Новости образования
The prohibition of parents 'committees
The members of the Special monitoring group supported the ban of parents ' committees in schools. Levies in terms of the institutions is a continuous problem spoil the mood of parents and children.'If someone a thousand or two thousand tenge a trifle, for many families is a part of the earnings. And if the family has more than one child? What then to do to his father or mother? To give polzarplaty on extortion in schools? In addition, the state allocates money for repair and maintenance of the school, – the members of the Special monitoring group.At the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year in North Kazakhstan region there are 485 secondary schools.Rockabetty generate domestic corruption in schools, according to UDHCPC. The education Ministry responded that the parent committees are very important.In educational institutions regularly hold the collection of funds for additional needs, said the head of the project 'Astana – Amaldi Alay' Zhazira Zhylkyshieva.'Mostly fundraisers make so-..
False information appeared about UNT
The Ministry of education of Kazakhstan denies rumors that the author who coined the exam, and put in tureau camera for carrying out sabotage in the U.S. education system. The Ministry of education called this information a fake distributed on the Internet space.'On one of the websites in the Russian domain has published an article which stated that a man aged 76 years of Invar Johnson, accused of sabotage of the education system. However, it was nothing like this, people just have developed and implemented a system of evaluation of knowledge of students like the exam. American sites like this news either.' according to the website of the Ministry of educationAlso in the article it is spoken about the immense damage that the US suffered due to the effects of diversion of the person, which will affect not only the current generation, but also several of future.'Johnson described a unique system, which we took to reform. Later it took in other countries, including Russia in the form of U..
System of electronic accounting education will appear in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan borrowed the education system of Kazakhstan and implemented in the school system e-journal Kundalik, as reported on the website of the Ministry of education of Uzbekistan.It turned out that the developer portal and in Kazakhstan and in Uzbekistan is one and the same company 'Diary.ru'The developers say that the system Kundalik provides the calculation of time progress and attendance in schools. The project will be implemented by private enterprise, that is, all expenses for development and introduction of the diary were taken by the Journal and its representative Kundali.The system is almost completely copies the Kazakhstan portal and allows to monitor changes in the timetable, see and create plans for teachers to mark attendance and provide static reporting for all schools in the country.Parents and students will have access to the electronic portal and will be able to see grades, homework and even a social network where you can chat with peers and teachers, as well as acce..
Internship abroad
Internship abroad is a really good opportunity to get rich experience and earn those who have time and desire to get higher education and go abroad.This phenomenon is now very common, at least in Kazakhstan, now is a great way to improve your quality of life and to meet different culture. For any internship, you need to know a foreign language – mostly English, but other languages will also not unimportant factor, which will expand the list of possible internships. English after all is no surprise. Internships are of three types: voluntary, professional and programmes of AU Peyre.Professional internships abroadProfessional internships are different from others in that they are actively developing the skills of professions and levels of competencies. These internships help get jobs in large international companies, but you need to have useful skills and qualities that are needed for the post of trainee. The number of seats issued every year is limited, therefore, the competition takes p..
106 million tenge will return students
The order of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Atyrau Prosecutor's office organized a check, in many universities and colleges, as reported by the press service of the Ministry. 15 colleges and two universities have received huge fines for infringement of the disabled and poor, and those without parents.'The results of the inspection to the state budget recovered 146 million tenge. More than 9 million tenge will pay the 108 universities students left without parental care and disabled people, which in the period from 2016 to 2018 were paid higher scholarship', – reported in Prosecutor's office. Under the act supervision of one of the colleges collected more than 64 million tenge in the state. The money the College received unreasonably after the signing of the double-act of the executed works under two contracts with MES for the training of the same students. Only the results of the test was 12 materials, including seven on the facts of forgery of cert..
The number of traveling students decreased 3 times
Recently passed a Cabinet meeting, it discussed a variety of topics, including education. This year, MES completed one of the points of the President has created a new free space for 20 thousand students.'The total amount of grants made up 70 thousand places on the country. For today, all the grants have been studying, of which more than 51 thousand – bachelors, masters and the rest of the doctor' - said Yerlan Sagadiyev.Also there were a lot of other stimulants that applicants receive from the Republic, including:- training foreign citizens at Russian universities;- scholarships for foreign citizens;- the ability to get into College in February in a month.'Already some of the results we received, for example, the number of people leaving overseas dropped by three times,' - said the MinisterThe press service of the Ministry said that in 2016 there were 1600 people, and this is 630.Also Yerlan Sagadiyev told about the President's order on construction of hostels. October 15, MES has con..
The test kitchens and canteens will hold in the capital
The mayor of Astana instructed to spend a total inspection of all kindergartens and schools, or rather their kitchens and dining rooms. After one of the capital's schools found expired products, this check is decided to hold universally, what is the official website of the akimat.'In Lyceum No. 85 parents found spoiled food and pork sausages, on behalf of the Department of education after occurrence of messages on social networks have begun checking food items in colleges, then in the school gardens on the subject of the proper provision of services' - said akim Anuar ZhangozinThe education Department has instructed to conduct an audit of equipment technology and equipment, sanitary and technical condition of school cafeterias and kitchens of kindergartens. The mayor also advised to increase the number of parents in the commissions on control over power. The Governor also recommended that in case of violations to take strict measures.The mayor also raised the issues of improvement. Acc..
Hacker attacks on informational portal Kundelik
Not so long ago there was a hacker attack on the educational portal Kondelik KZThe attack took place in a few days, and the attack took place on the inner perimeter of the BAT. As a result, not operated, not only the diary but also many governmental electronic services. The fact is that because of the attack sites was stopped, however, if now set in its place some shields, then there was complete safety – said Sagadiyev reporters after the meeting.Now where there is difficulty with access to the Internet will be a strict ban on the use of the site.'If teachers can't come to a worldwide network, we choose to use mandelic it to them' - said Yerlan Sagadiyev.Experts to combat cyber attacks specify that the attack has succumbed to only the information system Journal. 'Ataka is over, all 4 days that was the attack, we tried to resolve the incident. October 8, the attack ended. Typically, the channel of this website uses 100 Mbit/sec, now it works in normal mode at half speed, while during t..
Stanford University
Stanford University has a full name of a University named for Leland Stanford Junior is a private school in the United States of America. The University is one of the most popular in the country and the World. It is located near the city of Palo Alto.Every year the University receives about eight thousand students and as many graduate students from around the world. Taught in different languages and faculties, among which the most popular are medical, technical, musical and ethnological. University can be attributed to the universities continuing education, as its structure contains different types of schools and research and scientific centers. Graduates of the University founded the famous today Hewlett Packard, EA (Electronic Arts), Nvidia, Google, Yahoo! and many others.The Stanford students take part in competitions in 36 sports, and the University is one of two private universities that compete in the first football division of the conference Pacific-12. During the existence of t..
Event 'No extortion!'
The residents recommended to abandon the incentives of the teachers on the eve of teacher's day. The head of the Department of education has proposed to hold a rally 'No extortion!''Many people want to thank the teachers who spent many years teaching them. It is no secret that often many parents are puzzled by this. I want to encourage parents to stop thinking about it, since the salary of teachers – is this gratitude for their work. And respect for the work of teachers is a worthy gift on the part of the student.' - posted by Anuar Zhangozin on his Facebook page.In order to understand what parents want to give teachers the most, the education Department launched the campaign 'the Best gift a teacher', users are invited to share ideas on videos.According to the Ministry of education and science, boards of Trustees created in 742 schools in the country. It's a little more than 10% of all schools in the country. Somewhere predictable transition from the parent Committee to the Board of T..
Tuberculosis have been identified in the kindergarten teacher
In one of the kindergartens in Akmola region revealed the employee with active TB, as reported in the news channel of the CTC. The employee did not go on sick leave despite his illness. Kindergarten teaches 120 children from 3 to 5 years.'We have sent their children there so they were under supervision. Why we were not warned about this case? This we learned from someone and somewhere what rumors came up to the parents.' said one of the mothers raise.Girl 23 years old was placed under quarantine, it passed the blood to the lab for tests.ACCORDING to doctors, the girl received a comprehensive medical examination two months prior to the start of work, and the medicine did not reveal anything suspicious.According to the medical worker of the institution for several months before the incident, the girl was examined, which showed no symptoms of the disease. 'The employee has passed the medical examination, we have her chest x-ray dated 15 June, she was seen in person. Cough was not as other..
12 schools got lost in the country
In the Department of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan reported that there are rumors of 12 unfinished objects of education in the Republic, but this information is unreliable.Mon finds out who has been spreading false information about frozen the construction of schools in the program Nurly Zhol.In fact, the program was rebuilt at the expense of the state's more than 175 buildings of primary and secondary education in the amount of 145 billion tenge. The result of three years of work was the opening 108 schools and 19 kindergartens.Building on the program 'Nurly Zhol' the other 48 schools was postponed to 2018. This year, 25 schools, up to the end of the year it is planned to Commission 18. In 2019 goes enter 5 schools in Akmola, East Kazakhstan regions in Astana – one school in Aktobe region – two schools.The remaining educational institutions of an average link will be completed in 2018-2019. This year they opened for 25 schools, and by the end of t..
The museums attached to the new subject of schools
In a rural school Mangistau for learning a new object set the Yurt up.A new subject of study, students will study not only textbooks. The program includes visits to museums, exhibitions and historical places, according to 'swag 24'. The school of the village Bayandy in Mangistau for the study of local history has already installed the tent, her students will be able to see the furniture, household items. 'I am very glad that such a thing as local history, introduced in the curriculum. In Mangistau region is one third of all historical monuments of Kazakhstan – no wonder this region is called the Museum under the open sky. So it is very difficult to accommodate such a volume of material in one textbook. Now pupils from an early age will know the history and culture of their region', – says the Deputy Director of secondary school №3 village Bayandy kumis Tobisawa. The subject of local history this school year will be studied by students from 5th to 7th grade. It allocated ..
Urged parents to monitor their children
The last six months have been many different accidents which killed more than 150 children.8 Sep across Kazakhstan passed a different kind of conference. On one of them in Astana, Vice-Minister of education and science of Rustem Bihari urged parents to pay more attention to the safety of children, he says in the country over the past half-year has killed about 140 children.'The first half of 2018 claimed the lives of 71 children, and in the lakes and rivers sank 74 people. These figures absolutely require the participation of parents and make them capital to monitor their children. To solve we need to be activated, so these indicators to improve,' he said.According to him, now the parents and the authorities face three challenges: the safety of children, the activity of parents in a child's life and the problems of disadvantaged families.'The conference aims to bring together teachers and parents to work together to solve problems that we are facing. It is the involvement of parents in..
SMART watches banned the carrying of children in Aktau
In Aktau has forbidden the children to wear smart devices to schools and kindergartens, as reported by the portal Lada KZ, the Reason for this ban was a three year old girl who was having health problems, due to the fact that after the adaptation period, the mother gave her a smart watch, now the girl feels that her mother is constantly monitored. Previously, this girl were not observed. If parents have no confidence in the personnel of the kindergarten, they are, according to the head of the Department of education may terminate the contract with the preschool. 'In Aktau attend kindergartens 13 370 children. We want to protect our own personnel and do not want to offend parents. In the corridors and groups have video cameras installed. If the parent does not trust the kindergarten, he may terminate the agreement', – said Svetlana Tulebaev. A ban on the wearing of the device, as explained in the Department of education, due to the collective complaint of most parents of ..
The Bolashak program was extended until 30 November
Deadlines must be extended for the effective implementation of the scholarship, explained in the Ministry of education.In Kazakhstan extend the contest for awarding scholarship 'Bolashak'. It was planned to complete the competition on October 20. According to the proposed Ministry of education and science the changes, the contest will end on November 30. The document clarifies that the terms must be extended to 'the effective implementation of the scholarship 'Bolashak'. Competition for the scholarships this year began March 26. The final decision on awarding or declining to award the scholarship 'Bolashak' after the end of the contest will announce the Republican Commission for personnel training abroad...
Textbooks in schools of Aktobe has not been received
The school authorities admitted that really did not calculate the number of textbooks. In the secondary school №70 instead of the planned 4 first classes opened 6. A similar situation occurred in 9 educational institutions of the city. Students from schools in Aktobe learn without textbooks. The authorities promised that the books will arrive in school, their promise they kept, kind of. The books arrived, but only one at a time. 'Today, we promised to issue new textbooks gave only one - Science' and the child even of the alphabet does not know why he this item?! How was it possible to open a new school and not to provide textbooks at all? said the mother of one of the children.The school management admitted that did not think about the necessary number of textbooks, with the result that instead of the planned 4 classes were opened 6. The same thing happened in many other schools in the city. According to the calculations of the Department of education in the first grade ..
Textbooks re-enrolled in schools of Aktobe
In Aktobe, in one of the schools opened a new school in the beginning of the year trains more than 1,000 people, of which only 140 first-graders. Parents said that their children learn without textbooks.'Our child went to school in the first grade this year. Now we regret sending my son to a new school because of tutorials no quite. For almost a month, children are taught without textbooks. But purely on the notebook we're spending 7 thousand tenge. The class teacher said that is not asking us to buy textbooks as and notebook are too expensive. Some notebooks even those that can not buy' - say the parents of the children who appealed to the Director on such question to the Department of education of the city and its management.The management school does not refute the fact that textbooks for the first class and true enough, however, recognizes librarians collect books literally from other schools. However, it promised to resolve within a few days.'The school is new, so books and not en..
How to delay the army for training?
Many young people coming to study in the University asking for a reprieve from military duties, unless of course they are perfectly healthy. Respite from military duties in Kazakhstan is fairly simple – when you learn enough to come to the military Commissariat to confirm your employment. In other happening, you must undergo a medical examination.The one who came all the deadlines and grounds for exemption from service is required to serve in the army on a General basis. If a young person has not passed military service to 27 years, he goes to the reserve and does not go into the army.Grounds for deferment from conscription in the Republic of Kazakhstan may be the originals of the following documents:Recognition does not fit state of health – this item includes a plurality of reference indicating the results of the tests, extract from the medical history with all required signatures.Occupied permanent care of the father, mother, wife, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother or adopti..
Untargeted spending of funds from the state budget for education
Astana spent some money on training of 170 people in the professions demanded at the labor market. Retrained designers. Prosecutors of Astana told about the state program was wasted 52 million tenge.'Because of this violation has been spent 6.7 million tenge, this group of people 15 people have a job and education these specialties' - said the Prosecutor's office.In the management of social programs said that these citizens were trained in professions required in the labor market is a the cook, the seamstress, the tailor and the controller is the cashier, as well as teachers of various organizations.Administration explained that those 15 people already had a degree in design but had no experience.'Refugee to court already commenced in respect of employers and participants with non-core use of public funds. The employment center sent the materials about the refund wasted and the Department of state revenues on the opening of criminal liability/..
Corruption in Kazakhstan education
Over the last six months in the Republic were produced more than 1,300, including more than 700 in bribes, as we were informed a press-service of the Agency for anti-corruption. Amount of bribes amounted to 560, 157 times more people acted as intermediaries for bribes. The amount of crime vary from 5 thousand tenge and reach 30 million, and the amount stolen reach three billion tenge. Most problematic was the construction sector where there were more than 160 violations, second place in education - 110 times, and the third land and this area scored 101 violation. Of the total number of corruption offences 112 identified in the capital, because Astana has the largest number of civil servants. 108 and 109 of the crimes revealed in Kostanay and Turkestan regions, respectively. The lowest level of corruption in SKO (52 corruption crimes). Just for corruption been prosecuted 813 officers, of whom 653 were men, 160 were women, according to UDHCPC. For the first eight..
Malaysia allocates grants to Kazakhstan
Albukhary International University in Malaysia awards grants for free education of students from low-income families, according to the Center for international programs 'Bolashak'. The University regularly holds top positions in the ranking of the best universities in Malaysia. The grants are available for three undergraduate majors: business administration, marketing, human resource management. Documents are accepted until September 30, 2018. The competition is open to entrants from 18 to 25 years. For admission to the University is required to provide a certificate confirming the status as well as write an essay on 'Why I want to study at Albukhary International University'. Upon admission the University offers free tuition, accommodation and meals. Details on the conditions of admission, visit the website of 'Bolashak'. ..
Distance learning – the progress of Kazakhstan's education
Distance learning – the progress of education in KazakhstanLet's, for a start, we know what it is. Today, education in Kazakhstan suffers global change. The correspondence system is abolished from 1 January 2019, and replaced by a system of remote technology part time. Primarily distance learning involves the contact of the teacher and the student through specific software, which is a lesson and record it. We should also note that this training assumes independence more than work with the teacher.By the end of the seventies, when progress in the field of communication allowed the use of satellites and other means of transmission, created the new form of training saves you a lot of time. Nowadays, the Internet allows anyone to accept an incoming call via the Internet and complete any available training. So this form of education, and announced himself the planet.In 1970 in the United Kingdom opened the first distance learning University – the Open University of UK, the name he received ..
Correspondence is cancelled
Last school year was memorable for more than 29 thousands of new students. However, this year the correspondence form plan to cancel and replace it with distance learning part time. Ban on distance learning will enter into force on 1 January 2019, but for those who are studying by correspondence, the law will not operate, only for the new students.'July 4, 2018, was adopted a new law on further amendments to some legislative acts, which define the training regulations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. One of the main innovations was the exception of distance learning.' - told in the Ministry of education of Kazakhstan.The law was considered long enough to made some amendments. These measures taken to improve and enhance the quality of education. Experience shows that the academic performance of students at the correspondence form of training is much lower than that of resident students, and stressed that the Agency.When you cancel, the schools will go to the distance learning technology a..
Schools in Petropavl not enough
New schools in the city of Petropavlovsk was not for 10 years.Most schools in the city are working in three shifts, this writes Petropavlovsk news. The regional centre organizes schools where the number of students above the norm three times, in addition to the overcrowding of the schools, these buildings require a large overhaul and repair, because they have more than 50 years. Secondary school No. 6 is designed for 230 people, with a capacity of 690 people, three times more than the norm. The school bears the name of Kozhabergen Zhyrau. Three shifts work at the school. 'For three years continues this work in our school are coming to education in the Kazakh language more than 650 people. Have enough teachers, however - no.' - said the Deputy Director Shamar Temirkhanovna. According to the chief specialist of city Department of education the Professional Normalden in three shifts are in three schools of Petropavlovsk – secondary school №10 named. Krupskaya, school-Lyceum..
The system of distribution of places in hostels
At the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi has introduced a system of distribution of beds in hostels. There are only 6500 seats, provided that only 6 thousand freshmen. We have been working a portal the University, this system has added the function of automatic distribution of seats in the hostels. Such a system, the Treasury introduced the first in the country. Students apply through the Internet portal, the data is then processed freshmen and first place is given to children with disabilities, orphans, the orphans, then the owners of Altyn Belgi and diplomas, then all the others.Before the place determined by the commandant, now the answer makes the system that decides where are lodged the applicant. Guess the choice of the room impossible. The exception is made only for brothers and sisters, but not friends. Should be happy – got a place and live.Settled for 3 thousand first-year students, and the rest applied only 5,500 students, a minority of them work.'Have not yet..
Automatic delivery system of dormitories
At the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi has introduced a system of distribution of beds in hostels. There are only 6500 seats, provided that only 6 thousand freshmen. We have been working a portal the University, this system has added the function of automatic distribution of seats in the hostels. Such a system, the Treasury introduced the first in the country. Students apply through the Internet portal, the data is then processed freshmen and first place is given to children with disabilities, orphans, the orphans, then the owners of Altyn Belgi and diplomas, then all the others.Before the place determined by the commandant, now the answer makes the system that decides where are lodged the applicant. Guess the choice of the room impossible. The exception is made only for brothers and sisters, but not friends. Should be happy – got a place and live.Settled for 3 thousand first-year students, and the rest applied only 5,500 students, a minority of them work.'Have not yet..
Ferdowsi - the situation is stable
Earlier we published the news that in one of the villages of Turkestan region had problems with the girls who are wearing the national handkerchiefs. For the current period the situation has stabilized. This school has as many as 700 students, of which nearly 400 girls. They all previously went to school in hijab. 'The result of the work of the school administration from September 4, all students began to wear the correct school uniform. And 200 high school student stick to it. Social workers carry out explanatory conversation with those who didn't follow the rules' according to the Department of education website. Also they added that the school used to conduct such talks, but the ban on the hijab was not observed. Special group organized plans that are skipping classes in fines and penalties to those who wear religious clothes to school. All of them received serious fines. 'We hired as many as 40 psychologists who worked with each student separately and bring the infor..
International exchange programs students
Almost every student of the final year, and not only thought about to travel to learn from abroad. Many people in Kazakhstan want to go to United States of America, Germany, Russia and other countries, in order not only to see the world, but also to learn a lot. For such people we have prepared a brief excursion into a different kind of international exchange program students.Exchange programs students in the United States provides unlimited opportunities for students in Kazakhstan who wish to visit different cities to get a great experience in America and to live in any family. An incredible number of programs allow foreign citizens to the United States to get an education, train, and explore. The U.S. Department has established a number of interesting programs where everyone can find something to taste.The Au PairThis program helps students of Almaty to plunge into the realities of another continent – namely, to live in a foreign family, to attend vocational school and help to care ..
With diploma to the village
The leaders of education in Aktobe region believe that youth need to support villages and villages for youths.Akim Berdybek Saparbayev said that he sees the outflow of young people from villages, so he decided to promote the program 'With diploma to the village'. Saparbayev advised the authorities of the villages have more trust in young professionals, who make up only 30% of the population of the village.'We need to teach not only our, but also people from abroad. After graduation, they can return to the village and work there, receiving traveling expenses. You need to be able to keep the village under control. Some people think that young professionals do not need them, oppress them, but who will work if they are not? If the specialist chose the program 'With Diploma to the village' and have not received either at home or lifting, he will just leave. And as a result – you say that no one in the village to work and not going' - addressed concerns to colleagues.Akim of the region durin..
Afghanistan has suffered ignorance
In Afghanistan there was a strange situation - more than three million children never went to school, and somewhere 70% of the population can't read and write. This in particular is suffering female population. According to UNESCO only 15% of all women can read and write 'Currently, 3.7 million children are deprived of good schools and education. We make every effort to ensure their ability to attend school' – said the Minister of education of Afghanistan, Mirwais Balkhi at the event dedicated to the International day of literacy. The Prime Minister of the country Abdullah Abdullah emphasized that the low level of literacy is one of the obstacles to the development of the country. The Prime Minister also noted the need for a national campaign to combat illiteracy and appealed to international organizations, scholars, representatives of the private sector and ordinary citizens to support education. The activities of educational institutions in many provinces is low becaus..
The issue of religious clothing in schools again gaining momentum
In the Internet appeared the video, which shows how a few dozen girls in the national hijabs are not able to get into a private school. The administration does not skip students over religious dress. A problem in one of the villages of Turkestan region. In the village of Firdaus such problems are brewing every year. Most of the population of the village - the Tajiks, so their children wear such clothes. The total number of girls in hijab 300 people. The Director of the school, which operates in 2017, says that last year held 12 meetings, after which only 40 people were handkerchiefs. The Minister of education has clearly defined rules for all students and to deviate from them is not required. 'We are the village sent a special team that will conduct interviews with parents and come to a common decision. In place, there are bodies of administration, which would create a Commission to solve this question. On my orders girls to wear headscarves in schools will fall, as it was in the ..
A new school was opened in Nauryzbay district
A new school was opened for the new academic year in Nauryzbay district. In this school are available to children with special educational needs. The school is open for 200, has all the necessary equipment that allows children with special needs to learn without interference. The opening ceremony was visited by the chief of the city Bauyrzhan Baibek. The school has 1200 pupils. A new school for 1200 places was opened on 1 September in Almaty / Photo of press service of Almaty akimDuring the construction of the school gave special attention to seismic safety, so that all wall-mounted devices and furniture are firmly attached to the walls. The building is equipped with tactile paths, classes with Braille Braille for the blind and special lights for visually impaired children, special sanitary rooms and call buttons. 'We moved Home four years ago from China. Unfortunately, children like my SRO, there is not always taught. I wanted to move here, in Kazakhstan, my daughter was abl..
Teachers can undergo a re-certification
Ability to pass a re-certification of teachers, not having done it earlier will provide this year. Teachers who did not apply for certification, or those who the exam is not passed, you can pass it to the end of 2018. Information transferred from MIA 'Kazinform'. Yerlan Sagadiyev said that re-exams will take place in the last month of this year. 'Those who failed the exams in may, on proof of qualification may make another attempt in December. Problem with this we have,' he said. He argues that the Ministry of education and science has set the objective of increasing the responsibility of everyone working in the school, the services provided to the population. In the spring of 2018 it was reported that new rules of certification became an occasion to mass layoffs of teachers of Kazakh schools. They said that the new rules exam is designed to it was impossible to pass and receive the promised salary increase. Handling more than 1000 Kazakhstani teachers who are tired..
Per capita financing is in effect
The main innovation: the per capita financing of schools. The first experiment will test the educational institutions of the capital.From 1 September 2018 per capita financing will be introduced in 79 public and 8 private schools of Astana, said at a press conference the Minister of education and science of Kazakhstan Yerlan Sagadiyev. Per capita funding of schoolsSince September 2019, this system will connect 192 public schools in Almaty, 127 schools in Shymkent, Kazakhstan, since January of this year – all private schools of the country. Since September, 2020 full-scale implementation of per capita financing will start in all urban schools of the Republic is 1535 institutions. The introduction of per capita funding involves the allocation of a certain amount of budget funds based on the number of students in each school: the larger the enrollment, the greater the amount of resources allocated. 'On the foreground there will be children, their interests, the rights ..
The chief of education of Ust-Kamenogorsk quit
The Department of education of Ust-Kamenogorsk city was left without an administrator and the chief for a couple of days before the start of the school year. The man who resigned himself from the post of head said that never worked in the field of education.The issue raised in the Governor's office at the town meeting, it was stated by the head of Ust-Kamenogorsk Zhaksylyk Omar.'Education is simply studded with problems. The school year is about to begin, and the head of the Department of education we have. Specialist who worked for the Department of transport, occupied such an important position. We decided not to torment man. He left, at his own request.' - added the mayor of the city.Dmitry Zhuravlev became the interim head of education. The mayor has set the task – in the shortest possible time to determine the candidacy of the head of Department.'It is not right in the city, where the population is 350 thousand people, no one to supervise education. It is necessary to correct the ..
Harvard University
The oldest educational institution in the United States of America is Harvard. The University was named after the first of the rich man and philanthropist John Harvard. For many years high school is in the top spot among the world's leading educational institutions. Doors of the institution has released more than 400 thousand students, Nobel prize winners teach at this University almost since its inception. Special attention should be given to the biggest libraries in universities around the world.Besides all this, the largest and most prestigious University in the world has a huge Fund for donations and provides a number of scholarships for all students of the world. The University takes its roots from the 'New College' which was founded in the 17th century, then it went just 9 people and there was only one teacher.In 1641, over the College took the patronage of the philanthropist and the missionary John Harvard in the town of Charlestown. He left a legacy to the future of the Univers..
University of Maingame
University of Mannheim – Universität Mannheim is already not the first year is considered the best public University in Germany to study economic disciplines, and a favorite of the German University managers, where they prefer to recruit staff. The University is also often called the German Harvard. A 'Financial Times' through a variety of surveys and studies came to the conclusion that studying at this University gives you more chances to become a top Manager in various companies and concerns. Though the University is small, with only 5 faculties, but undoubtedly one of the best choices for the study of economic disciplines.University of Maingame is located in the historical and cultural centre of the city on the länder Baden-württemberg. The city is famous for its beauty, confluence of the rivers Rhine and Neckar, he is truly considered one of the most beautiful places in Germany. The University also awarded this title not only in Germany but also in Europe. The case itself is majest..
Requisitions at schools will stop soon
The Agency for civil service Affairs urged the school administration not to demand from parents the address reference, do not collect money for events, not to agitate parents to the DIY repair. This was stated by the head of the anti-corruption Alik of Slcbeu. 'Why should principals require help with nestorianstva? These exercises long been banned, why would it require? It's time to change. These issues will be tracked capital services. Such Directors will deal critical. Why do we need parents to stand in line?' - outraged the head of the service. Alex on Friday said that extortion in schools also need to forget to send in the past. 'In Astana, this should not be. Today, the state administration has provided students with all necessary. If this is done at the expense of the budget, why to bear the costs to the parents? You'd better have a look at how money is spent. That's where should be your part. There are families who are unable to raise such amount,' he said. '..
How to quickly memorize foreign words?
Many of those who want to learn a foreign language are constantly asking questions – how to memorize new words to old not off the heads? However, not everyone goes to learn the words successfully. Our team has made some exciting tips that will help you remember new words more efficiently.The brain is the Central nervous system of animals, usually located at the head (front) section of the body and is a compact cluster of nerve cells and their processes-dendrites. Many animals also contains glial cells, may be surrounded by a sheath of connective tissue. In vertebrates (including humans) distinguish brain placed in the cavity of the skull, and the spinal cord located in the spinal canal.The first thing worth noting is the desire of the person. The more a person wants to achieve the goal, the greater the likelihood that he will not leave it half way.The human brain is arranged so that, when we read, it converts the text in the images into our emotions and feelings, and then formed a link..
Registration is not mandatory for schools
In schools now require proof of residence, such a need is the overcrowding of schools, said Vice-Minister of education and science. Welcome to the first class does not require residence in different parts of the city, it said Askhat Aimagambetov, answering questions of journalists. He noted that parents have the right to send their children to any education they desire. 'Here should be based only on legislation. We have a law 'On education', 127 Government regulation, model rules of admission. In these admission rules do not specify that the parents must take the documents you mentioned. That is, the registration is not actually required. Data requirements – wrong', he said. However, the Deputy Minister stressed that the reason for the requirement of the address reference is found in the overcrowding of schools. 'Another thing is that here, in this case, in Astana there are problems with overcrowded schools, shortage of school places, it is always necessary to take ..
The construction of new schools coming in the near future
In the near future schools of the capital will be replenished with another 120 thousand new students. This was stated at the meeting of the teaching staff.'Many large cities of Kazakhstan have an average of 1,000 students in the capital this figure is 1500 the school. In the next five years, we prognozirueim and the expected increase in the number of students is approximately 120 thousand people - said asset Issekeshev. He said that from 2011 to 2017, the number of children in schools increased two times and reached 140 thousand. For 2018, the figure increased by 15 thousand. 'A permanent increase in the number of students has been a cornerstone of the President's order in the framework of the development of the capital,according to which by 2022 will be built 24 schools and 10 additions.' - said the akim Already this year, have been commissioned 5 new schools and the next school year will be ready for another 11 buildings. 'Construction of buildings will reduce the..
A huge amount of money allocated for updated tutorials
28.6 billion tenge was allocated from the budgets of local administrations on the books of the updated content, said the Minister of education and science of Kazakhstan Yerlan Sagadiyev, reporting on the readiness of schools by new academic year at the Government meeting. He recalled that in the 2018-2019 school year for the program, updated content on schedule moving 3, 6, 8 classes. For 3, 6, 8 classes from local budgets have allocated funding for 100 percent purchase of textbooks. This is 28,6 billion tenge. The textbooks are already printed and released. They are fully prepared. Now monitored daily delivery and shipment of textbooks from publishers. Today it is 83%, the Minister said, noting that the mayors have to take this question on personal control. Also started testing the textbooks for 4, 9, 10 classes, he added. Teachers pass the appropriate courses. I hope that the quality of education is better, – said the Minister. Akimats spent on the repair of ..
Universities will lose their licenses
The Minister of education and science of Kazakhstan Yerlan Sagadiyev announced 2018 the year of scale to increase the responsibility of higher education. 'The head of state took the unprecedented increase in educational grants for 10 million last year, and another 20 thousand in it. We've been given a great trust, therefore, the responsibility of universities for the quality to be No. 1', – said the Minister. MES on the basis of the rating based on the employment of graduates, begin to take measures for withdrawal of licenses from universities in the field, where there is low employment. 'We're not going to count squares, textbooks. 17 licenses this year already been revoked. The work will be strengthened. This will lead to profiling of higher education institutions on key areas. Where they can teach, let them teach. Where the diploma does not give good demand, to teach does not make sense', – said Yerlan Sagadiyev. The MES will increase the qualification requiremen..
Spidkubing will introduce across the country
Previously, the owner has promoted in the international competition for high-speed collection of Rubik's cube in Semey. Championship the participants came from all regions of Kazakhstan, and also from Holland, Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Iran 136 applicants aged 5 to 39 years. Speedcubing will appear throughout the country. This idea was decided to implement one of the businessmen of Semey. The section on training he plans to open in all regions of the country, what gave us information 'Kazinform'. Arman Masimov - the businessman of Shimei, which inspiration gave his own son collects cube-Rubik. 'I think it's important what's important for the younger generation. I decided to organize a school speedcubing and hold international competitions in Semey. The championship came a lot of participants from samho Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan - in total 140 people aged from 5 to 40 years.'..
5 documents for teachers
The Ministry of Education and Science explained, what documents should be used in the work of a school teacher, and what not to do at all. Also reported that the school principals to complain can and should be. Askhat Aimagambetov said that now there is too much load of the employees of the schools, they fill a lot of different reports, papers and other materials, so the Agency adopted a special order that imposes teachers to use only 5 documents. 'It's only 5 documents that are to guide the teacher's diary, summative and formative assessment of children calendar-thematic planning and the lesson plans. All teachers should not touch.' - said Askhat. He stressed, an extra burden that imposes a Director in this issue is illegal. 'It would be deemed illegal, it will be necessary to contact us in Department for control of education. And we'll take appropriate action. I don't think the Director will come up with all kinds of documents, because the Ministry of education as the ..