Strengthen control over the quality of textbooks
The norms of the law recently signed by the President introduce mandatory examination and testing of standard curricula. Also, these standards apply to standard curricula, which should ensure the qualitative introduction of new textbooks into the learning process.Now all training programs will undergo a series of mandatory examinations before being introduced into education. At this stage, all errors and shortcomings of the new training program should be identified, which can be eliminated in a timely manner.In addition, in order to further improve the quality of textbooks and establish uniformity in the development of educational materials, an amendment was adopted that defines the competence of the Ministry to establish requirements for the structure and content of school textbooks and educational and methodological complexes.You can read more about this law here...
Views: 2386
Tokayev signed the law on education: what will change in the life of Kazakhstanis
The document covers almost all areas of education, in particular the issue of the quality of school textbooks, as well as state certification of kindergartens, schools and universities."One of the important norms of the adopted law was the introduction of the institute of state educational order for additional education of children. I will only say that the state order will now be placed in private organizations within the framework of PPP. This will make it possible to gradually solve the issue of employment of children in sections, circles and other development centers without large expenses on the part of the state," commented the Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Askhat Aimagambetov.Also, the Minister of Education and Science noted that the long-discussed norm on the return of state certification for educational institutions, such as schools, colleges and kindergartens, has been adopted.Now, according to the new law, every five years, organizations associated with edu..
Views: 2975
Nazarbayev University advises other countries in the field of education
During its ten-year history, Nazarbayev University has become one of the most prestigious and strongest universities in Central Asia. Dean of the Higher School of Education of Nazarbayev University Aida Sagintayeva spoke about how the University shares its culture of educational research among Kazakhstani and foreign experts.According to her, the rapid development of the university was facilitated by the fact that a strategic partnership with the best universities abroad was immediately established.Aida Sagintayeva said that such cooperation allowed Nazarbayev University to participate in the KIX project - a global exchange of knowledge and innovations in the field of education.She also said that this allowed NU to participate in the KIX (Knowledge & Innovation Exchange) project, a global exchange of knowledge and innovation. The university is involved in KIX as a partner, whose task is to train teams of experts from Central Asia, Georgia and Mongolia.According to her, NU actively ..
Views: 2593
Aliya Nazarbayeva starts school with the author's program of education
Aliya Nazarbayeva, in her facebook account, announced the start of construction of the educational complex "alum eco school" - the first innovative ecological school of the republic. the school will teach an author's education program that focuses on the study of ecology, culture and art.As noted by Aliya Nazarbayeva, the opening of the "Alum Eco School" is scheduled for September 2022.No more news on this topic yet. most likely, further news will appear during the construction of this educational institution next year, because this is the first such school in the republic.Aliya Nazarbayeva was born on february 3, 1980 in alma-ata. He is a film producer and public figure. Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of literature and art (2018)...
Views: 2800
A unique school with a new educational model for 1200 places has been opened in Kostanay
The new school is a unique educational institution, due to its size and material and technical equipment. Six educational blocks of the educational institution are equipped with the latest technology and meet all modern standards. There are 49 classes in this school. 40 of them have an interactive whiteboard, and 121 computers are already installed. There is also a large sports hall with an area of 550 square meters, an Assembly hall, which is designed for 650 seats. The new school has a very spacious dining room for 300 people.The new educational institution was built in the microdistrict where about 18 thousand people now live, of which, according to the Ministry of education, 1,700 are children. The school was planned to be built within three years, but the construction was completed much earlier than planned.Within the next year, it is planned to open a modern laboratory in the school. It is planned that children will study robotics in the laboratory.The head of the Department of e..
Views: 2800
A group of doctoral students studying in the UK under the international program "Bolashak" was left without funding
A group of doctoral students who are studying in the UK under the special international program "Bolashak", was left without funding.UK universities were closed from March to October due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Laboratories, archives, libraries, study rooms and dormitories were closed in higher education institutions. Therefore, the training was extended for all doctoral students for six months.According to the doctoral students, the Center for international programs under the Ministry of education of the Republic considered their requests for financial support for seven months. In the end, the doctoral student was refused, and the reasons for the refusal were not given.The UK has extended funding to doctoral students who study on British grants.Students report that while their applications were under consideration, the Ministry of education of Kazakhstan in the summer still extended the training of one of the doctoral students in the framework of "Bolashak".During the state of emerg..
Views: 2557
Ministry of health: 66 schools in Kazakhstan closed for quarantine due to coronavirus
Currently, 66 schools in the Republic are closed for quarantine. They were closed due to detected cases of COVID-19 infection among children or school staff."Since September 1, 165 schools have been closed. To date, 66 educational institutions are under quarantine. The minimum period for which the school is closed for quarantine is 14 days, this is the minimum incubation period. If there is a situation when several cases are detected, the incubation period is considered from the last case, " Aizhan Esmagambetova said.She also added that the situation in the capital today is much better in Nursultan. At the moment, 8 schools are closed there, 6 of them were closed on November 25. Other regions of the country were not mentioned at the conference.Follow the news with us -!You can also read other news at the link -\news...
Views: 2690
An archaeologist from the United States suggested how to preserve the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan
The construction of large roads can destroy ancient cultural monuments that have not yet been discovered by scientists, said Daniel Pugh, an anthropologist and archaeologist at Nazarbayev University. In an interview, the scientist suggested HOW initiative Kazakhstanis can help preserve the cultural heritage of their country.According to the archaeologist, there are quite a lot of very interesting archaeological sites in the Republic. Already found a huge number of old cemeteries, ancient buildings and other archaeological sites that are of great value. Now, according to him, these things are worth paying special attention to."In the United States, there is a separate area called cultural resource Management (CRM), where experts in archaeology and anthropology work. The government hires them even before the construction phase of new infrastructure, so that specialists identify everything that is at risk of destruction during construction. This helps to document and preserve objects, con..
Views: 2656
School education abroad: results, trends, prospects
In April 2021, the consulting and educational Agency Intellect celebrates its 25th anniversary. This is a great reason to look back and remember how things used to be. Education does not tolerate the pauses and uncertainties that are currently occurring in the field of education – children are growing every minute and require a quality education.Education of Kazakhstani children in foreign well-known schools became possible not so long ago. Only in 1997, the twin sisters were the first to leave Pavlodar to study in England. Now our children can study in countries such as Switzerland, the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.Sending children to elite schools quickly became an essential sign of success for any businessman, politician, or cultural or sports star. Parents who had the means, in those years, sent their children to schools in foreign countries that had hundreds of years of history.The Intelligence Agency always keeps in touch with all its former students. After all, ..
Views: 2773
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev visited the gymnasium school, which will be named after Abay
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev visited a new 1200-seat gymnasium during his visit to the Karaganda region.This school currently has 900 students. All these students were transferred from other nearby schools with the Kazakh language of instruction. It is noted that this solved the problem of three-shift education in several schools in the region. Tokarev got acquainted with the organization of the educational process at this school and personally inspected all the classes on duty.Kasymzhomart Tokayev was shown modern classrooms, a STEM laboratory, robotics and intellectual rooms, a school TV Studio and a media Studio. An ART Studio and a choreography hall have been created to organize extracurricular activities and work groups.In addition to all this, the President personally got acquainted with many other things that relate to education in this area. Read these and other news on our portal
Views: 2720
Almaty colleges fined students for absenteeism and withheld 4.5 million tenge from scholarships to the trade Union
Almaty colleges fined students for absenteeism and withheld 4.5 million tenge from scholarships to the trade UnionAlmaty Prosecutor's office returned money to students whose money was taken by colleges.Almaty illegally fined College students to write off their scholarship contributions to the Union.The Prosecutor's office of Almaty revealed that some colleges illegally fine students for their absence from classes. Several other colleges impose disciplinary measures on their students. After verification by a special Supervisory body, the right to impose penalties on students was removed from the regulatory documents of these colleges."Under the act of supervision, the rights of 473 College students were restored, the amount of the fine in the amount of 3 million tenge was reimbursed to students," the Almaty Prosecutor's office said.The Prosecutor's office also revealed the facts of illegal retention of part of the scholarships of more than 4,000 College students in favor of the trade Un..
Views: 2197
Why children in "green" zones do not return to schools, answered in the Ministry of health
Views: 1897
What awaits Almaty schoolchildren in the second quarter
The Department of education of Almaty told how the educational process will take place in the next quarter of this academic year.On November 9, the Department of quality control and safety of goods and services of the city of Almaty decided that schools will open deruzhrny classes for 5th grades, and in international schools, duty classes will be open up to the 7th grade at the request of parents. At the same time, the occupancy of duty classes should be no more than 15 people. In addition, schools with fewer than 300 students and fewer than 15 students in classes were allowed to operate normally.Kairat Zhumanov, Deputy head of the Department of education of Almaty, noted that only children who do not have any chronic diseases are allowed to study in duty classes. At the same time, the right to choose to teach children remotely or in the classroom on duty belongs to their parents or legal representatives of the children.Earlier it was reported that the chief state sanitary doctor of Al..
Views: 1851
Kazakhstan has launched a campaign "SOS Ainalaiyn" against bullying in schools
Ainalayin SOS started its development by distributing social posters that showed how children suffer from bullying. The authors of this program personally created all social posters that reflect all possible forms of bullying and bullying of children in schools.Co-author of the project Diya Batenova noted that many adults remain on the sidelines, arguing that children should deal with this on their own. She is sure that this is not right and adults should help their children in solving such problems.Within the framework of" ainalayin SOS", it is planned to openly discuss the problems of bullying in open lessons, class hours and other similar events in schools. It is planned to attract those people who are responsible for the safety of children while they are in the school. The company's organizers hope that the company will eventually be supported by government agencies.According to UNICEF, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, about 66% of children face discrimination in schools. According t..
Views: 2287
Neural network taught to catch cheating students
In the Republic, an innovative system was invented that provides surveillance of students who pass the exam. It records all suspicious actions and transmits data about them to the teacher. This development was created by two students and graduates of Nazarbayev University - Miras Sovetov and Margulan Yermek.Systems that allow you to take the exam online have become very popular during the coronavirus pandemic. Now they are used in a huge number of countries around the world. Online exams are taken by schoolchildren, College and University students, as well as candidates for positions in large companies.Graduates of the NU School of engineering and digital Sciences have created a program that runs on the basis of artificial intelligence. It is able to recognize the face of the exam taker, as well as their speech and any speech that sounds close to the person taking the exam. During the exam, the system monitors whether the student turns away, looks around, whether there is a substitutio..
Views: 2020
The right investment strategy should be chosen in the field of education
According to a recent report by organizations such as UNESCO, UNICEF and the world Bank, children from the poorest countries have dropped out of school for almost 4 months since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.This report presented the results of a survey on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic in various countries in the field of education. The surveys were conducted in 150 countries between June and October. Financial support for the study was provided by the Global education partner (GPO). The survey was organized by UNESCO.This study shows that in low-income countries, students have the lowest chance of gaining full access to distance learning at an educational institution. At the same time, the risk of postponing the reopening of all educational institutions in such countries is the greatest.About 20% of the countries surveyed reported that funds allocated to education during the pandemic have already been reduced or will soon be reduced.While most countries reported that t..
Views: 1970
Unexpected benefits of shadow education revealed by Professor NU
A Professor working at the Nazarbayev University conducted the first study in the Republic, which was based on the opinion of children about shadow education in schools. It revealed not only the already known and familiar negative aspects, but also positive ones that no one had previously paid attention to.ANAS Hajar conducted a study among 30 sixth-grade students in Kazakhstan. Over the past year, students have shared with him their opinions and experiences about private tutoring in the country. Previously, only high school students participated in such studies, so this study is, in fact, unique.The term "shadow education" refers to an informal component of the educational process, the most common manifestation of which is private tutoring.The scientist explained that he chose sixth-grade students for a reason. At this age, students in Kazakhstan decide to enroll in educational institutions such as the Nazarbayev intellectual schools, the Republican school of physics and mathematics, ..
Views: 2103
The school building can be purchased for 1 tenge in the North Kazakhstan region
In the North Kazakhstan region, all empty schools are put up for auction. As an example: in the village of Ulgi, Zhalbyl district, the initial price of a school building is 3.7 million tenge. However, the minimum price under the terms of the auction is only 1 tenge.If you take the same school in the village of Ulgi, there is still no one to go to it for a long time. The population in Ulgi this year, according to the socio-economic passport of this area is only 18 people. Earlier, 10 years ago, according to the same socio-economic passport of the district, 235 people lived there, and the maximum population of the village was 400 people.The auction in the village for the sale of this school is scheduled for November 10. According to documents, the school was built in 1972 and has an area of 471 square meters. The price of 3.7 million tenge was determined by an independent appraiser based on the condition of the premises.It is perfectly clear to everyone that there is no buyer for this pr..
Views: 1880
Expert on Tokayev's words: Parents are used to unproductive education
President of the country Kassymzhomart Tokayev said that Kazakh students have low reading literacy. The expert of the Nazarbayev University shared his personal opinion on this topic.According to Ruslan Karatabanov, the main reason is that in the 90s and 2000s there was a strong economic downturn and many professional teachers left their field of activity and moved to other jobs.According to the expert, since Kazakhstan became an independent Republic, due to economic difficulties and the social situation at the initial stages, there has been a General decline in the quality of education in the country in pedagogical specialties. The decline in the quality of teachers ' education directly affects how they will teach their children in turn. According to him, the situation is improving over time, but at the early stages of the formation of pedagogy in independent Kazakhstan, the percentage of strong teachers was much lower than the percentage of weak teachers.These and other news you can r..
Views: 2221
Another Kazakh University was deprived of its license
The Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan has revoked the General license of another University in the country.According to the Ministry of education and science, the peoples ' friendship University named after academician Kuatbekov in Shymkent will remain without a license. This decision was made as a result of repeated inspections at this higher education institution. According to the press service of the Ministry of education, the University did not comply with the legislation in the field of education on several points at once.The decision to close the University will take effect within the next 10 business days after its announcement, as well as the previous University that was deprived of its license. During this time, the UNIVERSITY has the full right to apply for an appeal.According to the Ministry of education and science, the University has many times been given the opportunity to correct all found violations.Repeated violations at the University con..
Views: 1875
Atyrau schoolchildren were given defective tablets for distance learning
As it became known, most of the tablets that were issued to schoolchildren for online training in Atyrau were defective.After a study conducted by local authorities, it turned out that out of 1999, 166 tablets were defective and unsuitable for distance learning.All the tablets that have been allocated to pupils who are currently in warranty. And I will be under warranty for another year after the purchase.Earlier this year, there were complaints about defective tablets from parents of schoolchildren in the Almaty region. The mayor's office of Almaty replied that if a marriage is detected, you should immediately contact the school.The Ministry of education and science of the Republic noted that the akimat of each region of the country deals with the purchase of equipment for online training of schoolchildren independently.Read these and other news on our portal
Views: 1859
Autumn holidays for schoolchildren extended in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan has increased the number of days that students will spend during the autumn holidays.It was announced that the autumn holidays will last 10 days from 5 to 14 November.Last school year, students went on vacation earlier, at the end of October, and stayed for 7 days.Thus, the first school quarter for schoolchildren was extended by one week, and the second quarter will be reduced by several days due to the postponement and extension of holidays.According to the law, holidays during the year must be at least 30 days. According to the Ministry of Education of the Republic, the holidays will also be divided into quarters and will be a little more than 30 days.These and other news you can read on our portal
Views: 2136
Kazakhstan University with a long history lost its license
The special Committee, whose task is the quality control tasks in the field of education and science under the guidance of the MES, the decision was made to deprive the General license of the Kazakh Academy of transport and communications to them. Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpayev (Almaty). This decision will enter into force 10 working days after the verdict is announced. The University will be required to completely stop its educational activities and close.Over the past year, the Tynyshpayev Academy has conducted many planned and unscheduled inspections, after which serious violations of the legislation in the field of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan were revealed. As the quality control Committee notes, this University did not meet such requirements as providing quality teaching staff, did not properly formalize the bases of industrial practice, and students did not have the necessary educational, methodological and scientific literature to receive a quality education.A ..
Views: 1791
Does distance learning harm children's vision?
In Semey, parents of schoolchildren are sounding the alarm. In their opinion, distance learning is very harmful to children's vision.With the transition to online classes, students have to use their phones, tablets, and laptops much more often. Ophthalmologists note that vision has really worsened since the transition to distance learning. The number of patients with impaired vision has doubled in the past few months.Optician shop owners also confirm the concerns of parents and ophthalmologists. Orders for the manufacture of glasses have doubled compared to last year, which indicates that vision is really getting worse.Despite all this, independent experts, as well as teachers, say the opposite. They believe that distance learning does not threaten children's vision. The argument is that children at school also have to strain their eyes when writing or looking at the blackboard.Most teachers refer to the fact that children are too dependent on their phones. Experts are not in a hurry t..
Views: 2230
In Kazakhstan, more than 30 universities were not allowed to place an educational state order
In the Republic of Kazakhstan, more than 30 universities of the country were not allowed to place a state order for education.In total, 108 higher educational institutions of the country participated in the competition for the state order.The Ministry of education and Science of Kazakhstan noted that the public has been demanding stricter selection criteria for state orders among universities for several years."This year we implemented it, although we knew that it would cause dissatisfaction of a certain number of universities. By the decision of the Republican Commission, more than 30 universities that do not meet the requirements of the competition are excluded from the list of universities that place the state educational order for the 2020-2021 academic year. The number of universities in which the state orders, significantly reduced", – said the Director of the Department of higher and postgraduate education MES RK Adlet Toybaev.These and other news you can read on our portal Edu-..
Views: 1997
Do children go back to school?
Vice-Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sholpan Karinova answered this question."In fact, the Ministry, as well as our parents and teachers, really wants to resume the normal operation of schools. Therefore, we have proposed several options based on the epidemiological situation. It is different in each region. Therefore, we have proposed to open schools by the decision of local Executive bodies, as well as in coordination with the state sanitary doctors of the respective territories. We believe that this is the most correct approach, since the country is large and the situation is different everywhere, " she said at a briefing in the CCS.Sholpan Karinova also responded to criticism on social networks. The criticism was about the scandalous case when outsiders connected to the broadcast in Zoom and broadcast videos of prohibited content on it. According to the Vice-Minister of education, in such cases, the teacher needs to close the entrance to the broadcas..
Views: 1752
More than 1.5 million students study with OnlineMektep
The Republic has a great alternative to the training that was held at the end of last year. The OnlineMektep platform does a great job as a replacement for such platforms as Zoom, Teams, and WhatsApp.A huge number of schoolchildren in the country are actively using the functionality of this platform for training in their schools. This platform includes the ability to view a video tutorial using the tools of the platform itself. After viewing the lesson, you can consolidate your knowledge in practice and get a score corresponding to your knowledge, and all this within the framework of the platform's functionality.Many parents and students note that now they do not need to download and send links to audio and video materials, as well as make sure that they have mastered the lessons.This platform is well protected from hacking and parents are sure that their children get knowledge within this platform and no one disrupts their lesson, as is happening in recent days in other platforms.Each..
Views: 1879
MES will strengthen control over the content of school textbooks
The Republic of Kazakhstan has developed a special Analytics system that will check the quality of textbooks. We are currently selecting specialists for training. This was made an official statement by representatives of the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan. At the same time, it is noted that mistakes in school books can be discussed by anyone who wants to. For this purpose, a telegram channel will be specially created and a platform will be opened.Parents of students will be able to write their comments and suggestions about textbooks to the Internet resource and directly to the chat. Another benefit of this innovation is that teachers will now be able to contact the authors of textbooks directly. According to the head of the MES Askhat Aimagambetov, there are a large number of typos in textbooks of domestic production, which should be corrected using this analytical system. In some books, there are not enough significant topics that the authors of the textbook did not ..
Views: 1897
Duty classes of the capital will study five days a week
The last question about schools in Nursultan, which was actively spread on social networks, was the question of why some duty classes study for only three days, and others for five. Parents of these children said that their children should study online during the remaining school days. The center for modernization of education in the capital explained this situation. We are talking about only four schools in the city.The case is currently under investigation, according to Aliya Malysheva, Director of the center for modernization of education in the capital. In these four schools, violations were found about the regime of duty classes. It is reported that these schools have agreed everything at the level of the Board of Trustees, but not at the documentary level with higher authorities.It is reported that in these schools from next week there will be a five-day training for duty classes, from Monday to Friday, in the normal mode, as it should have been initially.These and other news you..
Views: 1796
Kazakh students can not return from vacation to Russian universities
Kazakh students who are studying in Russia and were at home during the summer holidays cannot return to their studies. The border of Kazakhstan is still locked for them.According to the latest data, there are at least several thousand such students, because last year 74 thousand Kazakhstanis studied at universities in the Russian Federation. According to the information posted on the website of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation, the issue of allowing Kazakh students to enter the country safely and without problems to study is currently being actively resolved.Many students of Kazakhstan who were trained in Russia complain about distance education and are afraid that they will have to spend this year also on ditsantionka. Many of them say that it is easier for them to learn the submitted material in the classroom with a teacher. There are a number of specialties that are simply required to be trained in a non-distance format. For example, doctors and mu..
Views: 1748
Kazakh teachers will be able to compete for the title of "Teacher of the World" and $1 million
The national Teacher of Kazakhstan Award is an award of $10,000. The competition for this award is held annually and is awarded to the best teacher in the country who has made the greatest contribution to the development of their profession.The Award is organized by the black sea Fund For the development of socially significant initiatives, which has been an official partner Of the global Teacher of Peace award since 2019.According to the press service of the Foundation, the applications of the winner and nine other best finalists of the Teacher of Kazakhstan contest will be sent to the selection round of the international Teacher of the World award, where the cash prize is already $ 1 million .At the same time, both the teacher and students who consider the teacher the best can apply for this award.This year, any teacher in Kazakhstan can become a nominee of the National award, except for those teachers who participated in the Republican contest "Best teacher" last year.The Teacher of..
Views: 1649
In the new academic year, the transition to the updated content of secondary education will be completed in East Kazakhstan region
During the meeting of education workers of the East Kazakhstan region, which takes place with the participation of the Governor of the region, it became known that in order to switch to the updated content of secondary education in this area, all the necessary base has been created.According to the head of the region, Danial Akhmetov, during his speech at the meeting of education workers, the training of 23 thousand teachers was successfully completed, and 1.5 million copies of textbooks compiled under the updated content of education program were purchased. To date, according to the mayor's office, all students of East Kazakhstan region are 100% provided with the necessary textbooks.This year, the curriculum of the 11th grade will include such disciplines as:" Fundamentals of entrepreneurship and business"," Graphics and design","Initial military-technical training". In grades 9 and 11, final certification will be conducted in a completely new format.In parallel with the introduction ..
Views: 1575
Trial online lessons started for Kostanay schoolchildren
The school year has not started yet, but school children in Kostanay region are already taking classes. Since yesterday, trial lessons on distance learning have started in this area in order to test the work of the systems that will be used this year. Such trial lessons will last for several more days.At the same time, the tasks in the lessons will be unusual, as they were before, and more in a playful way, in order to better attract primary school students to the learning process. Distance lessons for both students and teachers have already become commonplace, because the last half of the last school year was held in this mode.Some changes have been made to many platforms since then. For example, in the platform "Kundelek" made changes on the relationship between students and teacher, and debug it. Many teachers are now learning another platform - "Online Mektep". Only recently, they received passwords and started filling out e-learning plans on this platform...
Views: 1561
Daryn educational platform.Online launched in Almaty
A new platform for distance learning - Daryn-was launched in Almaty.Online. At the same time, it can be used by absolutely all schoolchildren of Kazakhstan when passing distance learning. Two million seven hundred thousand students are already registered on the platform. More than 60 different video tutorials for students of all grades are filmed on this platform every day. These lessons will be taught by teachers of the Republican physical and mathematical Lyceum and the Intellectual school named after Nursultan Nazarbayev.The creators of the platform stated that registration on it is absolutely free for all school children in the country. Also, Askar Maksatuly, the founder of this platform, said that they are working on improving the server side and developing a mobile application for offline lessons...
Views: 1857
Kindergartens will compete with Netflix, Tik Tok, Instagram
Due to the transition to a digital society that has been accelerated by the pandemic, COVID-19 is changing the approach to preschool education. Experts from various companies predict that "kindergartens online"will soon develop. Developers in the world are already working on platforms for such kindergartens. In Kazakhstan, it is also impossible to ignore the new trend, as soon preschool teachers will have to compete with global IT platforms for children's attention. This was stated by the General Director of BTS Education LLP, national coordinator of the Atlas of new professions of Kazakhstan project Sayasat Nurbek during the discussion within the framework of the project "Industry managers" of the Academy of Elbasy Foundation."The teacher will not compete with other teachers, but with the huge industries – Netflix, with TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, with social networks, with the best writers, animators, cartoonists, with experts in special effects. Imagine an ideal situation – we have..
Views: 1422
Distance education in Kazakhstan is proposed to legalize
In the current context of the coronavirus pandemic, distance learning has become a necessity for the entire country. To prevent a new outbreak of coronavirus, the new school year in the Republic's schools will start remotely for most students.However, it should be noted that such a format of training in Kazakhstan does not have its own legal status. Journalist and business coach Olga she proposed to legalize the passage of distance education in the country. She said this during a special online press conference, which was dedicated to the readiness of school educational institutions, teachers and parents for the new school year during the coronavirus pandemic.According to her view, the legal status of distance education should be formalized. But it is also believed that this format of education should not replace its old one, especially for schools.Read more about how students will study online in Almaty here...
Views: 1852
Became known the names of holders of state educational grants
The results of the award of state grants 2020 can be found on the website of the National open education platform of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Here is a brief summary of what specialty how many grants received via the shared data.In the Republic in the period between 21 June and 1 July, there were Unified national testing. In this year, the figures of passing UNT reached a record high in recent years. Just passed UNT - 131 754 of the applicant, of which 111 113 graduates of schools this year, and the remaining school leavers other years of study.53 thousand Kazakhstan students will be able to get higher education for free at state expense, while studying at one of the thousands of grants that were allocated this year. In 2020-2021 school year a huge amount of grants was allocated for the specialty 'Information technology' – 2468 grant. Future IT-specialists today is taught in 49 universities of the country. In almost each of these universities will have grants for this specialty. The..
Views: 1680
How schoolchildren will study online in Almaty
Lyazzat Zhylkybaeva, who is the head of the education department of the city of Almaty, spoke about how the distance learning process will be built this year.On August 14, an online meeting of the public council on the preparation of educational school organizations in Almaty through Zoom was held. On it Lyazzat Zhylkybaeva was asked how the curriculum would be built and whether the children would sit at the computer for all five lessons.Lyazzat Zhylkybayeva said that a new platform has been developed specifically for online learning in Almaty, which should be ideal for its goals.Most of the time, the kids won't sit at the computer in class, she said. The school program this year is divided in time so that it is as convenient as possible for the distance form and does not burden the eyes of children.Lyazzat Zhylkybaeva also noted that all teachers are now reworking their lesson plans and presentations for lessons specifically for the distance learning format. Many lessons will take les..
Views: 1640
Each student from a low-income family in Nur-Sultan will receive 40 thousand tenge
In Nur-Sultan (Astana), in order for low-income families to buy the necessary school supplies in sufficient quantities, 40 thousand tenge will be allocated for each child in the family. Akim of the capital - Altai Kulginov, personally informed about it.Also, 17 thousand children will receive help from the universal education fund. According to statistics, this is 4300 more children than last year. Also, last year, only 30 thousand tenge per child was allocated for the purchase of necessary educational supplies for low-income families.He added that schoolchildren from socially vulnerable segments of the population will be provided with laptops and routers for distance learning. Almost 6 billion tenge will be allocated for this from the state budget.You can read about further possible expenses of the Republic on distance education here...
Views: 1401
Private initiative: how a top school supports talented children in times of crisis
More than 15 million tenge is donated by the NGSolutions management company to pupils of grades 9 and 11 to study at one of the best schools in Kazakhstan.At this point in time, the educational systems of different countries of the world are suffering greatly from the forced distance education, but at the same time, private schools, which have a much larger amount of resources, are confidently working on their adaptation to the current realities and a new format of education. They are rapidly changing to meet the necessary requirements of society in order to retain their customers and continue their existence.The apparent crisis in various areas of the economy of Kazakhstan has demonstrated to the public a great need for professionals and scientific discoveries, as well as in high-tech industries, of which there are not so many in the Republic. At the moment, the value of intellectual capital is growing very strongly, and more and more people are thinking about the effectiveness of dis..
Views: 1126
According to UNESCO estimates, 24 million pupils risk dropping out
António Guterres, General Secretary of the UN has published a report under the title: 'Education in the era of pandemic coronavirus and in subsequent years after a pandemic'. In it he spoke in detail about how, to some serious violations in education have led to the pandemic and why it happened. He alsofont-family: Tahoma, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif;'> said in this report about the fact, what is the threat of loss of skills and knowledge from students. They also were given evidence that, what is the impact on the next generations of students , respectively.According to the report, based on data of UNESCO and contains recommendations on ways to prevent the impending56, 56, 56); font-family: Tahoma, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif;'> disaster, closure of schools, in all probability, also will slow down progress in the field of education.In this report was made to the data, which was obtained through the study of 15 different global companies and organizations...
Views: 1289
How will distance learning turn out in the opinion of teachers and students?
There is a lot of news about distance learning, some of which are myths that are fueled by the yellow press and fears of parents and students. Today we will talk about what teachers themselves and their students really think about distance learning, what they expect and what they fear.Many teachers and students of Kazakhstan believe that there is nothing wrong with distance learning, in fact, there is nothing. The country's schools simply do not have a choice at the moment, they can either leave students without classes and teachers without work. Or they can adapt to distance education. It turns out to adapt not very well, but somehow. Most students and teachers think so.Another question is what knowledge the children received with this form of education in the Republic. Schools and teachers, students and parents were not ready for such a dramatic and large-scale transition to distance learning. The Internet was not ready either. As it turned out, many students and teachers do not have..
Views: 2325
How does a 16-year-old from Almaty help children from different countries learn English for free?
Online school Teaching for heroes in the beginning was only for children whose parents work as doctors, but at the moment its services can be used by students in need from all over the world.16-year-old Ilya Kan began learning English at 4 years old – the boy began to study with a tutor and by the beginning of classes in the 1st grade could speak it quite well. Classes at the school with intensive study of English allowed you to learn the language almost perfectly and two years ago, Ilya went to continue his studies in the United States – at the Milton Academy school in Massachusetts with a humanitarian bias.Ilya, later, began to develop the idea of teaching children of medical professionals English for free. Together with his friends from Poland, who already had a paid online school, he created his own-free. At the moment, according to Ilya, he did not spend a penny on the school itself, but at the same time, he did not get anything, organizing everything on his own. Now it cooperates..
Views: 1130
To mon considering the introduction of choice of distance or combined form of study at universities RK
The Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan — Askhat Aimagambetov after held on the days of the meeting with President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev by told about anti-crisis plan for the development of higher education in the country, which is developing its Ministry, in order to improve the state of education in the country after a pandemic coronavirus.About the details of this plan, the head of the Ministry wrote on its official page in Facebook.One of the steps of this plan, which was defined by the expert group of the Ministry — it is the involvement in education of representatives of business and production, and also the involvement of teachers from other regions and countries through the exchange of experts at the interregional level.The Ministry of education has identified the list of professions in which the requirement for presence at teachers' academic degree is meaningless and hinders the involvement of specialists-practitioners of data professions in the te..
Views: 1160
Education problems due to pandemic could cost Central Asia $ 44 billion
The World Bank Online Briefing on Education in Central Asia: Learning During a Pandemic was held this Wednesday, August 5. World Bank experts raised the topic of how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected education in Central Asia.The coronavirus pandemic has had a lasting negative impact on education. The pandemic has had a profound impact on the quality of human capital and the development of children in Central Asian countries. According to world data, more than half of the population in Central Asia is children, which is why the negative impact of the pandemic is even worse than it might seem at first glance. Experts believe that the global quarantine crisis threatens the future incomes of the younger generation.
Thus, they predict an increase in the level of functional illiteracy among adolescents in the countries of this region.Prior to the pandemic, the education sector in the regions of Central Asia previously faced a large number of problems. In particular, problems are noted in ..
Views: 1900
Schools of Semey is ready for the new school year
As you know, the new academic year will start for students in distance learning format. The first quarter of the new academic year in the format of online learning will begin 49 schools of Semey. In order to provide quality education for children, sponsors were acquired 351 notebook and distributed to the needy students. Teachers also were provided with laptops and high-quality Internet connection. In plans of authorities of the city, over time, acquire additional 1355 computer to 239 million tenge from the Republican budget and Fund of General compulsory education for the supply of their needy children from low-income or single-parent families.For the ungraded schools of the district, who will begin teaching children in a regular mode, are acquired by the imagers, masks, urns for Masa, desensibiliziruyuschee mats and other equipment that would ensure proper quality sanitary safety of children. Duty classes in the schools of Semey are planned sufficiently small. But they also provided ..
Views: 1244
How the principle of the secular state is implemented in education and healthcare
The draft comprehensive plan for the implementation of state policy in the religious sphere of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023 indicates how the principle of a secular state in education and healthcare will be implemented in the country.The document was developed and posted for public discussion on the portal "Open NLA" by the Ministry of Information and Social Development.This project says that the state, which will have a secular structure, is an important achievement of Kazakhstan and its people, which will become an important part of the history of our Republic.The constitutional measure on the secular disposition of the country is considered the main feature of state-church relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan.Social relations, including the concept of national work, creation, culture, sports, health care, family and marriage institutions, as well as other areas belonging to the country's area of responsibility, are regulated only by legislation.The document notes th..
Views: 1465
Republican parent meeting will be held in online mode in Kazakhstan
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askar Mamin gave various instructions to the Ministry of education on preparation for the new school year in conditions of quarantine.Until August 20, will be organized a parent meeting national significance, which will be held in online mode. This meeting will explain all the details of the new rules for duty classes, health standards for schools in rural areas. Also, at this meeting you will learn about how online platforms and how to take distance learning courses. Representatives of the Ministry of education will explain all about how families and what rules will be issued tablets and laptops for the online training for quarantine. Also be clear about how all the same will work in private schools in the country. ..
Views: 1277
How many children will go to school September 1?
From September 1 this year will begin a new school year, which will be held in the format of distance learning. Remote from the big cities the schools are in rural areas, will start in the usual way. For the students of primary classes will be open classes special duty in which to comply with all health requirements established by the Ministry of health of Kazakhstan. It was also announced that the statements in on-duty classes will be accepted in electronic format.According to rough estimates on the distance learning will occur lessons from 2.6 million students in the country. Learning will occur through various Internet platforms. Routine same classes will be trained about 530 thousand of Kazakhstan students. The duty instruction classes will take place in such a way that the students will sit in the same office with the same teacher, in order to reduce the risks of the disease a large number of students. More detailed data, the Ministry of education posted in the Almaty region. ..
Views: 1090
In February 2025, the largest chess academy in Kazakhstan, founded by five-time world champion, grandmaster Zhansaya Abdumalik, began its wo
In February 2025, important changes took place in Kazakhstan in the field of education. The Minister of Science and Higher Education, Sayasa