eurasian national University added a new practical course, and, as noted in the University, this project is international, which will now be studied in the second year architectural, informational, linguistic, historical and economic faculties. A new discipline is taught by history teachers. 'The new educational-methodical complex created on the basis of the literature and additional materials based on the program of the President 'look into the future'. In learning this subject, students study the book written by the head of state 'In the flow of history', - stated in the official request. A list of additional literature contains a variety of books of the great Abay, and Arefully ESIM, as well as books Olga Nechiporenko and Abdimalik nysanbaeva. This discipline is a pilot project for the 2017-2018 school year, the res..
Views: 1746

Majilis proposed to abandon the trilingualism

Majilis proposed to abandon the trilingualism
6 December, a meeting of the Majilis of the Parliament, which proposed to abandon the teaching of physics, chemistry and biology in three languages, and saved money to repair or even to rebuild a new school.Directors who attended the meeting also noticed that Irina Smirnova, using the link on the inefficiency of teaching in three languages, cited the example of only one outdoor lesson in Astana, where the teacher, neznaya language read all the leaflets, and the subject knew only five students out of thirty.The representative of the Ministry of education argues that it is impossible to judge the entire education system is only one lesson.'For full judgement necessary to visit a lot of lessons of different teachers, then we can judge. In 2017 have been allocated large funds for the retraining of teachers for trilingual, after studying 153 schools began to teach subjects in three languages, but only after teachers spent weeks preparing to teach' - said the representative.It was also menti..
Views: 1446

118 million in financial support to Fund Bolashak

118 million in financial support to Fund Bolashak
Winter charity score, held in Astana helped Fund 'Bolashak' to gather quite a lot of money on education 'inclusive'. This ball became the tenth under the account and helped to raise 118 million tenge. All funds raised will be allocated to the implementation programme 'Every child deserves a school' and 'Travel grants', as well the material aid will be provided to children with disabilities. Every year after the score is the auction of unique items. This year was sold sporting goods merchandise and art. With the hammer went the first edition of Arthur Conan Doyle written in 1895, a shirt autographed by one of racers 'Formulas-1' and the picture of Kazakh artist Leyla Mahat. Funds raised at the ball have been realized and brought to fruition. Four hundred children with disabilities were rehabilitated, were opened six special centers of rehabilitation, issued 26 grants to gifted children to participate in various competitions, 17 educational grants were awarded to students of universitie..
Views: 1362

The winner of the tender for the supply of textbooks is washed away with the prize.

The winner of the tender for the supply of textbooks is washed away with the prize.
In Aktobe region, one of the suppliers of textbooks won the tender for the supply of books to schools in Alga district, however, two quarters and they remain without textbooks. Students in the second, fifth and sedima classes we go to each other to do homework. First, the winner of the tender sent the textbooks in Atyrau and almost a thousand books were not clear where. After this incident, officials in Aktobe region filed a lawsuit on this provider.'Half the class bought books, and others can't afford it. So you have to share a book with classmates. There is no other choice.' - said a student of the seventh class Saginbek Bekzat. In the Department of education decided to punish the provider and filed a lawsuit in the economic court.'A lawsuit filed in the economic court was considered and satisfied. 875 sets of books, lost in Atyrau were returned back,' - said the lawyer of the Department of education Aginskogo district Scholarships Tileumuratov.Now officials intend to seek full compe..
Views: 1164

Schools go to parents

Schools go to parents
In the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2018 will come change. Finance schools will manage the parents, not the school administration. All transactions will take place in the mind, to the Board of Trustees provide an opportunity to monitor the quality of education that is called 'online'.  The Ministry of education and science argue that it is necessary to eliminate the charging system and start to sign contracts with teachers. Head of the 'Financial center' Askar Ibraimov mentioned that the project is not Kazakhstan, but has long been used all over the world.  'Before, the teacher tried to take more hours to get more salary. Now teachers will be happy and 18 hours a week but will be improved as funding and teachers are paid salaries according to contract,' he said.  Per capita financing is a project which is implemented in schools in 2018-2019. Will take place per capita financing which stimulates the development of schools and quality of education, th..
Views: 1324

Promise rise — the decline occurs. The salary of teachers.

Promise rise — the decline occurs. The salary of teachers.
Teachers ' wages in the Republic of Kazakhstan is decreasing every month. Rakhim oshakbayev has issued criticism to the message MES that wages increased by 45% over the past four years.'How much was added to the salary of teachers? - A penny. She just reduced us, as economists surprised 'growth' of salaries. The latest data of the statistics Committee say that wages in the third quarter of 2017 equals 90.000 tenge. And in 2016, it was 94500 tenge, not 100 thousand as was stated by the Ministry of education' - added a note Rakhim oshakbayev in FaceBook.Yes, if we talk about the year 2012, the salaries rose only 33%, while prices for food increased by 45%, which in the end leads not to growth, and to reduce wages.The Ministry of education should take into account this fact, because the increase in wages, based only on a comparison of the annual figures will not help teachers to stay due to inflation on food and household products.'We know that the work of teachers should be well paid. Th..
Views: 1370

In Shymkent resident was sentenced to two years for the promise grants at prestigious universities in the country.

In Shymkent resident was sentenced to two years for the promise grants at prestigious universities in the country.
The TV channel 'Astana' reports that a resident of the city of Shymkent cheated 22 people — she promised her parents that their students will arrive in best Universities for free education (grants).  Aigerim Kanaeva, 31 years old, according to police, the two years offered to residents of South Kazakhstan to arrange their children to prestigious universities for the money and gave fake documents for his / her seal and signature. Just was cheated 22 people for a total amount of 10 million tenge. The victims parents argue that this deception involved the school teachers, they encouraged students to enroll in the grants, even if they received the required number of points at the unified national testing and passed the money to the defendant. A similar situation occurred in Atyrau, a woman came to court, promising to make the graduates last night. She gathered 880.000 tenge and have disappeared. After she has repaid the entire amount and she was released from custody...
Views: 1418

2018, new changes in the old education.

2018, new changes in the old education.
In the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2018 will come the global changes — all financial aspects will be governed by a special Board of Trustees. For each school separately will be created a personal account, to which parents will donate to 'curtains', and will see all their movements. For example, parents of every student passed at the 2000 tenge, and the result of the account had accumulated over 400,000 tenge, passed any money a parent has visual access to the account can view what and where the money was spent. Informed teachers are constantly accused that they take the money put 'curtains', however now for such accusations need proof. The Board of Trustees will be able to make suggestions on discussion to adjust budget allocation of the institution, to make proposals for the repair or elimination of any deficiencies, and make reports of expenditures. However, one should note that the faculty and administration of the institution will not be able to participate in..
Views: 1229

Get a double degree and work everywhere!

Get a double degree and work everywhere!
A few days will be the signing of the documents between the two universities — Altai University and University of East Kazakhstan. On the website of the Embassy of the Russian Federation has published information about what the Altai state technical University signed an agreement with the East Kazakhstan state technical University for joint training of specialists in the following areas: 'power and electrical engineering', 'engineering' and 'Engineering'. 'We have cooperated for many years with the East Kazakhstan state technical University. We implement the exchange of students for each semester, so teachers are training in Kazakhstan, and Kazakhstan we have. Recently held Congress of rectors of universities in the city of Chelyabinsk, which was approved several educational projects,' - said Vice-rector for strategic development and international activities Eugene Zrumov. 'One of the few solutions is to create a global ranking of higher education institutions with the concept of the ..
Views: 1697

The teacher of the year taking presented apartment

The teacher of the year taking presented apartment
Mr. nurabayev, the winner of the contest 'teacher of the year 2012' won an apartment in Taldykorgan city, but not live in it for five years. ZHKKH goroda Taldykorgan filed a lawsuit, aiming to take the apartment to the state, as by law, if the person has received an apartment, not live in it five years, it is obliged to return the property to the state. So the other day, the Almaty oblast court verdict to vacate the apartment immediately.When Nurlan won the apartment he lived a simple life as a teacher in Kapchagay, then became Director of the school in the village of Shengeldy, in the same village he rents a house and lives with his wife and three children.Friends and colleagues do not agree with the decision of the court. It's the winnings and a gift, it means that we cannot take. The behavior of the government defamatory and insensitive. The school's staff fully supports the Director-teacher and collects signatures in support of it.The regional authorities are also concerned about t..
Views: 1185

The head of education, the Families lost position

The head of education, the Families lost position
The head of education of the city of Semey lost his job due to taking various bribes. In September 2017, a former official helped the accountant of the kindergarten to hide a large amount of not paying wages, which for the year amounted to 6 million tenge, for helping to 'work' the official Eleusizova was given 5 kg of meat and 10 thousand tenge. After a month one of our senior accountants city school I asked the officer, with a request to quickly write off the old bus, to buy a new one. What the clerk asked for a bribe in the amount of fifteen tons of coal, which in monetary terms amounted to 150 thousand tenge. The accountant was not happy with the requests of officials and appealed to law enforcement agencies. Then there was a transfer of a bribe under the supervision of the police, and now ex-official must pay 9 625 000 tenge to the state, with confiscation of property and deprivation of office in the public service...
Views: 1348

Overhaul require 7,000 schools in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Overhaul require 7,000 schools in the Republic of Kazakhstan
In connection with the collapse of the ceiling in the school of East Kazakhstan, Majilis Deputy Artur Platonov, appealed to the Cabinet of the Prime Minister of the country in which he noted the need to overhaul the schools. The oldest part of the school for over fifty years. As we recently described, 7,000 schools in need of major repairs. 526 schools require emergency repair, they can start avalanches or destruction, while others require simple repairs. However, the repair of the schools are lacking funding, and all because the problem came up only when it is a critical situation. You can start the repair gradually, annually repairing a few dozen schools. Platonov said that in the Western regions of our country more than four hundred students study anywhere — at the fire station, kindergarten and lemonade in the shop, in southern Kazakhstan, the students of the village studying the Costas in the house of culture and the joinery workshop, because the school is very old, 1965, had neve..
Views: 1311

The destruction of schools occurred in East Kazakhstan. Four victims.

The destruction of schools occurred in East Kazakhstan. Four victims.
            In East Kazakhstan, Shamahanskaja district, in the city of Ust-Talovka was the destruction of the school. In particular due to the collapse of the plaster affected a whole class of students, and some of them are still in the district hospital. One of the children my parents took in Almaty. The Director of the school Travnikova Elena explained what happened: 'We have suffered great damage due to poor maintenance, as our school has not allocated funds. The third installment of one of the classes is broken in half from a fall of a large piece of concrete, thank God, no one at the Desk during recess was not sitting, however, students of neighbouring desks was hospitalized. After the incident, I was near the children, doctors say that the condition of children is stable and maybe next week they'll come to school.' However, the parents of the kids are not so optimistic. The student Shukhrat, who was lucky to Almaty for examination, identified a ..
Views: 1355

Not too early to introduce trilingualism?

Not too early to introduce trilingualism?
Zagipa Baliyeva – lawful representative of the rights of children in the Republic of Kazakhstan made a proposal about what to trilingualism should start with more simple objects. This statement she uttered at a meeting of NGOs on Affairs of modern society. According to her, the younger students will be very hard to learn chemistry or physics English as their native language the data objects are digested very poorly. In her opinion, it is necessary to talk with children themselves, with any items they would like to start learning foreign languages, so the state will win. We should start with the Kazakh or Russian language and literature, and chemistry and physics English children just do not need.In addition, the Ombudsman stressed that, finishing school, the children carry with them a number of diseases due to improper sanitation in schools, and, according to her, the Minister of education and the Ministry of Health does not pay attention to it. 'Children are sent to school is healthy,..
Views: 1565

The new system of trilingualism

The new system of trilingualism
Each year the training of teachers for teaching the new programs, but in 2018 for training and retraining on trilingualism will be allocated to much is not enough – 7 billion tenge. The Senator doubted that such fast training can give teachers sufficient knowledge. Training will take a long time, and after it the teacher should be able to teach computer science, physics, chemistry and biology in English, Kazakh and Russian languages.According to Sergey Ershov, teachers ' wages will be increased by 35 000 tenge. For 2017 has been allocated about $ 865 million tenge. But as it turned out, the budget for raising teachers ' salaries were reduced by 730 million tenge. For 2018 it is planned to allocate 2.3 billion tenge. The Senator asked the question, would it not be better to invest these funds for the training of teachers in universities and to future qualified employees who are able to teach in three languages?The answer to this question was given by Yerlan Sagadiyev – work on this scal..
Views: 1737

System error 'Kundalik'

System error 'Kundalik'
Electronic system 'Kundelek' has long been launched throughout the country and has been successfully used by teachers. However, from the outset, the project became a dispute of many businessmen, as they owns the General project Director Mukhtar Ilyasov and he spoke about the monetization system of governance. Leaked data and smart students took advantage of the mistake and put the avatars on pornokinki. The monetization system will save the state aboutSpecific case of the replacement of avatars happened in school No. 61, of the city of Almaty. After the incident began checking for hacking and system security. After a long analysis of the system, we ruled out the possibility of hacking from the outside. The violation occurred because of the negligence of users themselves. One of the teachers inadvertently gave access to the logins of students. Two students of the school took a picture of the usernames and passwords from the system 'Kundelek' and sent in the Whatsapp group. Then all who ..
Views: 5813

It is better to pay for studies in USA or for free in France?

It is better to pay for studies in USA or for free in France?
Educational institutions Europe offer free education to students from Kazakhstan, however, many leave the United States and the United Kingdom, by doing the paid training.The main reason for these actions is the prestige and marketing activities of the establishments, as the head of international programs Zhanbolat Meldeshov. Many students want to enroll only in institutions of higher education in America or England, while many universities in Europe offering tuition on grants.He noted that British and American universities are conducting an aggressive marketing policy to attract foreign students, carried out by a few exhibitions a year, constantly sending potential entrants promotional material.'They say that many are moving because of the language that may need them in the future. But if a person come to the University, for example, France or Italy, for a year of training he is 100% learned English,' said the President of the international programmes. In France and Germany provides g..
Views: 1385
